Taoist world

Chapter 7223 Unreasonable

The rich man did not try to persuade Jiang Yun to stay, but smiled kindly at him and said, "I have some difficulty in moving, so I won't send you off."

"I hope my little friend will get what he wants!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "If I gain anything, I will definitely come back and tell my seniors."

After giving a fist-cup salute to the rich man, Jiang Yun turned around and left the cave, not even taking Du Ze's body with him.

At this moment, the voice of the rich clan elder suddenly sounded throughout the Black Soul Clan: "This is a distinguished guest of my Black Soul Clan, and no one is allowed to stop him."

Because Jiang Yun has now restored his appearance, the elders of the wealthy clan will speak up in case any clan members come to trouble Jiang Yun.

Along the way, many Black Soul clan members saw Jiang Yun, and everyone's face showed curiosity and surprise.

Over the years, Jiang Yun is probably the only outsider who has entered the Black Soul Clan, and he can even be called a distinguished guest by the clan leader!

Jiang Yun ignored them and left the Black Soul Clan as quickly as possible.

Du Meng's memory contained the location of the Chuanyuan Star Territory, so Jiang Yun did not need a map and flew directly to the southeast.

At this time, Xie Daozi's voice sounded: "Brother, the conditions proposed by the rich clan elder are not that simple."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Yes, if we can really find the man named Zhuang, I am afraid that with this, he can lead the Black Soul Clan to take revenge."

It sounds like the conditions proposed by the rich clan elder are easy to fulfill.

But that was based on the premise that the lamp he saw was really a ten-blood lamp!

If the eternal lamp is not a ten-blood lamp, but an ordinary magic weapon, then Jiang Yun has no idea how to find the true identity of the old man surnamed Zhuang.

Looking for a needle in a haystack, at least there is a needle.

And this person's appearance, last name, and even the method of taking action are all fake.

Apart from knowing that he is a member of the Three-Child Race, there are no other clues left, which is completely equivalent to a person who has never appeared.

Only if Jiang Yun catches all the people from the three major races and searches for their souls one by one can he possibly find each other.

Of course, if that lamp is the ten-blood lamp, then everything will be easier.

But if he really can't find the other party, Jiang Yun can only discuss it with the rich man and change the conditions.

"Alas!" Xie Daozi sighed helplessly: "Brother, I'm really embarrassed to be my brother. Do you feel guilty?"

"For my brother's selfishness, I made you run around like this."

Why didn't Xie Daozi understand that Jiang Yun didn't care about the secrets of transcending the strong?

Jiang Yun said noncommittally: "Brother, you don't have to be polite. I said, helping brother means helping myself."

"Even if there is nothing to do with my brother, I will go to the Chuanyuan Star Territory sooner or later to meet the people in Yishang."

Jiang Yun's goal is to leave the Chaos Realm.

And so far, the only way he knows to leave is to find someone with a palm.

Perhaps the rich clan elder also knew, but in order to avoid making the other party suspect that he would leave secretly after knowing the way to leave, Jiang Yun did not ask the rich clan elder.

If you find nothing in the Chuanyuan Star Territory, then it will be too late to ask the elders of the rich clan for advice.

Xie Daozi continued: "Okay, brother, this journey should take some time. You summon Bei Ming and practice quickly, and I will protect you."

Jiang Yun did not refuse, summoned Beiming and Soul clones, and asked Xie Daozi to monitor the surroundings. He himself entered the Dao world and found Dao soil.

"You said that Yizhang is the gatekeeper of your family. Now that you heard the words of the rich man, have you recalled more memories?"

These are Dao Rang’s original words.

But it was precisely because of these words that Jiang Yun felt that the origin of the palm and the news that Dao Rang said that possessing the palm could allow him to leave the Chaos Realm were somewhat unreasonable and contradictory.

The organization Yizhang did not exist for a long time, but was formed by the five races after they learned that the Black Soul Clan held some kind of secret.

And their goals were only against the Black Soul Clan, so how could they go and guard the gate of Dao Rang's house?

What's more, he dares to make enemies with the powerful and transcendent with just one palm.

No matter how special Daorang's ability is, he can't compare to the powerful and transcendent, and the five major races will not be willing to guard Daorang's gate.

Unless their five major races are all Taoist cultivators and are extremely eager for the Tao, they will indeed obediently provide Tao soil.

But the wealthy elders had a sworn hatred against them and knew them very well.

If the five major races were all Taoists, the wealthy elders would not be confused by the Taoist path that Jiang Yun described and demonstrated!

In addition, Yi Zhang may not know how to leave the Chaos Realm.

Because the Black Soul Tribe is a native race of the Chaos Realm, the secrets they possess should include how to leave the Chaos Realm.

If the five major races are also the native races here, they should also know why they need to join forces to deal with the Black Soul Clan.

In Jiang Yun's opinion, it was more reasonable for the five major races to come from time and space outside the chaotic realm.

However, they were not able to find out the secrets of the Black Soul Clan in the end and remained in the Chaos Realm. Even if they had orders to find them, they would not be able to send them away.

Then why does Dao Rang have the memory of being able to make people leave the Chaotic Realm by holding the command?

Dao Ran rolled around Jiang Yun, and after a moment of silence he replied: "I'm not lying to you, the Commander can indeed help you leave the Chaos Realm."

"But what you said makes sense!"

After finishing speaking, Dao Rang made no sound again, but his rolling speed accelerated a lot.

Obviously, its memory is really incomplete and it cannot explain Jiang Yun's doubts.

Jiang Yun was so confused by Dao Rang that he simply waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't go around. I won't ask any questions."

"When you see a palm, you will naturally have the answer."

"If they don't know how to leave, there's something wrong with your memory."

Dao Rang stopped scrolling and said, "What if they know how to leave?"

Jiang Yun shrugged his shoulders and said: "That means that among the secrets mastered by the Black Soul Clan, there are other secrets that make them more interested."

"It's even possible that what they want to know is also the secret of transcending the strong."

Dao Rang whispered: "There must be nothing wrong with my memory!"

"hope so!"

Jiang Yun ignored Dao Rang, closed his eyes, and headed towards the Chuanyuan Star Territory.

In the Black Soul Clan, the elder of the wealthy clan sent Du Wenhai's soul back to his body with a wave of his hand.

Du Wenhai knelt there without saying a word, and there was no fear on his face. He was obviously ready to accept any punishment from the wealthy elder.

The rich man looked at him, slowly closed his eyes and said, "What did you feel about that Jiang Yun?"

Du Wenhai opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe his ears.

After knowing that he was colluding with outsiders to seek the position of the elder of the rich clan, the elder of the rich clan still asked for his opinion?

Although he was confused, Du Wenhai didn't dare to ask.

All Black Soul clan members have an innate fear of the elders of the clan.

If Du Wenhai hadn't met the old man named Zhuang and been bewitched by him, he probably would never have thought of replacing the rich man in his life.

After hesitating for a moment, Du Wenhai said truthfully: "I only know that his origin is very mysterious."

"It feels like his abilities are very similar to ours. He can also control darkness, and he seems to be more proficient in soul power than us."

The rich man sighed and said, "I'm not asking you about his strength and origins. What I'm asking is, do you have any special feelings about him?"

"A special feeling?" Du Wenhai thought seriously for a moment and then shook his head and said, "No."

The rich man opened his eyes again, looked at where Jiang Yun was standing before and said, "After I saw his true face, I felt inexplicably that he was different from us, and from any creature I had ever seen in the Chaotic Domain. "But, I also feel that he seems to have some connection with the Chaos Domain!"

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