Taoist world

Chapter 7522: Qiuhe Dao Realm

As the life-begging Taoist's words fell, bursts of "buzzing" sounds were heard. Except for the one who had been killed, the bodies of the other three peak origins who had been severely injured were also moving very fast. expanded


Obviously, these peaks of origin are all about to self-destruct.

And this further proves that what the Taoist said is right.

As someone who is at the peak of his origin, it is not impossible to say that he will not self-destruct, but it is simply impossible for four people to self-destruct at the same time.

At this moment, only the Taoist beggar is still fighting with the old man. The others have scattered around to rest, waiting for the end of the battle.

Therefore, after hearing the words of the begging Taoist and seeing the four rapidly expanding peak origin powerhouses, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The power of a peak-origin self-destruction, not to mention destroying a Taoist world, but destroying a star is too simple.

Even though this was Jiang Yun's Taoist realm, it would never be able to withstand the self-destruction power of the four peak origins.

Then everyone inside will naturally be affected.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's reaction was extremely fast. When he saw the body of the old man with immortal Taoist bones expanding, he had already activated the power of Taoism.

Four palms condensed from the power of the Dao suddenly appeared, grabbing the bodies of four peak origins and throwing them directly out of the Dao world.

At the same time, Beiming, under Jiang Yun's order, suddenly exerted force, wrapped his huge body around the star, and forcibly rushed out into the distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the stars moved about ten thousand feet away, everyone heard a series of deafening explosions.

Even at such a long distance, the entire star was impacted by the force of the explosion, shaking wildly as if it was about to explode.

But fortunately, Bei Ming's body was wrapped around him and absorbed most of the force of the explosion, so he finally protected the star from exploding.

Even so, Jiang Yun still did not dare to let Beiming stop, and continued to drive the stars, rushing forward tens of thousands of feet before finally stopping.

Jiang Yun took back the Guardian Dao Realm and Beiming, and everyone appeared in the gap between the realms, looking in the direction of the explosion.

Although there was a distance of tens of thousands of feet, everyone could clearly see a sea of ​​smoke and fire covering an unknown area, filling the gap without even using their spiritual consciousness.

Even someone as powerful as Jiang Yun's consciousness cannot see what's going on inside.

The damage caused by such astonishing power is absolutely terrifying.

The other situation is unclear, but the previous teleportation formation, together with the monks around it, must have been reduced to nothing.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked at the life-begging Taoist: "What did you just discover?"

The life-begging Taoist frowned slightly and said, "Although I haven't fought with him for a long time, I am basically familiar with his power."

"But when he begged for mercy, I clearly noticed that there was suddenly a strange power in his body."

"As soon as this power appeared, his words were interrupted and his body expanded rapidly."

"So, I say he was manipulated. His self-destruction was not his will, but someone forced him to self-destruct."

Everyone was lost in thought.

In fact, there is no need for Taoist Qi Ming to explain, everyone also understands that the self-destruction of these four peak origins was forced.

But, who is the person who controls these peak origins?

But Jiang Yun thought more than others.

Although it is extremely difficult to control the peak of the origin, Jiang Yun and the former Ye Bai can do it.

The problem is that the four peak origins are in Jiang Yun's Taoist world and are covered by Beiming!

Jiang Yun believed that by hiding himself twice, he should be safe enough.

But the other party can still easily control the four peak origins, and can even know the situation of the four of them.

Otherwise, the other party would not have been able to force the old man and the others to self-destruct just when the old man begged for mercy.

In this way, not only do they still not know who the other party is, but the existence of Long Xiangzi and the others may have been exposed.

The only thing Jiang Yun could be sure of was that the other party must be from Hongmeng.

"The person who discovered and recognized me is the one who controlled them to self-destruct!"

Jiang Yun pondered for a long time, but could not come up with a satisfactory answer. He simply walked to the other four corpses and inspected them with his spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also called to the Taoist Qi Ming: "Qi Ming, please come over and see if they have the strange power you just felt in their bodies."

The beggar's spiritual consciousness also scanned the four corpses. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "No."

"To say it's weird, it's these corpses that died so quickly."

"I estimate that the other party should have retained power in the bodies of all the original monks."

"After the person being controlled dies, this power should first accelerate the destruction of everything in the opponent's body and soul, and then dissipate on its own, leaving no trace behind for anyone to trace."

Jiang Yun nodded and admitted that what the Taoist said made sense.

Because the monks in the Origin Realm are too powerful, their souls can already exist without their bodies. Therefore, their death must result in the destruction of both body and soul, and their souls will be scattered.

However, it is precisely because they are so strong that even if their body and spirit are destroyed, the power in their bodies will not dissipate for a long time.

Even the physical body of a powerful person can be regarded as a family heirloom.

Jiang Yun originally brought several corpses from the Origin Realm to Shura and the others for enlightenment.

But now, these four corpses look nothing special from the outside, but the power inside them has disappeared, just like the corpses of mortals.

This is "die too soon".

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then if you encounter that strange power again, can you tell it apart?"

The begging Taoist nodded and said, "Of course I can."

"Okay!" Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the explosion of the four peak origins. "You will come with me in a moment. We will go to the Qiuhe Dao Realm and look for that strange power."

No matter what existence controls the peak of the origin, Jiang Yun must find him as soon as possible.

Because this kind of existence is really too terrifying,

Not only can the other party discover him, but he can also attack his own people ruthlessly without hesitation.

In a Taoist world, it is difficult to give birth to a monk in the Origin Realm.

Jiang Yun is not willing to kill the origin monks, even if they are enemies.

Using it for yourself is far more valuable than killing them.

Not to mention the peak of origin!

However, the man who controlled him actually killed four peak origins in one go in order to silence them!

Jiang Yun felt that it was possible that the other party was the mysterious being behind Pan Chaoyang that Dao Zun said!

In short, Jiang Yun really couldn't feel at ease if he didn't find this kind of person early.

Taking advantage of the fact that the air waves and flames generated by the self-destruction of the four peak origins had not completely dissipated, Jiang Yun also told Long Xiangzi and others his guess about the other party.

Their strength, age, knowledge, and other aspects surpassed Jiang Yun. Jiang Yun hoped that they might know something.

Unfortunately, after listening to what Jiang Yun said, everyone shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

Qi Qi Banshee specifically explained: "The environment and practice habits here are completely different from ours, so we really don't know."

In order to conceal the secret of Longwen Red Cauldron, Jiang Yun had warned several of them, so the way they expressed it was also extremely obscure.

Jiang Yun didn't have high expectations for them. Since he didn't know, he naturally let it go.

After waiting for a while, he saw that the self-destruction power of the four peak origins had weakened. Jiang Yun sent the others back to the Taoist realm, leaving only the Taoist begging for life and walking towards the Qiuhe Taoist realm. At this moment, Jiang Yun The Taoist Master's voice suddenly sounded in Yun's mind: "Jiang Yun, you can try to find out in the Qiuhe Dao Realm whether there is anyone who has the same birth consciousness as me!"

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