Taoist world

Chapter 7443: Start climbing flowers

The last words of the old voice made everyone present look at each other in shock.

At this moment, no matter how they count or who counts them, there are eleven of them standing here.

But the old voice said that he couldn't count the number of people here!

As a detached and powerful person, it is impossible not to know numbers!

Therefore, the first thing a few people thought was that there might be other people hidden here, but they and others did not see them, or the other party did not show up.

But the expressions of most people changed slightly.

Jiang Yun is one of them!

His consciousness looked directly into his own body and saw Ji Kongfan's wife, Dao Rang, the weapon spirit of the Ten Blood Lanterns, who was slowly waking up.

A helpless sigh also sounded out!

The sigh comes from Tao Zun!

Obviously, Dao Zun and Jiang Yun both understood the meaning of the old voice.

In this area, there are indeed only eleven people, no, it should be said to be living beings.

But inside Jiang Yun's body, there were Dao Zun and Ji Kongfan's wives, as well as Dao soil and weapon spirits.

Even Beiming can be regarded as a kind of living being!

And the old voice should have counted them as targets to be gifted to creation.

In other words, they also need to leave Jiang Yun's body and rely on their own strength to climb up the nine petals and go to the heart of the flower!

This is one of the rules the old voice said!

In fact, Jiang Yun was not surprised that the old voice could discover that there were other creatures hidden in Jiang Yun's body.

But for them to join in this so-called struggle for creation was beyond Jiang Yun's expectation.

It's not just Jiang Yun, the people whose expressions have changed at this moment are in the same situation as Jiang Yun, and they all have other creatures hidden in their bodies.

The Lords of the Heavenly Stems, Qin Bufan, Yin Muzi, General Jin Chan, and the unknown skinny old man!

Only Dongfang Bo, Shen Lin, Hun Yanfeng, Wan Ruhu and Miao Shucheng's expressions did not change. They came alone.

As everyone looked at each other, the old voice sounded for the last time: "Okay, I've told you everything that needs to be said."

"Now, let's start!"

"Remember, whoever of you can reach the heart of the flower first without violating the rules, I will give this gift to him!"

As the voice fell, everyone waited quietly for a long time before the other party's voice stopped ringing.

Naturally, this means that the battle for creation has begun.

However, no one moved.

Even though they are all strong, no one is willing to be the first to try.

If everything goes well, that's fine, but if there is any danger, it will be a warning to others.

Of course they are unwilling to do such things that harm themselves and benefit others.

Jiang Yun said to the Taoist Master and others inside his body: "Everyone, you all heard what the old voice just said."

"I don't know who among you needs to climb the petals like us."

"If you want to try it yourself, I can send you out now."

"If you are unwilling to try, I will continue to do my best to protect you."

"But, to be honest, I don't have much confidence!"

That old voice, without even showing his face, could easily capture eleven strong men and imprison them all with a single flower.

Not to mention Jiang Yun, even if the eleven people join forces, they will definitely not be the opponent of the other party.

Therefore, since the other party has made rules, Jiang Yun does not think he has the ability to compete.

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, Ji Kongfan's wife already said: "Brother Jiang, I am willing to give it a try!"

Jiang Yun's consciousness looked at the beautiful middle-aged woman.

In fact, Jiang Yun knew it well. Although the old voice did not specify who would participate in this battle for creation, Ji Kongfan's wife and Taoist Master definitely had to participate.

Daoliang is the originator, Beiming is the birthplace of the origin, and the weapon spirit is the spirit of the magic weapon. Strictly speaking, they are not monks, so they may be able to avoid it.

But Tao Zun is a demon from one realm, and Ji Kongfan’s wife is a real human monk!

Obviously, Ji Kongfan's wife also knew this, so she was the first to speak up in order not to cause any trouble to Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun was unwilling to let the other party try.

In a state of unconsciousness, Ji Kongfan entrusted his wife to Jiang Yun to take care of her. If something happened to the beautiful woman, Jiang Yun would not have the nerve to face Ji Kongfan.

What's more, Ji Kongfan's wife's cultivation, according to the standards of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, is only in the realm of Yuan Dharma!

In this place, Yuan Dharma Realm is equivalent to being a mortal.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Senior, please be patient. We don't know anything about these petals. It's better to wait for others to climb first and then we can see the situation."

"It's also possible that senior doesn't need to take risks!" How could the beautiful woman not understand what Jiang Yun was thinking, and nodded with a smile: "Brother, don't worry about my safety. Ji Kongfan made it very clear before, I... ...is not his wife, so even if something unexpected happens to me, Ji Kongfan will

I won't blame you! "

I have to say that the beautiful woman is extremely kind and considerate.

At this time, she didn't care about her own safety at all. Instead, she took the initiative to comfort Jiang Yun, not wanting Jiang Yun to have difficulty because of her.

Jiang Yun stopped speaking, and did not wait for the reaction of Dao Zun and others. His consciousness exited the body and looked at others, especially the Lord of Heavenly Stems.

Jiang Yun knew very well that in the body of the Lord of the Heavenly Stems, there were earthly, human, and first-class people, as well as the sacred tree of stems and branches.

The sacred tree of stems and branches can make people almost immortal. If no one dares to try it first, the Lord of Heavenly Stems will most likely force Tianzun and Renzun to climb the petals first!

The Lord of Heavenly Stems stood there with his eyes closed, probably discussing with the Divine Stem Tree.

While everyone was waiting for the discussion, time passed little by little.

When a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Yun's expression suddenly changed again, and he turned to look around him.

Previously, the appearance of this giant flower caused vibrations in this area, which dispersed a lot of the original fog here.

But now, the dispersed mist has returned, and the amount is obviously several times higher than before!

This is obviously not the normal return of the mist, but the owner of the old voice. In this way, he is forcing everyone to climb up the petals to compete for good fortune.

Everyone has already felt the power of these mists. If they are wrapped in such a large amount of mist again, no one can persist for too long.

Therefore, the Lord of Heavenly Stems suddenly waved his sleeves and a figure appeared out of thin air!

Human respect!

Ren Zun's face was gloomy. After he appeared, he first looked at Jiang Yun, with unabashed hatred in his eyes.

Jiang Yun looked at him expressionlessly, knowing that this was because the Lord of Heavenly Stem had finally lost his composure and forced Renzun to climb the petals first.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ren Zun's face.

After Renzun took a deep look at Jiang Yun, he turned his gaze to the huge petals in front of him that were like pillars supporting the sky. He took a deep breath, raised his feet, and walked towards the petals!

The nine petals are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, plus black and white, nine colors.

Except for the different colors, each petal looks quite smooth, but there are some lines and no rules, just like the normal patterns of flowers.

All in all, the petals are not that different in appearance.

The petals in front of the human statue are orange.

Although the petals are smooth and vertical, and it seems that they cannot stand at all, but with the strength of the human body in the original state, even if the petals are upside down, he will not be affected.

However, when Renzun took a step forward and stood on the petals, his expression suddenly changed.

Everyone clearly saw that Ren Zun suddenly stretched out his hands and firmly grasped several lines. His feet also stepped on several lines, and his whole body was almost completely attached to the petals. .

And the posture of the human being is like a mortal hanging on a cliff! A thought arose in everyone's mind: "Once you touch the petals, will your cultivation level be temporarily lost?"

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