Taoist world

Chapter 7486 Three Powers

Jiang Yun was not surprised by the appearance of the figure.

When he saw the immortal tree, he realized that the immortal tree might have been deliberately created by himself in the first life just for him to see.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Yun heard this strange voice ringing in his ears, he realized that the other person was himself in the first life.

In addition, the other party also taught me how to use the Great Wilderness Dial, and his identity could already be determined.

"Jiang Yun!"

The figure made of red mist, after repeating the name, gently shook his head and said: "This is not my name!"

"However, the name is just a title, you can call it anything you want."

"Since your name is Jiang Yun, then I'll call you Jiang Yiyun, so that you can distinguish yourself easily."

Jiang Yiyun!

This name made Jiang Yun dumbfounded and at the same time, he also felt enlightened.

Indeed, his name was given by his grandfather Jiang Wanli.

Because there are several seals on his body that are combined to form something similar to the word "cloud".

As for myself in my first life back then, let alone having a different name than myself, I am afraid that my surname might not even be Jiang!

However, from the other party's words, it was not difficult to tell that he seemed to not want to mention his real name again, so he simply took the name Jiang Yiyun.

This is enough to prove that the other party is really himself in the first life.

Jiang Yun did not dwell on these issues. He gritted his teeth and stood up, staring at the other person and saying, "I, am I you..."

At this point, Jiang Yun closed his mouth again.

Because I don’t even know how to continue.

Did the other party create themselves or cultivate themselves?

On the contrary, Jiang Yiyun smiled and took over Jiang Yun's words: "It should be said that it was me who contributed to your birth and your appearance!"


Although this word is a bit harsh, it is true.

Jiang Yun looked at Jiang Yiyun carefully and said, "What kind of state are you in now?"

With Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness, he couldn't tell whether the other party was a piece of spiritual consciousness, a wisp of soul, or something else.

Jiang Yiyun opened his hands, looked down at himself and said, "My current state is a bit close to the spirit of this cauldron!"

"What!" Jiang Yun's expression changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

He thought that he would appear in various forms in his first life, but he really didn't expect that the other party would actually become the weapon spirit of Longwen Red Cauldron!

However, if what the other party said is true, it can explain why the other party can control the changes in this world and make the immortal tree appear here.

Jiang Yiyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't be surprised. I had already made preparations when I realized that we were just living in a cauldron."

"One is you!"

"One is me!"

Although Jiang Yiyun said "you and me", Jiang Yun felt a chill in his heart.

Because this "you and me" is actually Jiang Yiyun!

It was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess the specific methods of the other party's preparations.

It is nothing more than dividing the soul into two, and one part enters the Daoxing world. With the cooperation of the Taoist, it gives birth to a new life and practices again, thus giving birth to oneself.

The other part of his soul entered the side of the red dragon-patterned cauldron, and until now, it can be regarded as the weapon spirit of the cauldron.

However, what Jiang Yun still couldn't figure out was how the other party was able to transform from a human to a weapon spirit.

The two are not the same life form at all. Unless the other party can also perform magic, it is possible to do so.

But in the era when the other party existed, were there also demon refiners and demon transformers?

Jiang Yiyun obviously knew the doubts in Jiang Yun's heart at this moment. He pointed at Jiang Yun and said, "What avenue are you cultivating?"

"Guard!" Jiang Yun didn't hide anything and truthfully told his path.

"Guard?" Jiang Yiyun repeated it again. After a moment of silence, he said: "No wonder your realm is not enough and your strength is not enough!"

"It turns out it's because you have understood such a flashy avenue!"

"You disappoint me a little!"

Although Jiang Yiyun's face could not be seen clearly, from the disdainful words of the other party, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to imagine that the other party must have a look of disdain on his face at this moment!

Obviously, he looks down on Guardian Avenue!

Just when Jiang Yung was about to speak, Jiang Yiyun already continued: "But, it shouldn't be!"

"I have almost laid out your life path step by step, and made all kinds of preparations for you as much as possible. No matter how unbearable you are, you should at least follow my old path."

"Did any changes happen in your life?"

Jiang Yun looked at the other party expressionlessly and said: "I have indeed encountered some changes in my life.

"This change comes not only from Dao Zun, Dao Xing Tiandi, but also from monks from outside the region such as Hong Meng."

"Perhaps there are other reasons that I don't know about."

"Then according to your plan, what kind of monk should I become, and what kind of avenue should I practice?"

Regarding Jiang Yiyun, Jiang Yun's views are more complicated.

He admired the other party's ability to arrange all kinds of unbelievable means many years ago and plan major events that no one knew the purpose of.

But he is also dissatisfied that the other party treats him as a pawn and plans and arranges almost half of his life.

Especially at this moment, the condescending attitude of the other party and the contempt for the guardian path he had understood made him even more dissatisfied!

Jiang Yiyun didn't seem to notice Jiang Yun's dissatisfaction. He pointed at himself and said: "I am not a Taoist cultivator, and I should not be a Taoist cultivator."

"I don't care about the avenue or the laws."

"I have only practiced three kinds of powers in my life, and if I divide the realm according to the standards of Taoism, all three powers condense into the original Tao body!"

"Time, space, patterns!"

As Jiang Yiyun explained the three powers of his cultivation, Jiang Yun was indeed deeply shocked.

Jiang Yiyun is not a Taoist cultivator or a Dharma cultivator, Jiang Yun can accept it.

In fact, the reason why he arranged his appearance was probably because he hoped to embark on the path of Taoism.

What really shocked Jiang Yun were the other party's three powers.

Originally, Jiang Yun guessed that Jiang Yiyun was able to freely travel through time and space. In addition to mastering the power of time and space, he should have relied on the magic weapon of the Great Wilderness Time Dial.

But now I know that the opponent's attainments in the power of time and space are actually so deep, and he is only one step away from becoming a transcendent powerhouse.

These four powers of life and death, time and space, are recognized by all monks in the world as the most difficult powers to master.

Especially the power of time!

Jiang Yun has been to too many places, and in this place of origin, he has met various monks from different time and space, and different regions, but among them there is not a single monk in the Origin Realm who practices the power of time.

There is no Taoism!

As for the pattern, most people may not understand what it means when they first hear it.

But Jiang Yun knew it very well!

In Jiang Yun's understanding, it is not an exaggeration to regard patterns as the origins of various powers and even monks.

Because of the power of the monks, the complexity of the formations, the functions of the magic weapons, etc., they are all composed of seals and runes.

Regardless of whether it is various runes or various seals, in the final analysis, they are composed of various patterns.

Jiang Yun himself is considered to be proficient in patterns, and can simplify various symbols and return them to their original state, that is, turn them into lines, and then recombine them.

But even so, Jiang Yun never thought of cultivating patterns as a single force.

However, Jiang Yiyun did it.

Even like the power of time and space, he actually used this power to cultivate the original Tao body!

Jiang Yun felt that he had some talent for tattoos, probably because of Jiang Yiyun's influence.

After being shocked, Jiang Yun murmured: "No wonder, you can already be regarded as the weapon spirit of this cauldron!"

Jiang Yiyun nodded and said, "My brain is not that slow."

"This is the Dan Land surface of Longwen Red Cauldron, and the runes originally engraved on it have basically been mastered by me."

"So, this can be regarded as my territory."

"That's why I can stand here and chat with you now."

"Then Beichenzi knows it clearly, but he can only wait outside!" Jiang Yiyun looked at Jiang Yun, shook his head and said: "I don't say that you have mastered all three of my powers, but even if you only master one, , he won’t be as weak as he is now!”


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