Taoist world

Chapter 7214: Prepare for Showdown

The one who leads the way!

Jiang Yun was greatly surprised by the rich man's words.

Because, the so-called person who leads the way is equivalent to the heir of a wealthy family elder.

In other words, now, like Du Wenhai, I am regarded as the heir by the wealthy boss.

I was still thinking about how to find an opportunity and get into the eyes of the rich clan elder. Unexpectedly, the rich clan elder took the initiative to give me a chance!

However, this opportunity came so easily that Jiang Yun had to consider whether the rich man had another purpose.

After all, after returning to the Black Soul Clan's territory, he did nothing more than drive Du Chuan away from his brother and take back what originally belonged to him.

Even, he can't really take action.

Just because of this, he was favored by a wealthy family elder and decided to regard him as his heir?

This is a bit hasty!

Therefore, Jiang Yun had a look of fear on his face, shook his head and said: "Thanks to the great love of the elders of the big clan, but Du Ze knows that he is weak and lacks qualifications, and in all aspects he is not qualified to take on the important task of leading the clan."

The rich man smiled slightly and said, "No need to belittle yourself."

"Whether it's strength or qualifications, as long as you really need these things, I can make them available to you at any time."

"I said, what I like is your changes in the past ten years."

"I hope that your changes will lead to changes in the entire ethnic group."

This explanation from the rich man made Jiang Yun's heart move.

The wealthy elder doesn't care at all about the strength of his successor.

Because he can directly help others improve their strength.

Moreover, this improvement should still have no side effects.

After all, it was impossible for him to frame the next big clan leader.

That means that when a wealthy family chooses their heir, they don't care about strength and qualifications at all.

However, Jiang Yun still found it a bit impossible to say that he was interested in the changes in Du Ze's body.

The wealthy elder suddenly changed the subject and said, "Of course, although I intend to make you the leader, I still need to give you some small tests."

"You must have heard that I also gave Du Wenhai and others different tasks before."

"In the end, only Du Wenhai successfully completed it!"

Jiang Yun did hear an uncle say this.

Now that it was said from the mouth of a wealthy family elder, Jiang Yun felt that this was the wealthy family elder explaining to himself why he was chosen as his heir.

In fact, the elders of the big clan don't have any specific candidates. They just use a wide net to screen all the Black Soul clan members and select the ones who are relatively suitable.

Anyway, there are only a thousand people in the Black Soul Clan. If you take away the children and some people who are too weak, the number left is not much.

"Okay, now I'll give you a task."

"The reason why our Black Soul race has fallen to where we are today is because of the persecution of us by other races."

"Although we have escaped, as long as those races still exist, we can only live in humiliation like now."

"Therefore, over the years, I have been secretly inquiring about the whereabouts of these races."

"To the southeast of our clan, about tens of thousands of miles away, there is a star named Qinan Star."

"The Qinan tribe living on this star is one of the races that attacked us in the first place."

"Among them, the strongest one is probably the Origin Intermediate, which is comparable to Du Wenhai."

"Now, your mission is to destroy the Qinan clan and bring me the head of their clan leader."

"If you can complete it successfully, then when you come back, your identity will be the same as Du Wenhai, and no one will dare to bully you again!"

After listening to the task assigned to him by the elder of the rich clan, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at the elder of the rich clan without saying a word, just looking at him intently.

Logically speaking, it was extremely disrespectful for Jiang Yun to look at a rich man like this despite his status as Du Ze.

But the rich man was not angry, but asked: "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Yun said softly: "I'm wondering if one day I will become like you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun stood up, cupped his fists and bowed to the rich man, saying, "Goodbye, rich man!"

After saying that, Jiang Yun ignored the wealthy elder and walked away directly.

Then Xie Daozi's voice sounded: "He is staring at you with his spiritual consciousness!"

Jiang Yun nodded and returned to his home.

However, he did not enter the house, but knocked on the door of a tribesman next to him.

A Black Soul tribesman looked at Jiang Yun with a wary look on his face and said, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "I have something to do and I have to leave the clan and go to the outside world. I don't know when I will come back."

