Taoist world

Chapter 7191 Naming Beiming

Jiang Yun couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the countless guardian seals he had made disappear into the darkness at extremely fast speeds and disappear without a trace.

Although he thought of using the guardian seal to control these things, it was just his wishful thinking after all.

Jiang Yun's understanding of these things was almost zero.

He was worried that the guardian seal would not be able to enter their bodies at all.

But at this moment, as a large number of guardian seals disappeared, Jiang Yun immediately clearly felt in his mind that the seals had successfully entered the bodies of those things.

Although there are still a larger number of things that have not been invaded by the guardian seals, Jiang Yun is not in a hurry to continue to use the seals, but wants to see if his own seals can really control them.

The next moment, Jiang Yun activated the guardian seal without hesitation.

Suddenly, lines began to appear quickly in the darkness.

These lines are naturally Dao patterns, originating from each Dao seal.

They continue to spread and intersect in the vast darkness, like countless spiders spitting out spider silk and forming a huge web.

Xie Daozi, who was under the Immortal Tree, was already ready to escape when he heard Jiang Yun's reminder.

However, seeing that Jiang Yun not only did not escape, but instead summoned his own avenue, made him stop again, release his consciousness, and watch carefully.

With Xie Daozi's eyesight, he naturally understood Jiang Yun's intention immediately, which also surprised him secretly.

If you want to kill these weird things with your own strength, not only is it impossible, but it is also extremely difficult.

But Jiang Yun actually wanted to use the guardian seal to control them.

Xie Daozi really didn't know whether he should praise Jiang Yun for being bold or whimsical.

However, when Xie Daozi saw the network of Dao patterns that appeared quickly and was still expanding, he realized that Jiang Yun might really be able to succeed.

Because the process of using the Dao Seal to control other living beings is that the Dao patterns that condense the Dao Seal will decompose, and directly bind the other party's Dao heart with the meaning of the master's Dao.

As long as the other party's Taoist mind cannot break free from the constraints, it can successfully control the other party.

Xie Daozi didn't know whether these weird things in front of him had a Taoist mind, but since their dark bodies were covered with Taoist patterns, they should be able to control them.

Sure enough, just a few breaths later, Jiang Yun's face showed joy when all the Dao seals produced by Jiang Yun were broken down into Dao patterns and formed a huge net.

At this moment, countless light spots clearly appeared in his mind.

Each of these light spots represents a weird thing.

Since Jiang Yun can clearly sense them, it naturally means that the guardian seal has successfully controlled them.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun also discovered that these things had no memory or soul at all, making it impossible for him to know their origins and past.

To Jiang Yun, they felt like the lowest level of animals. Their attack and pursuit of Dao Rang was entirely due to an instinctive desire for food.

This feeling reminded Jiang Yun of a game he played with the children in Jiang Village when he was a child.

All children play an animal and chase each other according to specific rules.

Cats eat rats, dogs eat cats, wolves eat dogs, tigers eat wolves, elephants eat tigers, rats eat elephants!

Before the origin, it is the top existence that all living things must fear, just like the elephant in the game.

And these weird things in front of me don't even know their names, they don't even have souls and memories, they are the lowest level existences, just like mice in the game.

But unfortunately, they can use the origin as food!

"Buzz buzz!"

At this moment, more of these weird things seemed to realize that their own kind had been subdued by Jiang Yun, making them become even more violent and attack Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also came to his senses.

However, he did not make any more Tao Seals and continue to conquer them. Instead, he urged these weird things that he had already conquered to face their kind.

Jiang Yun didn't want them to kill each other, he just wanted to see how far he could control them.

However, under Jiang Yun's urging, a magical scene happened.

All these things that were subdued by Jiang Yun not only obeyed Jiang Yun's orders and faced their own kind, but also in the process. They actually started to merge!

This kind of fusion does not devour each other, but condenses each other.

It's like water droplets gathering together, gradually forming a bubble, then continuing to gather, forming a puddle, and then continuing...

In just a few breaths of time, all the weird things controlled by Jiang Yun with the guardian seal were merged into one!

Moreover, it is truly a fusion of groups into individuals.

Because in Jiang Yun's mind, the countless light spots that represented them have also turned into one.

This strange scene completely subverted Jiang Yun's cognition.

Naturally, its size has far exceeded Jiang Yun's Dao Realm and exceeded any world Jiang Yun knew.

And this is obviously not the limit it can reach, just because it has no individuals that can continue to integrate.

At this time, the behemoth individual finally collided with other weird things that were not controlled by Jiang Yun Daoyin.

Jiang Yun also opened his eyes again!

Because the two sides should be attacking each other, even if the behemoth has the advantage in size, its kind can completely tear it into pieces and decompose it with its numerical advantage, just like a group of rats eating an elephant.

But the real situation is that those individuals did not know unity or cooperation, and they were integrated by that huge individual without any resistance at all!

Just like that, under the stunned gazes of Jiang Yun and Xie Daozi, when the size of the behemoth skyrocketed to the size of hundreds of worlds, the darkness finally began to recede rapidly in all directions like a tide.

It seems that until this time, those weird things didn't know how to be afraid.

Jiang Yun did not urge the behemoth to continue chasing its kind. Instead, he stepped forward, stood on top of its head, emitted his consciousness, completely covering it, and carefully looked at its body.

Under the control of the guardian seal, the behemoth no longer showed any aggression. It just floated quietly in the darkness, motionless and very well-behaved.

At this moment, the shape of this behemoth, except that it still has no facial features, has become more like a fish.

Moreover, it is a fish with a pair of wings!

Jiang Yun's consciousness turned around on its body several times, but found nothing.

Jiang Yun said softly: "In terms of body size, you are somewhat similar to the Yinling Realm beast, but your size should be able to grow larger."

"In terms of appearance, you look a bit like the Kun that the Sijing Zanghai Clan raised back then."

"Then what kind of existence are you?"

Xie Daozi's voice came from afar: "Brother, you don't have to worry about what kind of existence it is. Now that it belongs to you anyway, you can just give it a name."

Xie Daozi walked out from under the Everlasting Tree and came near Jiang Yun, but did not set foot on the fish's body.

Hearing Xie Daozi's words, Jiang Yun smiled hoarsely and said, "Brother is right."

There are so many unknown things in this world, there is really no need to worry about what this thing is.

Jiang Yun glanced at this behemoth again and said thoughtfully: "Since you look like Kun, then I will call you Beiming!"

"What a name!" Xie Daozi gave Jiang Yun a thumbs up and said, "Congratulations, brother, for successfully taming a Beiming!"

Jiang Yungang wanted to say something polite, but Dao Rang's voice suddenly sounded: "The first of the origin, and the first of the origin is here."

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