Taoist world

Chapter 7440: In the Flowers

I don't know how much time passed before Jiang Yun finally woke up and turned around.

The moment he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a riot of colors.

His nose smelled a strong fragrance, which made him wake up completely, and he turned over and stood up!

The memories before he fell into coma immediately emerged in Jiang Yun's mind like a tide, and he remembered that he was caught by a giant hand and fell into a coma.

Thinking of all this, Jiang Yun also hurriedly shouted into his body: "Dao soil, weapon spirit, Dao Zun!"

His spiritual consciousness swept through his body, except that he did not see Dao Zun, Dao Rang, Shixue Deng and Ji Kongfan's wife were still unconscious.

After making sure they were okay, Jiang Yun looked around.

At first glance, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but condense slightly.

Because, he found that he was standing in the heart of a flower!

This flower is in full bloom, about ten feet in size, with nine petals in total, each petal is a color.

Naturally, the colors Jiang Yun saw were the colors of the petals, and the fragrance also came from this flower.

And just when Jiang Yun was thinking about what this place was, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Jiang Yun, you are here too!"

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction from which the sound came. He was shocked to see a similar nine-petaled flower about dozens of feet away from him.

The sound came from the heart of the flower.

Jiang Yun didn't care who the speaker was, but looked in all directions with his eyes and consciousness, and finally got a rough idea of ​​the environment where he was now.

This place should still be in the Fog Pass, because there is still thick fog everywhere.

However, within the mist, there are more flowers, floating quietly.

The number of these flowers is not that many, about twenty or thirty, some are in full bloom, and some are tightly closed, waiting to bloom.

At this time, another voice sounded from another direction: "Humph, I knew he would definitely come!"

Jiang Yun didn't even look at the direction the sound came from this time, and responded calmly: "If I don't come, wouldn't you be very disappointed?"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, figures began to appear one after another on the nine-petal flowers!

There were not many people, only five of them, all of whom could be considered Jiang Yun’s acquaintances!

The first person to speak to Jiang Yun was Yin Muzi, and the second person to speak was the Lord of Heavenly Stem!

In addition to the two of them, there are also Qin Bufan, General Jin Chan, and the skinny old man who escaped after Yin Muzi when General Jiang Yun reappeared in the third level!

These five people obviously entered the Fog Pass before Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun didn't expect that he would meet them here again.

Although the five people appeared, they all just stood on top of the flowers, staring at Jiang Yun with their eyes, and had no intention of taking action against Jiang Yun.

It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they can’t do it!

Because there is an invisible force within this nine-petal flower, which binds everyone, making them unable to leave the flower at all, and unable to extend their power beyond the flower.

Jiang Yun tried secretly, but his power could not leave the range of the flowers.

Qin Bufan, who was in the distance, also said: "Jiang Yun, there's no need to waste your efforts. You can't break free from the binding power of this flower!"

Others don't know, only Jiang Yun knows that Qin Bufan is deliberately reminding himself.

They came here earlier than Jiang Yun. Naturally, everyone had already tried it and couldn't leave the flowers at all.

Jiang Yun also looked at Qin Bufan and said, "If the prediction is correct, you should have been brought here by a giant palm, right?"

Qin Bufan smiled coldly and said, "Why, isn't it you?"

Qin Bufan's words were equivalent to admitting that Jiang Yun was right.

When Jiang Yun understood in his heart, he turned around again and looked around and said, "That's not right!"

"At least twenty of your group escaped from me at that time. Why are there only a few of you now?"

"Others don't have to hide anymore. We can't go out anyway, so why not come out and have a chat!"

What Jiang Yun wants to find most is not the few in front of him, but Ji Kongfan!

Ji Kongfan was arrested before Jiang Yun. Since all the arrested people are here, Ji Kongfan should be here as well.

But until now, Jiang Yun had not seen Ji Kongfan.

Qin Bufan shrugged his shoulders and replied again: "There is no one else, there are only five of us here, including you, we are the sixth!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved and he noticed that there were only five flowers blooming here except the one he was in.

Apparently the flowers only bloom if someone is trapped inside them.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also believed that Qin Bufan would not lie to him, and he must have already looked for it.

Then Jikong Fan was obviously taken away before him, so how could he not be here?

Is it possible that after everyone is captured by the giant palm, they will not be sent to the same place, but to different places?

At this time, the Lord of Heavenly Stems also spoke: "Brother Qin, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. Let's quickly find a way to see if we can get out of here!"

Everyone strongly agreed with the proposal of the Heavenly Stem Lord.

They are not ordinary people, but now they are locked up in a flower like prisoners, unable to leave, which makes them feel a little scared.

If they don't find a way to escape, no one knows what they will face next and whether their lives will be in danger.

Therefore, everyone stopped talking and focused their attention on the flowers they were standing on, looking for a way to leave.

Jiang Yun also enveloped his flower with his spiritual consciousness and carefully looked at each petal.

At the same time, he was also thinking hard about the origin of that giant palm and the purpose of catching people like himself here.

"Based on the current situation, not everyone who steps into the fifth level will be caught here, but some people will be selected by the giant palm."

"This kind of choice should not be random, but should have a certain pattern."

"In other words, we have something in common."

"Master of the Heavenly Stem, Qin Bufan and I are from the Daoxing Domain. We are both Taoist cultivators. General Jin Chan is also a Taoist cultivator, but Yin Muzi and the skinny old man are Dharma cultivators."

"Nothing in common!"

"Before the Origin?" Jiang Yun suddenly thought that he, the Lord of the Heavenly Stem, and Qin Bufan all had the Priority in the Origin.

Jiang Yun didn't know whether the other three had origins, but the possibility existed.

In this way, while Jiang Yun was thinking and searching, about half an hour passed, and suddenly there was a "buzzing" sound.

Everyone, including Jiang Yun, naturally immediately looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

I saw three flowers that were originally tightly closed suddenly bloomed.

In the center of each flower, a figure also appeared.

Seeing these three figures, Jiang Yun's face suddenly showed joy.

He was about to transmit a message to one of them, but found that if he transmitted the message, the sound would not be able to send the flowers at all. He could only shout in a normal voice: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother!"

Naturally, the three people who suddenly appeared were Dongfang Bo, Wan Ruhu and Miao Shucheng!

All three people had their eyes closed, and they were obviously in deep sleep.

Jiang Yun didn't expect that these three people would be brought here.

That means his guess about the origin is wrong.

The eldest brother does not have the origin in his body!

Jiang Yun called several times, but Dongfang Bo was still asleep. On the contrary, Miao Shucheng and Wan Ruhu slowly opened their eyes.

Jiang Yun thought to himself: "It seems that the time when everyone wakes up is related to their own cultivation level!"

Wan Ruhu, Miao Shucheng and Jiang Yun had a close relationship, so when Jiang Yungang wanted to say hello to the two of them, the "buzzing" sound sounded again. Two more flowers slowly bloomed, and two figures also appeared inside!

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