"So, I would like to trouble you and help me take care of my house so that it will not be occupied by Du Chuan again. I will definitely thank you greatly when I come back!"

After listening to what Jiang Yun said, the Black Soul tribesman looked at Jiang Yun with a strange look, nodded and said: "Okay!"

Jiang Yun casually cupped his hands and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Yun turned around and left, without even returning home, and ran directly to the exit of the clan.

The wealthy elder who had always been paying attention to Jiang Yun's actions with his spiritual consciousness narrowed his eyes and said, "What did the last look he looked at me and those words mean?"

"Also, he is clearly deliberately trying to lure Du Wenhai to chase him!"

"Could it be that I saw it wrong?"

"His real purpose is not the secret of my Black Soul Clan, but Du Wenhai?"

"But, what secrets does Du Wenhai have that would make him worthy of joining the Black Soul Clan?"

After Jiang Yun once again passed through the dark space of the Black Soul Clan, he was again in the gap between the boundaries.

After identifying the location, Jiang Yun galloped towards the southeast.

After flying tens of thousands of miles, Xie Daozi's voice rang out: "This rich man has some abilities, and it's hard for people to figure out what they are and what they are!"

Both Jiang Yun and Xie Daozi had a vague feeling that the wealthy elders might have doubts about Jiang Yun's identity.

But the explanation given by the rich clan elder did not have any loopholes.

Therefore, now they really don't know what it means for the rich family boss to treat Jiang Yun like this.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Is it possible that he already knows that I am not Du Ze?"

"The reason why he didn't move me, but said he wanted to choose me as his successor, was to stabilize me and at the same time lend my hand to help the Black Soul Clan eliminate some enemies."

Xie Daozi asked: "Then we will destroy the Qinan tribe?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "Of course not!"

The Qinan clan has no grievances against Jiang Yun. How could Jiang Yun be willing to become a sword in the hands of a rich clan veteran and work for the Black Soul clan?

Xie Daozi naturally understood what Jiang Yun was thinking: "Then what are you going to do now?"

"No matter whether the big clan leader knows that you are the fake Du Ze, if you don't kill the Qinan clan, it will be difficult for you to return to the Black Soul clan."

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "I have thought about it. After I get what I want, I will have a showdown with the rich man!"

"What brother wants is nothing more than the secret about the transcendent strong man."

"I can make a deal with the rich man."

"As long as he is willing to tell us this secret, then I will exchange the corresponding things with him."

This is what Jiang Yun is thinking now.

Jiang Yun also has no grudge against the Black Soul Clan. He just wants to obtain the Ten Blood Lanterns in Du Wenhai's hands and the secrets of the Black Soul Clan to satisfy Xie Daozi's wish.

But just now, after listening to the so-called test task assigned to him by the elder of the big clan, Jiang Yun suddenly realized that the experience of the Black Soul Clan was almost exactly the same as that of Daoxing Tiandi.

Because Daoxing Tiandi has Dao soil, it is remembered by Hongmeng and hundreds of other Dao circles.

The Black Soul Tribe is a native race of the Chaos Realm and holds some secrets, so it is surrounded and suppressed by thousands of races.

The elder of the rich clan is at the peak of his origin, a strong man who can easily destroy even the Dao world with all his strength, but now he is just huddled in the Black Soul Clan, living a life of neither humans nor ghosts.

It's not that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, it's not that he doesn't dare to take revenge, but he still has his clan members!

Only if he is still alive can he save the few remaining members of the Black Soul Clan.

As for whether he is Du Ze or not, the rich man probably doesn't care.

He just hopes that while he is still alive, he can reduce the number of enemies for the Black Soul Clan as much as possible.

Jiang Yun seemed to see his future self in the rich man. If one day Daoxing World falls to the level of the Black Soul Clan, and if I am lucky enough to survive, will I be like the elders of the big clan, lingering, hiding in caves, and trying every means to kill Hong Meng? Are you going to avenge Daoxing Tiandi?

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