Taoist world

Chapter 759: All dead

Jin Cunyao's words made Jiang Yun jump up from his chair in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face!

Before coming to the prison, Dao Lian'er had already shocked herself when she asked if there was a black stone on her body.

But now, Jin Cunyao can even know the dreams he has had!

I have never told anyone about this dream, not even Hai Yixue, who can see through everything, has ever discovered it.

This made Jiang Yun unable to figure out how Jin Cunyao knew.

Jin Cunyao was not surprised by Jiang Yun's reaction. He waved to Jiang Yun to sit down and said, "I know you are surprised, but I have met no less than ten people before you."

"They, like you, junior brother, were all inexplicably sent to prison because of a black stone."

"After contacting them, I learned that they all had the same dream, which is the dream I just mentioned!"

At this time, Jiang Yun had no idea what to say.

If there are other people who can have a black stone like myself, I can accept it.

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After all, whether in a dream or in the memory of a beast from the Yin Spirit Realm, he had seen the huge black stone named Dao Seal being smashed into pieces by himself, turning into countless fragments and falling into into various worlds.

Since Jiang Yuerou was able to pick up one of the stones, it is naturally possible for others to pick up the same stone.

But he never expected that people like him who owned black stones would actually have the same dream.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought it was just his own experience, but now it seems that it is clearly the effect of this black stone.

It is the black stone that makes everyone who owns it have the same dream!

Although Jiang Yun thought of so many things in his mind instantly, it only made him more confused!

Because this means that all his previous guesses about himself in the dream, or in other words, about his real identity, have been completely overturned!

This feeling is like halfway through putting together a puzzle, only to realize that the patterns you have put together before are all wrong!

Under great confusion, Jiang Yun couldn't hold it in any longer. He looked at Jin Cunyao in front of him and said, "Senior brother, this black stone and this dream have confused me for too long."

"Since you have met and talked with those who also own black stones, have you come up with any reasonable explanation?"

"Or, where are these people now, can I meet them."

After listening to Jiang Yun's question, Jin Cunyao was silent for a moment and said: "Let's answer your first question first. We did discuss this matter and gave an explanation."

"Senior brother, please tell me!"

Jiang Yun was so anxious that he didn't notice that there was a hint of sympathy in Jin Cunyao's eyes when he looked at him.

Jin Cunyao nodded and said, "Then I'll keep the story short!"

"We believe that there was indeed a huge black stone standing among the thousands of worlds, and there was always a person sitting on it."

"But one day, for some unknown reason, this man shattered the black stone in anger, causing it to turn into countless fragments and flow into thousands of worlds!"

"While he shattered the black stone, he also used his special magical power to imprint the scene into countless fragments. In other words, the black stone imprinted that scene on its own into countless fragments."

"As a result, anyone who obtains stone fragments will have the same dream."

"In the dream, they all became the person who once sat on the black stone and finally broke it into pieces!"

"This is the conclusion we came to after speculation. As for the reason, we don't know!"

After Jiang Yun listened, he fell into silence. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed the explanation closest to the truth."

Jin Cunyao continued: "As for the second question you just asked, I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Because they are all dead!"

Jiang Yun was stunned and said, "All dead?"

Jin Cunyao spread his hands and said: "Junior brother, this is a Taoist prison, and dead people are actually the most common thing."

"Especially for you foreign monks, many of you died directly when you first entered the Taoist Prison because you could not withstand the poisonous gas here."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Yes, this is a prison, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive.

If he didn't have some unique advantages and was much more resistant to poisonous gas than others, he might have died long ago.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was silent, Jin Cunyao's eyes showed not only sympathy but also a hint of hesitation.

Obviously, he wanted to tell Jiang Yun something, but in the end he shook his head slightly, changed the subject and said, "Junior brother, what are your plans next?"

Jiang Yun finally woke up from his confused state and said with a wry smile: "What other plans do I have, it's just to work hard to improve my strength."


Regarding Jiang Yun's answer, Jin Cunyao nodded in agreement and said: "Your idea is good. No matter where you are, at any time, the higher your strength, the more likely you are to survive."

After a pause, Jin Cunyao then asked: "By the way, junior brother, where do you live now?"

"Taoyuan City!"

"Taoyuan City?" Jin Cunyao was slightly startled and said, "You live with Fusangzi and the others?"


Although Jiang Yun wanted to tell Jin Cunyao about the mysterious place Gu Luo and the others invited him to, he finally decided not to tell it.

Because until now, he himself is not sure what kind of place that place is and whether it might be a trap.

If by any chance he told Jin Cunyao, would he be killed?

"I have also dealt with these three demons. Gu Luo and Xiang Hongchen are fine, but Fusangzi is a bit narrow-minded. Junior brother, it is better to be careful when dealing with them."

Jiang Yun doesn't have a good impression of Fusangzi either. Now that even Jin Cunyao says so, it proves that Fusangzi is indeed not a good person.

"Senior brother, don't worry, I know."

"Why don't you move here with me!"

Jin Cunyao's proposal did make Jiang Yun a little tempted, but thinking that if he really didn't go back here, Fusangzi and the others would not think that he had betrayed his trust.

Especially since his disciple Liu Peng was still outside Taoyuan City, he declined.

"Well, in that case, I won't force you. Just stay with me for a few days, and I will go get you the map and soil later."

"No, senior brother, I have accepted a disciple in Taoyuan City, and I am a little worried about it, so I still want to go back as soon as possible."

Jin Cunyao pondered for a moment and said: "That's fine, you already know where I am. I'm always welcome to come whenever you want. I'll go get the things right away."

After finishing speaking, Jin Cunyao stood up and left.

He came back after a while, handed Jiang Yun a storage artifact and said: "The thing is inside. I also prepared a few communication stones for you. If you need any help, just crush it."

Jiang Yun took the storage magic weapon, stood up and said, "Senior brother, I won't say anything to be polite. If there is any need for my help in the future, you must inform me!"


Jin Cunyao looked deeply at Jiang Yun and said: "Junior brother, please remember one thing. After you have been in this prison for three years, you must be careful!"

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