Taoist world

Chapter 7456 Back to the starting point

Jiang Yun knew nothing about the tentacles and mummies, but the fact that this woman was able to say that she had found a substitute showed that she should know something.

However, the woman shook her head and said: "Senior, you are joking. It is my first time here. It is my first time to see this kind of monster. Naturally, I will not know what it is."

"However, my powers of observation are relatively keen, and my consciousness here is less affected."

"I can tell that the mummy monster that just captured the man is clearly the old man who attacked my senior before!"

"And the tentacles behind the old man are the tentacles of the mummy that caught the old man before!"

"This means that the mummy that captured the old man has disappeared."

"Although I don't know whether it died or left here, it feels like it gained freedom after catching the old man."

"Isn't it like finding a substitute and using us to take their place?"

The woman's words caused a look of surprise to flash across Jiang Yun's face: "You mean, there is not just one tentacle, and each tentacle is different?"

Jiang Yun naturally understood the meaning of the woman's words, but was surprised that the woman's observation skills were so keen. When the old man who sneaked up on him was captured by the mummy, he only saw the two pale arms wrapped around the old man and the blurry figure behind the old man. He didn't even see the face of the mummy clearly, let alone the corpse.

Know that there are tentacles.

But this woman not only saw the tentacles, but she could also clearly see the characteristics of the tentacles and even distinguish them.

The woman nodded and said, "Yes, the suction cups on the tentacle that just grabbed me are intact."

"But among the tentacles that captured the old man, one of the suction cups was half missing, as if it was injured." Jiang Yun took a deep look at the woman, although he had long known that he could not underestimate any monk. Every monk must have extraordinary qualities. However, this woman's observation ability and the power of her spiritual consciousness are truly beyond her own.


My own consciousness is already strong enough, but in this place, it is still affected by the fog, which is almost equivalent to being useless.

This woman's strength is much weaker than mine, but her spiritual consciousness is far superior to mine!

Seeing Jiang Yun's gaze, the woman obviously understood what Jiang Yun was thinking, and said with a wry smile: "Senior, I don't know, because the place where I grew up is covered by fog like this all year round."

"If we want to survive, we must see clearly what is hidden in the mist. This makes our six senses, including spiritual sense and observation ability, stronger than those of people in other major realms."

Jiang Yun had a look of surprise on his face.

Survival of the fittest!

The soil and water support the people, and what kind of environment will produce what kind of people. Although what this woman said was an understatement, it is conceivable that if you want to survive an environment filled with dense fog all year round and cultivate to the original state, the price you need to pay and the dangers you experience will definitely exceed

other people.

Jiang Yun did not ask about the woman's origins, but changed the subject and said: "Whether the monster caught us to find a substitute or for other purposes, we should move on quickly!"

"No one knows whether it will attack us again!"

Since the woman didn't understand the monster, Jiang Yun naturally didn't dare to stay too long on the petals.

So, the two of them turned around and continued flying along the petals with no end in sight.

Along the way, the two of them encountered rolling fog three more times, which also destroyed a large number of petals.

Fortunately, both of them had experience, and Jiang Yun also helped the woman a little, so the two of them got through safely without any danger.

During this period, those tentacles and mummy monsters also appeared, but they were hidden in the mist and did not directly attack the two of them.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also saw that there was indeed more than one tentacle, there were at least six tentacles, adsorbing six mummies appearing at the same time. Especially after the woman's reminder, Jiang Yun also saw the old man and the man who had been captured before. Both of them had turned into mummies, with a tentacle attached to their backs, looming in the mist, using dark eyes

His eyes were fixed on himself and the woman.

In this way, after more than three hours had passed, the two of them were still walking through the flowers in this area, not knowing where the end point was.

At this time, Jiang Yun's complexion also became a little ugly.

Because this area seems to be endless.

Although they are always on top of the petals, they are temporarily safe, but if they continue like this, once the power in their bodies is exhausted, they will eventually fall into the mist, facing those tentacles and mummies.

"Senior!" However, at this moment, the woman suddenly shouted to Jiang Yun: "Please stop!"

Jiang Yun stopped, turned to look at the woman standing on the petals a hundred feet away from him and said, "What's wrong?"

There was a look of horror on the woman's face, and she pointed around and said, "Senior, we, we seem to be back where we started!"

Jiang Yun's pupils narrowed slightly and his eyes scanned the surroundings.

To be honest, in this area, the only mist is the petals, and the petals will continue to collapse and re-condensate. There is no reference for comparison, making Jiang Yun unable to distinguish any changes in the surrounding scene.

Therefore, in Jiang Yun's view, the place where he and the woman were at this moment was no different from the areas he had experienced along the way.

Even though Jiang Yun believed that the woman's consciousness and observation ability were better than his own, he still asked with some suspicion: "How do you see that we are back to the beginning?" The woman swallowed hard and said, "These There seems to be no difference between the petals and their positions, but along the way, I paid special attention to the position of each petal and the arrangement of colors. In fact,

There are subtle differences. "

"But when we get here, the position and color arrangement of these petals are exactly the same as the position and color arrangement when we first entered this area."

Although the woman had already told her reasons, Jiang Yun had not remembered the position and color arrangement of the petals he had passed before, and could not judge whether what the woman said was correct.

Of course, even if he wanted to remember it, he couldn't remember it clearly.

Because along the way, there were too many petals passed by.

The woman knew that Jiang Yun still didn't believe it, so she continued: "Senior, starting from the petals at your feet, count forward in order to see if the color arrangement of the petals is red, green, black, white, green, Orange, blue..."

The woman named the color arrangement of hundreds of petals in one breath.

Jiang Yun didn't say anything, and just followed the woman's words and kept moving forward quickly.

A moment later, Jiang Yun, who came back from a distance, nodded with an ugly expression.

The woman is absolutely right!

And this naturally means that after running with all their strength for more than three hours, they actually returned to the starting point!

"That means that the shape of this area should be a circle."

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "There must be an exit here, hidden in the mist or petals, but we just ignored it."

"Fellow Taoist, from now on, we will walk again, and this time you pay more attention to your surroundings to see if you can find the exit. I will protect your safety."

The woman was about to nod in agreement, but the surrounding fog suddenly rolled in again.

Jiang Yun was already mentally prepared. With a wave of his sleeve, he rolled up the woman's body and rushed towards another petal.

In the mist, a tentacle suddenly shot out towards Jiang Yun.

The woman exclaimed almost at the same time: "Senior, it appeared again, the first one, the first one that took away the old man's mummy." "It didn't disappear, no, it was repeating, everything here is there. Repeat!"

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