Taoist world

Chapter 7318 Seems like I’ve been here before

Jiu Qin remained silent, his eyes constantly passing over Jiang Yun's half-snake, half-human man.

Obviously, she was seriously considering whether to continue traveling with Jiang Yun.

Based on Jiuqin's experience, it was obvious that Jiang Yun was telling the truth. He really didn't care about the Origin Stone.

But she also knew that Jiang Yun must know more about the place of origin than she did.

Moreover, the special care given to Jiang Yun by the transparent figure at the entrance also shows that Jiang Yun still has some privileges here.

However, being with Jiang Yun is indeed too dangerous. If you act alone, even if you encounter the monks living in seclusion here, if you are equal in strength to them, as long as you don't offend them, or encounter several people at the same time, the other party should not be able to do anything.

As for what he would do to himself.

As a peak powerhouse of origin, his only wish is to become a transcendent powerhouse.

Under the same strength and realm, without a life-and-death feud, it is really impossible for any war to happen.

Therefore, after a moment of thinking, Jiu Qin finally raised his fist towards Jiang Yun and said, "Then consider that I owe you a favor. If there is a chance in the future, I will pay it back!"

In the end, Jiu Qin chose to part ways with Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun knew the place of origin better than he did, since he had the half-snake, half-human man in his hands, Jiuqin believed that he could extract some useful information from him.

However, Jiu Qin did not completely break up with Jiang Yun, so he still expressed his gratitude.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "You're welcome, I'll take the first step!"

In order to completely prevent Jiu Qin from becoming suspicious, Jiang Yun took the initiative to fly towards the broken star.

This star fragment was not big. After just one step, Jiang Yun had already left the fragment and was in darkness. But at this time, Jiang Yun also stopped and did not continue to move forward in a hurry. Instead, he turned around and looked around, with a strange look on his face, and said to himself: "Why do I feel that there is something wrong with me?" A feeling of enlightenment?


Being in the gap between the places of origin, Jiang Yun truly felt like the sky was vast and the earth was vast, and he felt at ease.

It was as if he had been living in a well before, and now he finally jumped out of the well.

Jiang Yun had a similar feeling before, when he entered the real realm from the dream realm, but it was different from what he felt now.

When the dream realm enters the real realm, there is more of a sense of reality.

But at this moment, it is a sense of sudden relief!

After sensing carefully for a moment, Jiang Yun shook his head. He couldn't figure out why he felt like this, and he didn't bother to delve deeper.

In addition to feeling, Jiang Yun also deliberately sensed the power existing here, which can be said to be inclusive of all rivers.

There are the power of the avenue, the power of rules, including the black soul clan and other strange powers.

This is naturally good news for Jiang Yun and all the monks who enter here.

Whether you're fighting with someone or doing anything else, at least you don't need to tie your hands.

After making some comparisons, Jiang Yun continued to fly forward while recalling what the rich clan elder told about the place of origin. From the mouths of the rich clan elders, Jiang Yun already knew that although the outer and middle layers of the place of origin are composed of broken star fragments and continents, the positions of these star fragments and continents are not fixed, but are always in the

In the midst of change.

Maybe the star you are in today is in this position, but when you wake up tomorrow, it will be in another position.

However, the rich man doesn't know whether there is any regularity in this change or how often it changes.

As for the area of ​​the outer layer, if it is small, it is also compared to the middle layer and the inner layer.

The wealthy elders also don't know how big its real area is.

In short, according to the advice given to Jiang Yun by the elders of the rich clan, the only task and goal of entering the Land of Origin is to start from the outer layer, search for as many Origin Stones as possible, find a way to enter the middle layer, and finally enter the inner layer!

Of course, this is easy to say, but not easy to do.

What's more, Jiang Yun still needs to find his master and brother first.

"By the way, I don't feel like I'm any closer to becoming a transcendent strong person here!"

Although the rich clan has always said that in the place of origin, it is easier to become a transcendent and powerful person.

But perhaps because Jiang Yun has been here for too short a time, or because he is in the outer layer, or more likely because his strength is not enough, Jiang Yun has no obvious feelings yet.

Taking advantage of nothing else for the time being, Jiang Yun once again asked the weapon spirit of the Ten Blood Lanterns: "Senior weapon spirit, do you know anything about this place?"

"I don't know much about it!" Weapon Spirit replied: "Although the Ten Blood Lanterns were refined here, Ye Dong left here and entered the Chaos Realm not long after."

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he said secretly: "Senior Ye Dong left the place of origin probably just to leave his clone, waiting for Pan Chaoyang's arrival, and to leave the Ten Blood Lanterns alone in Chaos area."

"Logically speaking, he should have left these ten blood lanterns to Pan Chaoyang, but he just gave them to me!"

The emergence of this idea made Jiang Yun increasingly feel that Ye Dong might have had another purpose in handing the Ten Blood Lantern to him.

But, what is his purpose?

Jiang Yun did not ask the weapon spirit again, but turned to Tao Zun and asked: "Dao Zun, I have already entered the place of origin. Do you have anything to say that you still can't say?"

Dao Zun still ignored Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun really had no choice about this.

He only knew that Dao Zun was hiding in the fake Dao Xingtian map, but the space in the map was larger than his own Dao world. If he wanted to find Dao Zun in it, even if he could, it would take a lot of time.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only finally target Dao Rang, hoping that Dao Rang could tell him something about the place of origin.

As a result, Dao Yang's answer was still that he didn't think of anything.

This made Jiang Yun feel a little depressed.

These three people hidden in him all have secrets, and they are probably related to the place of origin, but no one can give him any help.

Jiang Yun was moving aimlessly in the place of origin for the time being, looking for the whereabouts of his master and the others, as well as the traces of other monks.

At the same time, the Lord of Heavenly Stem, who had entered here first by Jiang Yun, was currently on a continent the size of a hundred feet.

Compared to Jiang Yunlai, the Lord of Heavenly Stem is luckier.

He entered the Origin and did not encounter any sneak attacks. However, he did not dare to act randomly when he was unfamiliar with the place, and waited for the Ganzhi Sacred Tree to give him orders.

It's a pity that the sacred tree of stems and branches can't provide him with any help. He just knows that there are three levels here: outer, middle and inner, and his home should be on the innermost level, so he urges him to find other people and inquire about the situation.

Just when the Lord of Heavenly Stem was about to go to other places to try his luck, a urgent voice suddenly sounded in his body: "Let me come out, let me come out!"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems frowned, waved his sleeves, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

Respect the earth, respect people!

The Lord of Heavenly Stems looked at the two of them and said coldly: "Don't you think your life is long enough? It's so safe to stay in my body. Why do you have to run out?" Renzun didn't say anything, but frowned. , constantly looking around, but Earth Lord said with an urgent look on his face: "I, I seem to have been here before!"

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