Taoist world

Chapter 7575 The four seasons are different

Taoist Shiji has already been ready to take action.

When he heard Pan Chaoyang's message, he immediately stretched out his hand to seal the secret, and runes fell on the Taoist robe he was wearing.

Suddenly, the four seasons patterns embroidered on it started to spin crazily like a revolving lantern.

Then he saw four rays of light rising into the sky and heading straight towards Jiang Yun.

In the light, there was a faint picture flickering, and there were even figures shaking.

People with excellent eyesight can roughly see that the pictures presented in the four rays of light are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Jiang Yun had actually noticed Taoist Shiji a long time ago and roughly guessed his identity.

Because he already knew about the Four Seasons Tower and Four Seasons Taoist Master from the mouth of Master Xiaoyu.

Especially the Taoist robe worn by Taoist Master Four Seasons is a symbol of his identity.

Although the other party never took action, how could Jiang Yun not be on guard against him.

Therefore, at this moment, when he saw Taoist Shiji finally taking action, Jiang Yun chose to avoid the four rays of light without knowing the opponent's strength.

However, the light was dodged, but the Four Seasons Tower where Jiang Yun was hiding in the Tao Realm gave out a loud tremor.

Inside, there was a "click-click" sound of the mechanism running.

Especially the four stars in the building that represent the different seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Not only do they also light up, but they also have the power of time spreading out.

Even the lanterns with facial features hanging above the building seemed to be alive at this time. They all opened their eyes and lit up.

Jiang Yun naturally noticed the changes in the Four Seasons Tower and the emergence of the power of time, but he didn't take it to heart.

He already knows that the Four Seasons Tower is a time magic weapon, and it is normal for the Master of the Four Seasons to exert the power of time and even activate the Four Seasons Tower in his own body.

Although Jiang Yun's current accomplishments in the power of time are not comparable to Jiang Yiyun's, he has at least touched the edge of the avenue.

Therefore, he does not think that the power of time released by the Four Seasons Tower will have much impact on him.

However, the next moment, Jiang Yun's expression suddenly hardened.

Because, he suddenly discovered that as the power of time spread in the Four Seasons Tower, Long Xiangzi and others who had always been inside it disappeared!

Ever since they grabbed the Four Seasons Building and learned that the rooms inside could change the flow of time, Long Xiangzi and the others lived in it.

Before, after Jiang Yun asked them to help kill Chu Huaifeng, they returned to the Four Seasons Tower.

But now, the door to the room where these five people are located is closed, but it is empty inside, as if they have been teleported away.

Jiang Yun then thought: "Are they sent to other times?"

Jiang Yun's consciousness hurriedly moved towards the prison and saw that the ancient formation spirit was still above the formation diagram, busy modifying the formation diagram.

Obviously, the power of time in the Four Seasons Tower can only act on the people inside it, and cannot spread to the entire guardian world.

Although Jiang Yun could not figure out the mystery of the time power of the Four Seasons Tower for a while, he was not worried about the safety of Long Xiangzi and others.

There are five of them, four are transcendent, and one is at the peak of his origin. They are not something Taoist Four Seasons can harm.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun felt that the power of time had spread along the Four Seasons Tower to his body.

At this time, Jiang Yun also realized the difference in the power of time of Taoist Four Seasons.

A feeling of fragmentation came from Jiang Yun's body!

In Jiang Yun's opinion, there are only three ways to attack with the power of time.

Speed ​​up the passage of time, slow down the passage of time, and make time stand still.

However, the power of time released by the Four Seasons Tower actually made Jiang Yun feel that his body seemed to be torn apart, becoming fragmented, and all the organs were separated from the body.

In fact, the organs were not separated from Jiang Yun's body, but they were in different times.

For example, Jiang Yun wants to wave his right hand.

Although his brain conveyed this command to his right hand, his right hand was in another time and could not receive this command at all.

What's even more terrible is that the flow rate of time is also different in different times.

There are times when the flow is speeding up, times when the flow is slowing down, and times when it is still.

This makes the entire body completely divided into different individuals.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's reaction at this moment was extremely strange to outsiders.

He obviously wants to move forward, so he should move his legs alternately, but his left foot will go to the left and his right foot will go to the right.

His face is aging rapidly and his hair is turning gray, but the skin on his palms is rapidly becoming pink and tender, just like a newborn baby...

"How is this going!"

Looking at Jiang Yun's appearance, many people had doubts in their minds, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Although they saw Taoist Shiji's move, they felt that Jiang Yun was more like being possessed by some kind of evil spell.

After all, Taoist Shiji himself is a mysterious and powerful man.

In the entire Daoxing domain, there are very few people who truly understand him.

"The seasons are different!"

Fortunately, at this time, Pan Chaoyang gave an explanation: "The four seasons are supposed to appear alternately, but the Four Seasons Taoist can make the four seasons appear at the same time and affect living beings."

"Hahaha!" Taoist Master Four Seasons burst out laughing, and said with a proud look on his face: "Pan Chaoyang, I have fulfilled my promise, don't forget the agreement between you and me."

The Four Seasons Taoist priests are indeed very proud.

Millions of monks and ten peak origins joined forces, but they were unable to cause the slightest harm to Jiang Yun, and could not even stop Jiang Yun.

And with his own action, he not only blocked Jiang Yun immediately, but also trapped the strong men in Jiang Yun's body!

After this battle, he believed that all the monks in the entire Daoxing Domain would be in awe of him!

"Don't worry, my promise will be effective!"

After Pan Chaoyang agreed, with a hint of helplessness flashing deep in his eyes, he reached out and pointed towards Jiang Yun.


Countless illusory little stars appeared around Jiang Yun. Under their movement, rays of light shone on Jiang Yun's body.

The light was like a thread, tightly wrapped around Jiang Yun's body parts at this time.

Jindan Sanren didn't say a word, but also stretched out his hand and pressed towards Jiang Yun.

On Jiang Yun's body, rays of light suddenly lit up.

Each ray of light represents an acupuncture point on Jiang Yun's body.

This is also the golden elixir path practiced by Jindan practitioners, which uses acupuncture points as the basis for cultivation.

The light on these acupuncture points was equivalent to sealing Jiang Yun's cultivation bit by bit.

Several other peak origins also took action one after another.

Pan Chaoyang and Jindan Sanren only went to restrain Jiang Yun as much as possible, without intending to kill Jiang Yun.

But the remaining five peak origins use their killer moves.

They hated and feared Jiang Yun, and of course they wanted to take this opportunity to kill Jiang Yun.

And their strength is indeed strong. Some attacks can actually break through the power of time and hit Jiang Yun's body hard.

As for Jiang Yun, although he can clearly understand everything that everyone has done to him, he really has no way to control his body.

Even summoning Beiming couldn't do it.

He simply couldn't break free from the chaotic power of time.

It's not that Jiang Yun's power of time is not as good as Taoist Taoist Shiji, but it's the first time he has encountered someone who can use the power of time in such a chaotic way that he can't figure out the idea of ​​​​confrontation.

Therefore, he could only allow everyone's power to fall on him.

Soon, Jiang Yun had more and more wounds on his body, and his breath gradually became weaker.

Everyone felt that Jiang Yun was on the verge of death.

Pan Chaoyang frowned slightly, and just when he was about to speak to stop everyone and save Jiang Yun's life, countless light spots suddenly appeared above Jiang Yun, like magic weapons descending from the sky. These light spots, with Jiang Yun as the center, spread out crazily in all directions, forming a vast star map!

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