Taoist world

Chapter 75: Mist

Although the fog arrow was sharp, it could no longer advance an inch when it was still an inch away from the tenth meridian. It was obvious that it could not break through the invisible barrier formed by the power of heaven.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this situation, nor did he imagine that he could break through this barrier with just the power of water mist. This was just his unconscious attempt.

The fog arrows dissipated, and Jiang Yun did not continue to try again. Instead, he stared at the waterfall in front of him and fell into his own contemplation again.

He didn't know that at this moment, four people, including Gu Bulao, were watching him silently on this small hidden peak.

Even Dao Tianyou, the leader of Taoist Sect, is the same.

Only they knew what Jiang Yun was thinking, and they all wanted to see if Jiang Yun could find a way to break the rules.

Time passed little by little in Jiang Yun's contemplation, and his whole person seemed to have turned into a stone statue, motionless. Even his eyes seemed to be frozen, condensed on a huge boulder protruding under the waterfall. above.

Although the hidden peak is not high, the waterfall flying down from a height of a hundred feet will still hit the boulder with a powerful impact, causing countless splashes of water.

I don’t know how long the boulder has been in this waterfall, but it is certain that from the day this waterfall was born, it has been bearing the impact of the falling waterfall, all the time, endlessly, so that An obvious pit has appeared on the surface where it is in contact with the waterfall water.

Jiang Yun's eyes happened to be fixed on that pit, one day, two days, three days...until the sixth day, a light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"This huge stone is like the heavenly barrier that is difficult to break. Although it is extremely solid, under the continuous impact of the waterfall, it has still been punched into a dent. Water dripping through the stone. So, can I use the same method? , to break the barrier?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and took a step forward. This scene made everyone who was watching him widen their eyes.

Jiang Yun was sitting on the edge of the cliff. Taking this step was equivalent to a step in the air. However, he did not fall because when he took a step, there was already a stream of water in the waterfall that turned into mist. The cloud floated under his feet, carrying him to the boulder.

This scene made Xuanyuan Xing sigh and say, "Brother Jiang's control of spiritual energy is simply superb!"

Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing both nodded in agreement. Being able to turn water into mist without leaving any trace would have been impossible for them before.

After Jiang Yun reached out and touched the pit, he actually sat cross-legged on the boulder, taking the place of the boulder to bear the impact of the falling waterfall.

"What is he trying to do?" Xuanyuan Xing frowned slightly and said, "Isn't he trying to use dripping water to penetrate stone?"

"If he really thinks so, he is totally wrong!" Dongfang Bo shook his head and said: "Apart from the fact that it takes a long time for dripping water to penetrate stone, the barrier formed by the power of heaven can only be overcome by the power that does not belong to this world. Break it, even if he sits here for ten thousand years."

Situ Jing said softly: "Maybe he has other ideas!"

Jiang Yun had no other ideas. He really wanted to break the barrier by dripping water through the stone. However, he also knew that it would take a long time, and he couldn't really sit here all the time.

Therefore, after a while, the water that fell on Jiang Yun's body gradually began to evaporate, as if Jiang Yun had turned into a furnace with extremely high temperature. Once the water droplets touched, they would turn into traces of water during the evaporation. , wisps of mist, and then rushed into his body one after another.

At first, only the water that touched Jiang Yun's body would turn into mist, but as time went by, the water around his body gradually began to turn into mist.

More and more mist filled the air, covering up the sky and the sun, wrapping Jiang Yun's motionless figure bit by bit until it was completely engulfed.

Jiang Yun had been sitting there for ten days, and when ten days passed, the hundreds of feet long waterfall that had flowed down suddenly had disappeared. It was replaced by endless mist, making this place like a fairyland. generally.

The eyes of Dongfang Bo and the other two people already showed intolerance. Although they were quite shocked by the power of Jiang Yun's technique, it was impossible to break through the barrier of heaven with this method.

In fact, Jiang Yun was already aware of this at this moment, but he really couldn't think of any other way, so he was unwilling to stop or give up.

What's more, he didn't gain anything.

After ten consecutive days of manipulating spiritual energy and performing the art of cloud, sky, and fog, his state of the ninth level of Tongmai has been completely stabilized. The nine meridians in the body are connected end to end, and the spiritual energy travels among them, over and over again, and then converges at the Dantian, forming A lake of spiritual energy surrounded by the same fog.

In fact, he had already vaguely felt the pressure from heaven, oppressing his body and the lake of spiritual energy in his body, and he also understood that this was a sign that he was about to enter the realm of blessed land.

Nine is the extreme point and cannot be crossed. You can only go up another level and start over.

If he knew how to enter the realm of blessed land, and if he wanted to, he could start trying to gather the blessed land now.

But of course he doesn't want to!

Whether it was Gu Bulao's request, Feng Wuji's tenth level of meridians, and especially the presence of Wei Zhengyang, he had to open at least the tenth meridians.

When another five days passed, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes. Although his calm face was expressionless, he knew that he should give up.

The impact of the power of water mist for half a month has not been able to loosen the Dao barrier at all, and there is no point in continuing.

Looking at the surroundings that were still filled with mist, a smile slowly appeared on Jiang Yun's calm face, and a hint of reminiscence appeared in his eyes.

Because of such a hazy scene, he couldn't help but think of the time when he took a medicinal bath in his grandfather's cabin.

Every time I take a medicinal bath, the mist rising from the boiling hot water will completely fill the entire wooden house. In the mist, I can't see anything, I can only vaguely see my grandfather's kind face.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes again, but in his mind he could clearly see his grandfather, the mist-filled cabin, the big wooden barrel, and the grinning young self in the barrel.

Even in his ears, he recalled a conversation he had with his grandfather every time he took a medicinal bath before he was six years old.


"Grandpa, why am I the only one who wants to take a medicinal bath?"

"Because you are too weak!"

"Then taking a medicinal bath will make me stronger?"

"Yes, it can make your body stronger and your power greater!"

"Then can I break a big rock with one punch like Brother Jiang Lei?"

"It's more than just breaking a big rock. One day you will find that the power of your body can let you break everything!"

Break everything!

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly opened, and two dazzling lights burst into them!

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