Taoist world

Chapter 7209 The Black Soul Tribe

The first thing the Black Soul clansmen do when they return to their clan is to prove their identity by controlling Beiming, the dark beast they call it.

In the memories of Du Ze and the other two Black Soul tribesmen, they all had the detailed process of controlling the dark beast, so Jiang Yun was not panicking at this moment and ignored Dao Li.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and stood still. He soon sensed a Beiming appearing next to him.

This Beiming was in its most basic form when Jiang Yun first saw them, shaped like a palm-sized fish.

As Bei Ming swam to Jiang Yun's side, Jiang Yun had already raised his hand and grabbed it.

The moment he touched Bei Ming's body, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared on Bei Ming's body, and his whole body immediately curled up, wrapping Jiang Yun's palm.

Jiang Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he made a secret in his hand. The power of the avenue condensed into a guardian seal, which had been quietly punched out along the ripples of Beiming, and sank into Beiming's body.

If it were other monks, even powerful people such as Xie Daozi, no matter what seal they formed or what power they used, they would be quickly digested by Beiming and would not have any impact on Beiming at all. .

But as soon as Jiang Yun's guardian Dao Seal submerged into Beiming's body, it turned into a web of Dao patterns, instantly covering the inside of Beiming's body.

By this time, this Beiming had been completely subdued by Jiang Yun.

However, this is the Black Soul Clan.

The Black Soul tribe's current control over Beiming is only able to prevent them from becoming hostile to them and stay away from them.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun gave Beiming the order to leave and watched Beiming gradually go away, Jiang Yun silently said in his heart: "Explode!"

The guardian seal immediately exploded silently.

And the uncle's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Come in!"

Hearing these three words, Jiang Yun knew that he had successfully passed the first level.

He no longer stayed, and his consciousness swept around, found an extremely hidden entrance to the space, and walked over.

Because the Black Soul Clan cultivates the two powers of darkness and soul, the environment they lived in was dominated by darkness, with almost no light.

However, now the Black Soul Clan has long been in decline, and they need to always be wary of being pursued by others.

If you keep your living environment dark as before, if someone discovers you, your identity may be exposed.

Therefore, within the territory of the Black Soul Clan, just like other worlds, there is a distinction between day and night.

Of course, the daytime here is probably equivalent to dawn in the normal world, with just a hazy light that barely requires the use of flames for illumination.

But even so, the Black Soul clan members rarely go out during the day. They always stay at home and wait until the sky is completely dark before going out.

Jiang Yun deliberately chose to come back during the day, so when he stepped out of the dark space where Bei Ming was raised and officially entered the Black Soul Clan, there was still some light here.

The territory of the Black Soul Clan is not a complete star.

In addition, they like darkness, so the environment here is naturally not like the normal world, with different geography and various flora and fauna.

There are only barren mountains and deserts here, and only some rare animals and plants that also like to live in the dark.

The place where the Black Soul people live is either a cave or a crypt. In short, the darker the better.

To be honest, Jiang Yun felt depressed when he saw the environment where the Black Soul tribe lived in Du Ze's memory.

Living in this kind of environment all year round, it’s no wonder that the characters of the Black Soul tribe are mostly evil and gloomy. It’s no wonder that the tribesmen who rebelled against the tribe were unwilling to stay here after seeing the outside world.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing on a steep cliff.

And his residence is a cave inside this cliff.

This cliff is not unique to him, there are dozens of Black Soul tribesmen living there.

After Jiang Yun calmly glanced at the environment of the entire tribe, he did not rush to "go home", but looked at the end of his sight, where a cliff also stood.

However, within a hundred miles around, there are no other mountains, only a solitary cliff.

That is where the wealthy elders live.

Jiang Yun's body rose into the air and flew towards the cliff.

Because it was still daytime and all the Black Soul clan members were still staying in their respective homes, Jiang Yun didn't even see a single figure along the way.

After reaching the cliff, Jiang Yun fell to the ground.

In front of him stood a roughly rectangular stone about three feet high, inserted into the ground like a tombstone.

Jiang Yun knew that there was a cave under the stone, and a wealthy elder lived in it.

Like the powerful elders of other ethnic groups, who have high morals and prestige, and are like the Dinghai Shenzhen. Wherever they live, there must be clear posts and hidden sentries, and they are protected by their clansmen.

But the powerful elder of the Black Soul Clan does not allow any clan member to protect or come close to his residence.

Although neither of the two Black Soul tribesmen had seen the big clan elder take action, Jiang Yun and Xie Daozi agreed that the big clan elder should be a strong man at the peak of his origin.

Such a strong person naturally does not need anyone's protection.

Jiang Yun sat a hundred feet away from the stone, patiently waiting for nightfall.

The elders of the wealthy clan would only meet their clan members at night.

As time passed by, the sky finally turned completely dark.

And Jiang Yun also heard an old voice in his ears: "Du Ze, you are back!"

The voice contained a sense of vicissitudes of life, but there was no joy or sadness, no emotional fluctuations at all.

Jiang Yun stood up in a hurry, with a respectful look on his face, lowered his head and said, "Yes, Mr. Du Ze is back."

The rich elder's voice then sounded: "What's the matter with you?"

The respect on Jiang Yun's face turned into anxiety. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "I came here to apologize to the rich man."

"What are you guilty of?"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed to his eyebrows and said: "I was chasing Du Meng in the Chaos Domain, but I met an unknown master and was caught by him and imprisoned."

"Moreover, he also broke the seal left by the rich man in my soul."

"Although I have killed him, I failed to keep the seal of the great clan leader and wandered in the Chaos Realm for so long before coming back, so I apologize to the great clan elder!"

When Jiang Yun finished speaking, although his face still showed panic and anxiety, he was already ready to take action.

Because, next, it is time to get into the main event of infiltrating the Black Soul Clan.

The rich man will definitely search Jiang Yun's soul to verify whether what Jiang Yun said is true or false.

Even, once again, a seal was placed in Jiang Yun's soul.

If the big clan elder saw any clues, Jiang Yun would immediately call out Xie Daozi and Beiming, and the two would work together to test the big clan elder's strength.

If they were able to fight, the two men would simply grab the wealthy elder and take him away.

If he couldn't fight, Jiang Yun would naturally run away quickly.

However, after Jiang Yun waited quietly for a long time, the voice of the elder of the clan sounded again: "Since you have killed that person and did not reveal the secrets of the clan, what's the crime?"

"You have been wandering outside for many years and have worked hard. Now that you are finally back, go back and have a good rest!"

The rich man didn't check his memory at all, which was really beyond Jiang Yun's expectation.

But the more this happened, the more Jiang Yun was unsure.

Does the rich man really believe that he is Du Ze, or has he already seen that he is a fake, or does he have other plans?

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun also spoke again: "Thank you for your trust, the elder of the great clan. Please leave the seal for me again to seal the secrets of the clan."

"No need!" The elder of the big clan refused: "You won't leave the clan for the time being. It doesn't matter whether you have a seal or not."

"Okay, if there's nothing else, just step back!"

After saying this, the voice of the wealthy elder no longer sounded.

Although Jiang Yun had doubts in his heart, he couldn't continue to ask questions, so he could only bow to the stone respectfully and said: "Old man of the rich clan, Du Ze is retiring!"

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