Taoist world

Chapter 7408 Why not use it?

After Daojun pressed his palm, he saw a red shadow slowly emerge from the originally empty void.

It can be vaguely distinguished that it is a red cauldron.

Moreover, the cauldron was trembling slightly at first, but with the pressing of Daojun's palm, the cauldron gradually returned to calm.

Daojun then retracted his palm and spoke again: "It seems that the riddle you left for me will be slowly revealed from now on."

"I want to see what you are going to do!"


In the outer layer of the place of origin, the so-called star field is completely different from the star fields in other large areas.

Other large areas, areas that can be called star areas, at least contain hundreds of stars and countless creatures.

But in the place of origin, in a star field, there are probably only a few stars and a few monks surviving.

The purpose of the star field here is just to have a name so that others can easily identify its location.

Lanshan Star Territory is an area with five stars.

Not only is there no sign of any living beings inside, but it seems that no one has been here for a long time, and it has almost been forgotten.

But today, in this dead star field, a middle-aged man appeared. The man walked very casually in the gap between the boundaries, his eyes swept over the deserted stars from time to time, and said to himself: "I really don't know what the place of origin and the Chaotic Domain are like. What was produced was actually huge

Most areas are so deserted. "

"In this way, the source master's statement about the dispute between Tao and Dharma should also have some truth."

"I'm afraid it won't take long for this place to be completely destroyed. By then, the Taoist war will really begin."

"It's just that the source master said that the leader of Dharma cultivation will appear here, which feels a bit unreliable!"

"If she's okay, why did she come here?"

"Is it possible that the Source Master not only found me, but also found her, and made an appointment for the two of us to meet here."

"If this is the case, then the source master clearly thinks that I may also be the leader of Dharma cultivation!"

Having said this, a sneer appeared on the man's face, and he continued: "It would be great if I were the leader of Dharma cultivation."

"The fourth child and I, one with Dharma cultivation and the other with Tao cultivation, can directly sweep through everything, killing gods when God blocks them!"

Smiling slightly, the man looked around and said: "Forget it, let's not think about it so much now. Since we are all here, I will wait for a few days."

"It would be best if the Dharma cultivator leader shows up. If he doesn't show up, I still have to go to the intersection area and wait for Lao Si and the others."

As he spoke, the man stopped and sat cross-legged in nothingness, closing his eyes.

And as he closed his eyes, he saw a little bit of particles on the five dead stars, rushing towards him.

If anyone could see this scene, they would be extremely shocked.

Because the stars here have long been lifeless, and even the death energy has completely evaporated.

If they were the corpses of living beings, they would be equivalent to mummies, without any power or anything at all.

However, it is really incredible that this middle-aged man can absorb even small particles from such stars.

Naturally, this man is Jiang Yun’s master, ancient!

After entering the place of origin, Gu Bu Lao was always looking for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun, Dongfang Bo and others because he was randomly sent to various places.

Unfortunately, he found nothing. After learning about the intersection area from others, he immediately decided to rush to the intersection area and should be able to meet Jiang Yun and the others.

But what he didn't expect was that yesterday he met a strong man who claimed to be the Source Master and told him something about the dispute between Tao and Dharma.

For these, it didn't matter whether he was old or not. What really concerned him was that his disciple Jiang Yun turned out to be the leader of Taoism.

In addition, the Source Master also told him the identity of the Dharma Cultivator leader and the fact that he would go to the Lanshan Star Territory.

Therefore, Gu Bu Lao appeared here in order to kill the leader of Dharma cultivation, thereby helping his disciples and reducing threats as much as possible.

As for the particle of matter he absorbed at the moment, he called it the power of ruins. It was a power born after the death of all things.

The reason why he was able to absorb it was also because he understood the way to return to ruins!

Gu Bulao was waiting for the girl, but in the outer layer of the Origin, Emperor Yue had already caught up with Jiang Yun, who had left before him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing in the darkness, motionless, just staring ahead with his eyes.

In front of him, there were two monks fighting.

A man and a woman, both middle-aged.

The strength of the two of them was roughly around the high level of the origin, and they were both Taoist cultivators. They used all their strength in their attacks, so they must have some deep hatred.

Especially the woman, who had an ordinary face with distorted features and gritted teeth, as if she wanted to bite the man opposite her to death with her teeth.

Unfortunately, the man's strength was obviously slightly higher, so he had the upper hand and looked quite relaxed.

Fighting between monks is extremely common anywhere, let alone in the place of origin.

Therefore, Emperor Yue didn't think there was anything strange about the scene before him.

However, he found that Jiang Yun's eyes were staring straight at the woman, and his expressions were extremely complicated, ranging from confusion to excitement.

"Could it be that Jiang Yun knows this woman?"

Thinking of Jiang Yun's impatient rush just now, coupled with Jiang Yun's performance at this moment, Yue Tianzi couldn't help but come up with this idea.

Emperor Yue didn't rush to ask, and also looked at the woman.

The woman looks ordinary and wears simple clothes. There is nothing special about her. She only has a faint demonic aura about her body and is not human.

Although her strength was slightly weaker and there were stains of blood oozing from her body, she was clearly holding the attitude of dying with the opponent at this moment. She did not defend herself at all when she struck. They were all desperate attacks, exchanging injuries for injuries.

For a moment, it forced the man to restrain himself and even keep retreating.

However, Emperor Yue could certainly see that this was only temporary.

The woman was injured and her strength was consumed a lot. In her current state, she couldn't hold on for too long. The situation would be reversed within half a stick of incense at most.

Emperor Yue glanced at Jiang Yun quietly again, and found that Jiang Yun was still just staring at him, with no intention of stopping him or rescuing him.

Emperor Yue couldn't figure out the situation and couldn't take action casually, so he could only continue to watch.


Sure enough, not only did the man burn the woman's attack with a burst of flame in half a stick of incense, but he also hit the woman's body hard.

A scream came from the woman's mouth, and she staggered back, with blood flowing from her mouth and nose.

He finally managed to stop, but his body was swaying and he was already unsteady.

Emperor Yue frowned secretly, Jiang Yun still made no move, and he didn't know whether to save him or not.

Fortunately, the man did not pursue the victory, but turned to look at Jiang Yun and Yue Tianzi, and said with vigilance: "Who are you!"

Jiang Yun and Emperor Yue were watching the battle openly, and they both saw it.

Women don't care, but men have to worry about whether Jiang Yun and the others want to be fishermen!

Emperor Yue was about to respond, but Jiang Yun suddenly looked at the woman and said, "Why don't you use your dream method!" "Why don't you use Qing Ming Meng!"

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