Taoist world

Chapter 7183 The Detached Strong Man

Jiang Yun turned a deaf ear to Dao Rang's words, ignored them, and did not ask how Dao Rang planned to confuse the judgment of the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others.

He just concentrated on swallowing Hongmeng Qi.

Daorang stopped talking and jumped out of Jiang Yun's body.

The shape of soil is like a ball, round and round.

After appearing, it immediately rolled out in one direction.

It looked like Dao Rang was joking, but the speed at which it rolled was astonishingly fast.

Even with Jiang Yun's eyesight, he couldn't see the Dao soil clearly and couldn't keep up with its speed. He could only sense that where the Dao soil rolled past, there was a large amount of great power spilling out.

The power of these great avenues is all-encompassing and spreads in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

And Dao Rang could roll thousands of miles away in an instant.

Then, it will suddenly turn and roll in another direction.

In short, the soil is rolling rapidly in all directions at an astonishing speed.

And watching Dao Rang's continuous rolling back and forth, and the gradual extension of the power of the avenue, Jiang Yun finally understood what Dao Rang meant by confusing the judgment of the Lords of the Heavenly Stems and others.

In this strange space, at least where Jiang Yun is at the moment, and within the rather vast area, there is no power of the Great Dao.

Dao Rang now released the power of the great avenue, and it extended to an extremely far range in a short period of time.

Then, after the Lord of the Heavenly Stems and others come in, they will most likely follow the direction where the power of the avenue exists.

Because this is the instinct of a Taoist cultivator!

When a Taoist cultivator enters a strange place, he is naturally accustomed to finding the power of the Tao first.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know which direction to go to truly enter the depths of this space.

But what he wanted to go to was the direction of the pagoda that the original Taoist body saw, which was exactly the opposite direction of the power of the avenue created by Dao Rang.

By the time the Lord of Heavenly Stem and the others realized that they were chasing in the wrong direction, they had no idea where they were.

If there is no special method, then finding Jiang Yun in such a strange and huge space will be like finding a needle in a haystack!

Although Dao Rang's method seems a bit simple, it has a very good effect in this space.

When a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Yun finally swallowed up all the Hongmeng Qi in front of him, and Dao Rang quickly rolled back from a distance and submerged into Jiang Yun's body again.

Dao Rang said proudly: "Okay, even if they come in now, they won't be able to find us in a short time. Let's leave quickly!"

Jiang Yun still ignored Dao Rang, swaying, and walked in the opposite direction of the power of the avenue.

Jiang Yun's walking speed was not very fast, and he did not even use any power of the avenue at all, but only used the power of his own body.

Because, he is not sure whether there is really great avenue and power in this space.

If not, there is no way to recover the power he has consumed.

Although he still has some Dao Yuan Stones and True Yuan Stones on his body, they are not in large numbers and must be reserved for critical moments.

But the physical strength does not matter, even if it is exhausted, it can be restored after a period of rest.

What's more, Hongmeng Qi can also help the physical body recover.

In fact, there is also something guiding the way in this space, which is the Qi of Hongmeng.

It was discovered last time when Jiang Yun's original Tao body entered.

Every distance here, there will be some Hongmeng Qi, like a road sign, so that people will not be completely lost.

The original Taoist body was constantly advancing along the Hongmeng Qi, and when it was on the verge of dissipating, it finally saw the pagoda.

However, this time, Jiang Yun was not prepared to keep these Hongmeng energy.

Along the way, whenever Jiang Yun encounters Hongmeng's energy, he will devour it without hesitation.

Without the Hongmeng Qi, the difficulty of finding Jiang Yun would naturally increase for the Heavenly Stem Lords.

When the day passed, Jiang Yun saw a pagoda in his sight!

Although his original Taoist body had already seen the tower, at that time, his original Taoist body was on the verge of dissipating. He only took a final glance and did not see it clearly at all.

Even when Jiang Yun condensed the pagoda with Dao patterns, it was extremely blurry.

At this moment, Jiang Yun stood here, and naturally he finally saw the shape of this pagoda clearly.

This pagoda is only as tall as one person, probably because there is not much Hongmeng Qi left, or it has been here for too long, making the pagoda a bit illusory.

But it is not difficult to see that the pagoda is indeed eighteen stories high, and the top of the pagoda is extremely sharp, like a sword blade.

It is more like a sword than a tower.

Jiang Yun stared at the pagoda, thinking in his heart, who left this pagoda, and what is the purpose and significance of leaving such a pagoda?

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to come up with answers to these questions out of thin air.

Perhaps, Daorang knew the answer, but throughout the day, Daorang never spoke. It must have been that he had released too much power of the avenue before, leaving him with no strength to speak anymore.

After a long time, Jiang Yun said to himself: "No matter who left this pagoda, it should not only be used as a guide."

"There may be other mysteries hidden in the pagoda."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun slowly raised his hand and waved lightly towards the pagoda in front of him, releasing a gentle force.

The pagoda itself is condensed from the energy of Hongmeng. It is an illusory existence and cannot be truly touched.

Even if he could, Jiang Yun didn't dare to risk touching it with his body, so he could only use this method to see if he could make the pagoda react.


Sure enough, the moment Jiang Yun's power touched the pagoda, the pagoda suddenly shook slightly, slowly dissipated, and turned into streaks of Hongmeng Qi again.

However, these Hongmeng Qi did not disappear, but continued to gather together, once again condensing into a human form!

While the pagoda was shaking, Jiang Yun had already retracted his palm and retreated backwards, widening the distance between him and the pagoda.

At this moment, his face was alert, his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him, ready to attack.

The figure quickly took shape. Although it was still illusory, it had a clear appearance.

This is a middle-aged man with sharp edges and tough appearance, wearing a white gown.

There was nothing too special about the man's appearance, but Jiang Yun could keenly feel that there was a distinctive aura about him!

Even if the other party is illusory, this aura is extremely real!

Although Jiang Yun could not describe this aura in detail, he had an extremely certain idea in his mind.

This kind of aura is superior to oneself, superior to this space, and even superior to all things and spirits - an aura of transcendence! In short, this man condensed from the energy of Hongmeng is a transcendent and powerful man!

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