Taoist world

Chapter 7240: No matter what it takes

"My Shan clan is not a native race of the Chaotic Domain, but comes from a large domain called Wanjun."

"Even in the Wanjun Realm, our mountain clan is not that strong. We are just in a corner, and our life is slightly better than in the Chaos Realm."

"About tens of thousands of years ago, the area where my mountain clan is located suddenly intersected with the Chaos Territory. In the end, our clan and that area stayed in the Chaos Territory."

"And before my tribe could understand what happened, a group of people had already come to seize our territory."

"Regions like that from other time and space have always been battlegrounds for the strong in the Chaotic Domain."

Meng Rushan honestly told Jiang Yun the origin of his mountain clan, and Jiang Yun just listened silently, without interrupting or asking.

When Jiang Yun heard this, his heart moved.

Regarding seizing the area, he had never thought about it before.

But soon he understood why the strong men in the Chaos Domain wanted to seize other areas of time and space.

The reason is very simple. Areas in other time and space include not only the territory, but also the prevailing power in that time and space, the composition of the world, etc., which are of great value for research.

If the intersection of time and space does not appear randomly, but is regular, there will definitely be many monks from the chaos domain guarding the place where it appears.

So, this time the intersection of time and space experienced by the senior brother did not leave any area behind, only the senior brother was left behind.

At that time, there were so many people outside the Sihe Star who witnessed it, including people from Yi Zhang.

Then there must be someone secretly trying to catch him!

Even though the senior brother has entered the space-time rift and is missing, these monks in the Chaos Domain, especially those with a force as big as Yi Zhang, must be very familiar with the surrounding environment. It should not be difficult to find the senior brother.

Now, the eldest brother has really been captured. Although the reason is to help the Shan clan, is it possible that the eldest brother comes from other time and space, and is it somehow related?

Meng Rushan's voice continued: "Although my mountain clan is born with divine power, this also limits our path of cultivation."

"Almost everyone in our clan is a physical practitioner, and it is difficult to reach a very high level in physical education."

"At that time, our strongest person was an ancestor, who had reached the primary stage of the origin."

"Although he abandoned our home and escaped with us, he was seriously injured and died not long after."

"Since then, we have been wandering in the Chaos Domain, often suppressed by other ethnic groups, and our lives have become increasingly miserable."

"The only way we can think of to improve the life of the tribe is to become guests of the four major races, so every once in a while, some of our tribe members will go to participate in the test."

Meng Rushan finally finished talking about his family's experiences. Jiang Yun just nodded, closed his eyes, and didn't speak at all.

Jiang Yun's attitude made Meng Rushan feel a little unsure, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only sit aside honestly.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was asking Dao Rang if he had ever heard of the Shan Clan, or a group similar to the Shan Clan.

Daoran also knew that Jiang Yun was in a very bad mood now, so he didn't dare to fool him. He thought carefully for a moment before replying: "No, the Shan tribe is indeed not a native race of the Chaos Realm. Otherwise, I should be a little bit... impression."

Jiang Yun also did not ask further questions, but simply said: "At that moment, look carefully!"

Daorang was stunned and had no idea what Jiang Yun meant by this sentence.

At this moment, Meng Rushan had already spoken: "Senior, this is where Senior Dongfang was captured!"

During this period, although Meng Rushan was looking for people from Daoxing World, her walking direction was still towards the Ning'an Star Territory.

So now it is equivalent to taking Jiang Yun back to the direction of Chuanyuan Star Territory.

Bei Ming's speed was much faster than hers, so it didn't take long to reach the place where Dongfang Bo and the three people finally fought.

Jiang Yun signaled Beiming to stop, and after asking Meng Rushan to indicate the specific area where the senior brother and the three of them were fighting at that time, he first called out Xie Daozi.

The two relied on their spiritual consciousness to carefully examine everything in the gap to see if there were any clues left.

It's a pity that time has wiped away all the traces that once existed here, and neither of them can see the slightest trace anymore with their spiritual consciousness.

This result was within Jiang Yun's expectation, so there was no disappointment on his face. He just sent Bei Ming back into his body.

Then, he asked Meng Rushan and Xi Daozi to retreat a certain distance, leaving him alone standing in the area where the senior brother was taken away, closing his eyes.

Jiang Yun's actions at this moment left both Xie Daozi and Meng Rushan confused as to what he was going to do.

Only Dao Ran vaguely guessed Jiang Yun's purpose and hurriedly shouted: "Jiang Yun, no, this is a chaotic domain, and time and space are extremely chaotic. When you use it..."

Before Dao Rang could finish his words, Jiang Yun's eyebrows suddenly split open, and a turbid river rushed out.


The moment the underworld rushed out, it had already swelled and turned into a hundred feet long, like a giant dragon, connected end to end, completely covering this area.

"Buzz buzz!"

Immediately afterwards, the netherworld began to tremble violently again, and Jiang Yun's hair and clothes inside it were even more windless, making a sound, as if there were invisible winds hovering around him.

Although in the eyes of Xie Daozi and Meng Rushan, nothing was revealed in the area surrounded by the underworld, they could see that as the underworld trembled, Jiang Yun's complexion gradually began to turn pale. .

When he came down again, blood began to seep out slowly from his seven orifices.

When another moment passed, the black color in his hair slowly receded, and wrinkles continued to appear on his face.

Xie Daozi murmured: "Go back in time!"

"Brother, this is crazy!"

Naturally, Xie Daozi already knew what Jiang Yun was doing!

Jiang Yun wanted to turn back time in this area so that he could recreate the fight between Dongfang Bo and the three monks that day, and thus determine their origins.

Because Meng Rushan escaped with his tribe at that time and did not see the detailed fighting process, and Jiang Yun was unable to know the origins of the three people from her memory, so she could only use this method!

However, Xie Daozi also knew that Jiang Yun's behavior was really crazy.

As a former peak powerhouse, Xie Daozi naturally knew how difficult it was to master the power of time.

And even if you master the power of time, you can indeed turn back time, but the backward time cannot be too long.

But now more than a month has passed since the battle between Dongfang Bo and the three monks. It would be unimaginable for Jiang Yun to completely turn back the time for more than a month. It would be unimaginable in any place.

Even if Jiang Yun could really do it, the price he would pay would be unimaginable.

Anyway, Xie Daozi can be sure that if this happened to him, even if he had the ability, he would never be like Jiang Yun.

Why doesn't Jiang Yun know this?

In order to investigate the killing of the ancient formation spirit, he once turned back time, but the length of that time turnback was only a few hours, and the area covered was an area of ​​three feet.

But now, he has to go back more than a month, an area of ​​100 feet, and he is not even sure whether he can do it.

If it had been anyone else, Jiang Yun might not have done this, but it was Dongfang Bo who was captured now, the senior brother, the senior brother who was already dead.

Jiang Yun could not let his senior brother die again no matter what, no matter what the price.

However, gradually, Jiang Yun discovered that although he was indeed in extreme pain, it was not as painful as he imagined.

If you think of time as a pillar, if you want to turn back time, you need to push the pillar to rotate. Then the time of Daoxing Tiandi is like a pillar that supports the sky. Jiang Yun used all his strength and could only push it slightly. a little.

However, although the pillar of time in this chaotic domain is also very majestic, it is at most a pillar of ten thousand feet.

In this way, Jiang Yun could push it without using all his strength.

Finally, when Jiang Yun's hair turned completely white and wrinkles piled up on his face, a vague figure finally appeared around him.

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