Taoist world

Chapter 7590 The Boundary Land

Ye Dong's words are like laws in the soul world, possessing supreme power and are truly regarded as the words of heaven by all living beings.

Although there are many monks in today's Soul Dao world who have had contact with Ye Dong and have a close relationship, the group of people who really know Ye Dong best and have the strongest strength are almost not here.

Especially Mo Linglong and Ye Fan, one is on the way to somewhere, the other is suffering the pain of the broken avenue, and the blood prison entangled by Long Xiangzi and others, they are unable to come out to correct the identity of the Dao Yao.

Therefore, at this moment, when it was impossible to tell that the Taoist demon was not Ye Dong at all, the other party's words made all the students excited and excited.

There were actually powerful enemies from other Taoist realms that came to attack his own Taoist realm, so much so that Ye Dong himself had to rush back in person. This was incredible!

There was no need for Dao Yao to say anything or do anything. After his words fell, everyone in the Soul Dao Realm, regardless of race or strength, immediately began to take action.

Although the Soul Dao Realm has almost never encountered invasion by foreign enemies, due to its special geographical environment and the arrangement of the nine heavenly palaces, each heaven has its own means of defending against enemies and leaders.

Even the Ye family, including the Ye family where the Ye Dong family is located, that is, the Ye family in the manor where Jiang Yun and Mo Linglong just left, have no doubts about the Ye Dong in the sky and the authenticity of his words.

Even though some people have doubts, when most people believe it, if this small group of people dare to raise doubts, they will immediately become public enemies, so they can only remain silent.

In short, all living beings in the Nine Heavens of the Soul Dao Realm, whether voluntarily or forced, are basically ready to risk their lives to face the enemy in a very short period of time!

Dao Yao, who saw all this clearly, said with a sneer: "Jiang Yun, I want to see how you can turn things around today."

He no longer hides his figure, but deliberately lets his image appear in the sky, inspiring all living beings.

Jiang Yun was naturally unaware of everything that happened in the Soul Dao Realm at this moment.

He and Mo Linglong were in an endless void.

The two of them have been walking in this void for a long time, but they have never been able to get out.

In all directions, it is really empty, there is nothing, and it is impossible to determine your specific location.

However, Jiang Yun thought this was a necessary path, so he followed Mo Linglong without asking.

Until Mo Linglong was walking, she suddenly stopped, frowned, turned around and said, "That's wrong, why does it feel like we are in the wrong place?"

"Although I have been to that place once, the last time I came here, I didn't go through such a long period of nothingness?"

Listening to Mo Linglong's words, Jiang Yun said with some confusion: "We didn't see any side roads all the way here, so we shouldn't have gone to the wrong place!"

"No!" Mo Linglong shook her head and said, "Although there is no branch road, in fact, we will go through several doors."

"It's just that Ye Dong was worried that I would get lost. In addition, I was not interested in that place. I was even a little afraid of what unknown things would appear behind the door."

"So he deliberately removed those doors, which is equivalent to connecting the space inside the door into a straight road, so that I can go directly."

It was okay that Mo Linglong didn't explain, but Jiang Yun became even more confused after hearing her explanation.

This is the outside world, a huge space, not somewhere indoors. Why do we need to go through doors to get there?

Moreover, with Ye Dong's power, how could he let something unknown appear behind the door to scare his wife?

Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask directly: "Senior, can I take the liberty to ask where exactly the place you want to take me to is?" The reason why Jiang Yun never asked before was because he was worried about that place, since it is where the Taoist demon is hiding. The place must be very important to the entire Soul Dao world, just like the place where Daoxing Tiandi Dao Zun lives.

Asking means not asking.

But now he couldn't bear it anymore.

Mo Linglong smiled apologetically and said, "That place is called the Boundary Land, you may not have heard of it!"

The land of boundaries!

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "I've heard of it."

"Besides, I just listened to what Senior Ye said!"

Mo Linglong already knew that Jiang Yun had met the clone left by Ye Dong, so she was not surprised to hear that Jiang Yun knew the boundary.

And Jiang Yun continued: "Senior Ye asked me to tell Pan Chaoyang a message, that is, if Pan Chaoyang encounters an unsolvable problem, let him go to the boundary place!"

"There, Pan Chaoyang will find a solution to the problem." Jiang Yun suddenly said with a look of surprise on his face: "It seems that Senior Ye Dong should have realized a long time ago that the avenue he left behind may become a The demon even secretly controlled Pan Chaoyang, so he was worried and left a

The clone warned Pan Chaoyang. "

This kind of thing sounds very mysterious, but in fact, it is not difficult for monks, especially monks with Ye Dong's level of strength, to be able to predict and see some things in the future.

"In other words, there is a way to deal with the demon of the avenue in the boundary land?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun also realized that he and Mo Linglong had been wandering around in this void for a long time. It was probably not because they got lost, but because of the demon.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked Mo Linglong again: "Senior, what kind of place is that boundary place?"

"The land of boundaries..." Mo Linglong had a thoughtful look on her face.

It is not difficult to see that she really doesn't know much about the borderland.

After a moment, she spoke: "The name of the boundary place was chosen by Ye Dong himself. It is also a huge void, but it is not empty."

"There are many various doors inside. Ye Dong calls them boundary doors."

"Because, behind every gate, there is a world we don't know about."

"In that world, there may be countless realms, and countless creatures like you and me may be born. Perhaps, it is just nothingness."

"As for the boundary land, Ye Dong actually doesn't know much about it."

"Because the boundary land was not created by Ye Dong, but has existed for a long time."

"According to Ye Dong, the boundary place is nothing more than the so-called next step, the so-called truth pursued by some strong people!"

"But no matter what, Ye Dong thinks that the boundary area is very important, and he doesn't want too many people to come here at will, so apart from him, Ye Dong only allows a few people in the entire soul world to come."

For others, they may not know the origin of this boundary land, but Jiang Yun knows the existence of Longwen Red Cauldron, so it is not difficult to speculate that the origin of the boundary land is definitely related to Longwen Red Cauldron.

However, now is not the time to consider these things.

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "Senior, I think you are right in thinking that the Taoist demon is hiding in the boundary area."

"I'm afraid, just because he knew that we were coming here to find him, he secretly arranged some means to make us go to the wrong place."

"Senior, is there any other way to find the right path?"

Mo Linglong shook her head and said, "No more."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Senior, please step back a little. Let me give it a try!"

Mo Linglong followed Jiang Yun's instructions and retreated behind her.

Jiang Yun raised his hand, clenched his fist, and punched the void in front of him with all his strength.

No matter where the Dao Yao lets him go, as long as he is in the cauldron, Jiang Yun believes that any space can be broken open with power.

What's more, Jiang Yun's understanding of the power of space is also different from what it used to be.


Along with the loud noise, the void in front of him shook violently, and was actually rippled by Jiang Yun's punch. Under the distortion of space, a huge hole appeared in front of him.

Jiang Yun retracted his fist and said, "Senior, we should be able to leave."

However, Jiang Yun's words did not receive any response. This made Jiang Yun quickly turn around, only to find that there was nothing behind him. Mo Linglong disappeared!

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