Taoist world

Chapter 7252: Beiming Related

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Jiang Yun successfully entered the Sihe Star and arrived at the four-story building.

City Lord's Mansion is just a name that outside monks call this small building.

Because Sifang City does not have a city owner, but the four major races take turns sending people to sit in this building.

Like the last time Meng Rushan participated in the test, the person sitting here was a beautiful middle-aged woman from the Dong clan, known as Fairy Dong.

But when Jiang Yun came here for the second time, someone else was in charge of the city lord's mansion.

As the city lord's palace, this small building is naturally not open to outsiders at will, so even the door is closed.

There were almost no monks around.

Obviously, although many people are interested in becoming guest ministers of the four major races, after experiencing the difficulty of the four tests, few people will try it.

Because if you take part in the test, you will be responsible for your life and death!

Meng Rushan was also a good fortune teller, and the defensive armor he wore saved her, so she only suffered some injuries.

And there are many monks who died in the four kinds of tests!

Therefore, if they are not very confident in their own strength, or if they are desperate monks like Meng Rushan, almost no one will come to apply for the position of guest minister.

Jiang Yun did not enter the small building in a hurry, but walked around a few times to see if there was any mechanism ambushing him.

After making sure that the surrounding area was safe, Jiang Yun came to the closed door, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door gently twice.

After waiting quietly for about ten breaths, the door slowly opened, and an old man appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun knew that this old man was not a person in charge, but similar to a servant.

Jiang Yun cupped his fists at the old man and saluted, and said calmly: "I'm here to apply for the position of guest minister!"

The reason why Jiang Yun had such an almost cold attitude was because Meng Rushan told him.

Since you dare to apply for the position of guest minister, you must have a certain degree of confidence in your own strength.

Then, there is no need to be humble and flattering to the people of the four major races.

If you really do this, you will be looked down upon by them.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the old man had the same expressionless face and did not return the greeting. Instead, he turned around and walked inside, leaving only four words.

"Come in and close the door!"

Although there are fewer and fewer monks applying for guest posts, the four major races have long been accustomed to it.

They also don't have a good attitude towards monks who want to apply for guest positions.

Unless you really become a guest, then their attitude will change.

Jiang Yun stepped into the small building, closed the door with his backhand, and then followed the old man.

The room is small in size and the furnishings are quite simple.

A desk, a chair, a futon, and a staircase leading to the second floor.

It is not difficult to see that people who enter this small building are not here to enjoy it at least.

This is indeed the case.

If you don't come here, each race will give you a certain reward, and no one is willing to come here and suffer.

The old man walked to the only chair behind the desk and sat down.

There was actually an inkstone, a few brushes and a bamboo slip on the table.

The old man slowly picked up the brush and said: "Name, level, which guest house do you want to apply for?"

Jiang Yun had already heard these procedures from Meng Rushan, so he replied calmly: "Gu Yun, Supreme Realm, wants to apply for a job as a guest of the Xiao clan!"

As Jiang Yun spoke, the old man wrote quickly on the bamboo slips.

"Gu Yun, Supreme, Xiao!"

After writing these five words, the old man put down his brush, picked up the bamboo slip, and blew gently.

He saw that the five words on the bamboo slip disappeared without a trace in his breath!

Jiang Yun naturally didn't think there was anything magical about this scene.

It is nothing more than a function similar to the jade slip.

However, it transmits words, not sounds and images.

Those five words will be sent to the Xiao clan.

After a specialized person receives it, the Xiao Clan will select people with corresponding strength to come and verify your cultivation level.

Sometimes, a few questions will be asked.

The old man put down the bamboo slips and said to Jiang Yun, "Wait a moment."

After saying that, the old man closed his eyes and ignored Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also stood there calmly, waiting patiently.

This process won't take long.

Although the four major races will not pay attention to you until the monk fails the test, there is still the most basic respect.

If the four major races always looked aloof, then there would be no monks to apply for guest posts.

After the incense time passed, Jiang Yun heard a "peng" sound, and the door of the small building was pushed open forcefully.

Immediately afterwards, another woman's voice sounded: "Where is Gu Yun who applied for my job as guest minister of the Xiao clan?"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun's pupils condensed slightly, and he slowly looked in the direction from which the voice came.

A young woman was striding in!

What a coincidence, the person who came was Xiao Fengling, the one who kidnapped Dongfang Bo!

Jiang Yun really didn't expect to see Xiao Fengling here.

However, he can understand it.

The realm he reported to was the Supreme Realm, so the Xiao Clan naturally wanted to send a monk from the Origin Realm to verify Jiang's own realm.

And even among the four major races, there are definitely not too many Origin Realm experts in the race.

This Xiao Fengling is one of them, so it is reasonable for her to verify her own cultivation level.

Looking at Xiao Fengling, Jiang Yun considered whether it would be feasible if he took action now, captured the opponent, and then exchanged the opponent for his senior brother.

At this time, Xiao Fengling had strode up to Jiang Yun, looked Jiang Yun up and down and said, "Are you Gu Yun?"

Jiang Yun finally gave up the idea of ​​catching Xiao Fengling.

After all, there is a high-level powerhouse sitting in this small building.

What's more, he didn't know what Xiao Fengling's status was in the Lingdong clan, whether it was important or not.

If someone is not an important person and catches the other party, the Spirit Clan will not exchange it and will expose their own purpose.

Therefore, Jiang Yun cupped his fists expressionlessly and said, "Yes, I am Gu Yun!"

Xiao Fengling flipped his wrist, and a black stone appeared in his palm. He handed it to Jiang Yunde and said, "Input your strength into the stone."

Meng Rushan has already told Jiang Yun that this kind of stone is unique to the four major races. It is very special and can withstand various powers of monks.

Later, powerful men from the four major races applied unknown methods to the stone, turning it into a tool that could verify the monk's realm.

As long as you input your own power into the stone, the stone will light up.

The different brightness of the light represents the different realms of the monks.

But only the four major races know what level of light corresponds to what realm of monks.

To be honest, Jiang Yun was also a little curious about verifying the monk's realm.

The monks in the Chaotic Realm come from different time and space, and the power of practice is also diverse.

Even the divisions and names of cultivation realms are all kinds of strange.

How can the four major races judge the approximate cultivation level of different monks based on a stone?

Jiang Yun reached out and took the stone!

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly felt Beiming inside his body move.

This made Jiang Yun's heart move, and he thought secretly: "Could it be that this stone has something to do with Beiming?"

"Beiming, isn't it that he can withstand the power of various monks and is almost unaffected!" "Then if my power is input into the stone, will the stone be directly broken?"


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