Taoist world

Chapter 7619: Eating Space

Although the speed of the Soul Dao Demon slowed down, it did not stop. Instead, it kept moving within a certain area.

Jiang Yun felt as if he was looking for something.

But looking at it, this place is just an ordinary seam. Within a million miles, there is nothing but darkness.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Jiang Yun thought secretly in his mind. Although until now, he still didn't know what the purpose of those Law Insects or Soul Dao Demons was, it was not difficult to surmise that the answer must be hidden in this area.

Just in case something unexpected happened, Jiang Yun decided not to wait any longer.

With a flash of his body, he was already behind the Soul Dao Demon. He raised his hand and grabbed at him.

This seemed like a simple catch, but Jiang Yun used all the power of space to completely seal off the area within ten feet of the Soul Dao Demon's location, making it impossible for the Soul Dao Demon to escape.

However, at the same time as Jiang Yun took action, the soul demon's body suddenly lit up with endless colorful light!

Although Jiang Yun ignored the light and still firmly grasped the soul demon with his palm, the insects of law swarmed out again from his seven orifices and thousands of pores.

After they appeared, they immediately rushed toward the darkness ahead. The power of space that Jiang Yun covered around them had no effect on them at all. When Jiang Yun firmly grasped the Soul Dao Demon, the insects of law seemed to be eating, and quickly gnawed out a large hole in the darkness in front of them, which was about ten feet in size. Entered the big cave


This is a hole in space.

Looking from the outside, we can only see a dark hole about ten feet in size, and the insects of law cannot be seen at all.

Looking at the big hole, Jiang Yun was suddenly startled and thought of a bad possibility. With all the power of the avenue, he hurriedly rushed into the hole to kill these insects of law.

Even if he cannot kill the insect of law, Jiang Yun will collapse the space in the cave so that the entrance of the cave can be completely closed.

Jiang Yun's consciousness followed his own power and also entered the black hole.

At this moment, the insects of law have suddenly disappeared without a trace, but they have gnawed out a long passage.

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness was able to capture that they were hiding in a deeper space, and they were still continuing to gnaw at the space. The speed was just like when they were rushing on the road before, which was astonishingly fast.

The space here was beyond Jiang Yun's understanding, which made him unable to continue to hunt down the insects of law for the time being.

He mobilized all his strength and slammed into the void in the cave.


The void began to collapse in large areas, and the entrance to the hole, which was about ten feet in size, was immediately blocked.

Logically speaking, the void inside the cave entrance has collapsed, blocking the entrance.

The space has the ability to automatically repair itself, allowing the hole to heal again until it completely disappears.

However, the hole, which was about ten feet in size, showed no signs of healing and was still there quietly.

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then swayed and stepped directly into the cave entrance.

At this time, Jiang Yun's consciousness could no longer capture the insects of law, but the aura of the power of law was still filling the void.

Looking at the collapsing nothingness in front of him, Jiang Yun grabbed the Soul Dao Demon's palm, and immediately a large amount of power and his own consciousness poured into the Soul Dao Demon's body.

The soul demon must know the purpose of these insects, and Jiang Yun wants to dig out the truth from him through soul searching and torture.

It's a pity that the soul demon's life form is really different from other creatures, and Jiang Yun can't find his soul at all.

At this moment, the Soul Dao Demon has also fallen into a coma.

He couldn't feel the power Jiang Yun sent into his body, so he had no reaction.

Jiang Yun frowned and said to himself: "Is it possible that those insects are trying to open up a passage connecting the Daoxing Domain and other large domains!"

This is the possible purpose of those insects that Jiang Yun thought of!

Jiang Yun had no idea what it was like to travel between great realms, and what conditions needed to be met to be able to travel freely.

However, this is not the first time Jiang Yun has encountered the passage between large domains.

In the evil world, Xie Lingzi colluded with the monks from other areas and created a black hole, so that people from other areas could help him. After Jiang Yun defeated Xie Lingzi, he not only quietly sent one of his guardian Tao seeds to other realms, but also froze the passage of time in the black hole, making the black hole unable to shrink and will continue to exist.

It is equivalent to retaining that channel.

But this time, although Jiang Yun guessed that the purpose of these insects was to open a passage to the Daoxing Domain, he felt that it was a bit unreasonable.

Because the process of these insects of law opening the passage is really too complicated.

First, hide the worm of law in the gourd and give it to the Soul Dao Demon.

Then he controlled the body of the Soul Dao Demon and flew wildly in the gap between the worlds for nearly half a month, specially coming to this position.

Finally, he gave up on the Soul Dao Demon and finally made such a hole.

Even if the realm that sent these bugs to the soul demon was not the same realm that opened the black hole in the evil world, Jiang Yun felt that they did not need to use such complicated methods to open a passage!

Jiang Yun couldn't figure out this problem, and he couldn't move on to chase those worms of law.

But for the sake of caution, Jiang Yun took action again, facing the collapsed void interior, and another powerful force of the avenue surged towards it.


Along with the deafening sound of collapse, the void further in the distance collapsed.

Jiang Yun then withdrew from the cave entrance, but the cave entrance still showed no tendency to heal!

Jiang Yun stared at the entrance of the cave, then turned to look around and said, "Is there anything special about this location?"

Although the worm of law had disappeared and the void inside the cave entrance had collapsed on a large scale, Jiang Yun did not dare to leave.

He simply sat cross-legged near the hole, ready to wait for a while to see if the hole would heal.

At the same time, Jiang Yun continued to try to revive the soul demon!

About half a day later, Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction he came from.

His consciousness sensed six powerful auras and chased after him.

After a moment of identification, Jiang Yun knew that it was Long Xiangzi and others, so he took the initiative to send a message: "I'm here!"

After a while, the six people came to Jiang Yun's side. When they saw the unconscious Soul Dao Demon lying there, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

In particular, Demon Immortal Lord gave Jiang Yun a thumbs up and said, "You are so good, you finally caught this guy."

Long Xiangzi noticed the big hole in front of Jiang Yun and asked, "What's going on?"

Jiang Yun nodded to everyone and said, "You guys are here just in time!"

Long Xiangzi and the others came from outside the region and were detached, so they knew much more than Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply told about the bugs of law, as well as his guesses and doubts: "What do you think the purpose of those bugs and this big hole is?"

After hearing this, the Demon Immortal Lord and the Ten Blood Lanterns had no reaction, but the expressions of the four foreign monks including Banshee, Long Xiangzi, and others suddenly became solemn.

The four people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the reactions of the four people, Jiang Yun said in confusion: "You guys know something, but it's okay to say it!" Long Xiangzi sighed and said: "Jiang Yun, I'm sorry to tell you that from now on , your Daoxing Domain has been officially drawn into the battle between Dao and Fa!"

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