Taoist world

Chapter 7626 The Power of the Cauldron

As strong as Jiang Yun, at this moment, there was only an extremely noisy roar in his ears, and his body was involuntarily pushed by huge waves of air, rushing forward uncontrollably.

Even Beiming, who was almost unaffected by any external force, let out shrill screams at this time.

One can imagine how powerful the explosion in that palm was!

But thanks to Beiming's body bearing most of the force, Jiang Yun and the others were not seriously injured.

And listening to Beiming's screams, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

As the lowest level of life form, Beiming has the talent of being almost immune to all kinds of forces, so Jiang Yun has long been accustomed to using it as a protective magic weapon.

But this time, because the power of the explosion in the palm was too strong, and this power was not the power of the Great Dao, but the power of the law, Beiming's talent also lost part of its effect.

While Jiang Yun tried his best to stabilize his body, he exuded his own power to protect Beiming as much as possible, while also looking out of Beiming's body.

The black palm is no longer visible.

As for the original position of the palm, which was still centered on the cave entrance, terrifying air waves formed a ring and spread in all directions.

The speed of the air wave's spread is not too fast, but its power is indeed too strong.

Wherever it passed, the space immediately collapsed, revealing a deeper darkness.

In places that have not been affected by the air waves for the time being, the space is completely distorted, just waiting for the air waves to arrive and continue to collapse.

In short, these air waves are like sea water and can easily swallow everything! Jiang Yun was not surprised that the explosion of his palm could produce such terrifying destructive power, so he just glanced at the collapsed space and focused on the nearly a hundred black beads that had been formed after the collapse of the previous spear.

Above the child!

Originally, these black beads were concentrated at the entrance of the cave.

But under the power of the explosion released after the palm exploded, they were also affected by the power and shot out in all directions.

The speed of each one is extremely fast, and their color is black, and they are mixed in the collapsed space. If you don't look carefully, you can't find their existence at all.

No matter how strong Jiang Yun's consciousness is, he can't lock on every black bead.

He could only find a bead that was relatively slow and relatively close to him, and kept a close eye on it!

After the bead flew a distance of nearly seven to eight hundred thousand miles, although it was still driven by the force of the explosion behind it, it gradually slowed down.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun was suddenly shocked!

Although the force of the explosion has been reduced a lot at the position of the bead, it is still powerful and cannot be resisted by a small bead.

So, the fact that the bead can slow down and not be pushed by the force of the explosion means that there should be something in the bead that can control its actions!

Just when Jiang Yun was wondering if there might be a monk hidden inside the bead, streaks of colorful light suddenly lit up on it.

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Could it be that there is still a worm of law hidden among these beads?

However, a moment passed, and apart from the colorful light still shining on the beads, there was no other movement.

The beads also stopped moving forward and froze in place.


The bead's stillness only lasted for a breath, and suddenly it started to tremble again.

And amidst this trembling, Jiang Yun saw that the emptiness that had already collapsed in all directions was once again greatly distorted.

Because, unexpectedly, there are strands of power emerging from the void and converging towards the black bead!

If it were Jiang Yun half a month ago, he might not have known what kind of power appeared in the void.

But he had just accepted Dao Xianzun's way of returning to the Yuan and understood the meaning of returning to the Yuan, so he immediately realized that the power should be the power before the birth of the Dao, that is... the power of Longwen Red Cauldron!

In other words, the function of this bead is to activate the power of Longwen Red Cauldron!

Although Jiang Yun was not shocked by this discovery, it also made his heart sink a little.

The existence of Longwen Red Cauldron is a secret that no one knows about in the entire Daoxing Region.

However, in some large areas, there are people who can activate the power of Longwen Red Cauldron.

At this moment, Jiang Yun once again recalled what Hun Dao Demon had said before, "Not only has the battle between Taoism and Dharma begun in other large areas, but Taoist cultivators are at a disadvantage," he finally understood that Hun Dao Demon was not intimidating him with empty words.

Sure enough, among the 108 large domains in the cauldron, not only Jiang Yiyun, but also Dao Immortal Lord was able to detect the existence of Longwen Red Cauldron!

Jiang Yun even wondered if it was possible that there were people in other regions like Jiang Yiyun who were secretly plotting to seize the Longwen Red Cauldron!

Although someone can compete with Jiang Yiyun for the Longwen Red Cauldron, which can reduce the pressure on Jiang Yun, this is not good news for the Daoxing Territory.

"Fortunately, Jiang Yiyun found the nine tribes, and the power of the nine tribes can restrain the power of Longwen Red Cauldron."

"And there are nine tribes in the Daoxing Domain."

"Perhaps, I can think of a way to let the monks who are proficient in the power of the nine tribes try to activate the power of Longwen Red Cauldron."

Jiang Yun suppressed the shock in his heart and comforted himself.

But then, his expression changed again.

"Is it possible that people from other major regions can also discover the restraint of the Nine Clans on the power of Longwen Red Cauldron, and thus first eliminate the major region where the Nine Clans are located, or capture it?"

"If the crisis in the Daoxing domain can be solved this time, then it is necessary for me to go to the domain where the other nine tribes are located."

Jiang Yun's consciousness continued to stare at the black bead.

Until now, he still didn't know the specific function of the beads.

After a while, the power of the Longwen Red Cauldron absorbed by the beads has increased, but the area is not large, covering only a thousand miles away.

At this moment, the bead suddenly expanded rapidly, and almost instantly exploded with a "boom"!

With the explosion of the beads, the thousands of miles of nothingness filled with the power of Longwen Red Cauldron collapsed again, revealing a huge hole that was also thousands of miles away.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Jiang Yun's heart sank to the bottom!

He finally knew the function of this, not the nearly a hundred black beads.

Although the previous explosion of the palm of the hand had collapsed the space area tens of millions of miles away, the space that collapsed was only the space within the Daoxing Domain.

However, these black beads attracted the power of Longwen Red Cauldron and exploded again, causing a collapse that belonged to the space between the Daoxing Domain and other large domains. In short, other large areas are equivalent to opening up a thousand miles, no, multiple entrances with an area of ​​​​thousand miles in the Daoxing area!

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