Taoist world

Chapter 718: Reasonable

This sudden old voice suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope in Ma Jun's already desperate heart.

Because the person who spoke was the Lord of the Third Palace of Dao!

Since the Palace Master's voice sounded, it meant that the Palace Master already knew what was happening here and knew about the appearance of this talkative man!

Thinking of this, Ma Jun hurriedly shouted loudly: "Palace Master, save me!"

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However, the chatty man shook his head and said with an indifferent expression: "I told you not to put in any effort, he was just testing, and there is no way to determine where I am."

The chatty man's words were like a basin of cold water, once again extinguishing the fire of hope that had just been ignited in Ma Jun's heart.

But the chatty man nodded again and said: "You are quite honest. You answered all the questions I asked."

"Although I could have let you go, you shouldn't have taken advantage of my junior brother. No one in our sect can be bullied."

"Fortunately, I am kind-hearted, so you can be spared from the death penalty, but you will never be spared from the living crime!"

After the words fell, the chatty man also looked at Ma Jun deeply.

With a dazzling light in his eyes, Ma Jun, like the woman, lost all his cultivation and fell into a coma.

And the memory in his mind was erased in an instant.

After doing all this, the chatty man stretched out his hand and saw something flying out of each of the unconscious man and woman, and fell into his hands, which was the mirror and lamp.

However, at this moment, the mirror was empty and the lights had been extinguished.

"Without the permission of the Dao Temple, these two things would be in vain!"

The man shook his head, rolled up his sleeves, and sent these two things, together with the unconscious man and woman, to Dao San Palace, and turned around to leave.

As he walked, the man kept mumbling: "Master asked me to rescue my junior brother, but my junior brother is now imprisoned on the seventh floor. Even with my strength, I can't enter the seventh floor!"

"This is difficult to handle!"

The man's figure gradually moved away, and just when he was about to disappear from the darkness, the old voice just now sounded in his ears again: "Fellow Taoist Dongfang, why don't you say hello when you come? Don’t even say a word to me!”

"At any rate, I should be allowed to fulfill my duties as a landlord. Otherwise, if the conversation is spread in the future, people will say that I don't know how to treat guests!"

The sound of the words made the chatty man finally stop, but his eyes flickered, obviously he was thinking of something.

And just a moment later, he suddenly turned around, laughed loudly in the direction of the Third Palace, and said, "Master of the Third Palace, who said I was leaving? I came here specifically to find you!"

"I heard that you are in retreat recently. There must be some unresolved problem. Why don't you tell me and let me listen. Maybe I can give you some advice."

While speaking, the man strode straight towards Daosan Palace, unimpeded until he completely entered the palace.

In the darkness, a breeze blew by, picking up the bodies of Ma Jun and the woman, and carrying them directly into the depths of the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

Jiang Yun and the others have been walking on the road for six days now, and they are getting closer and closer to Taoyuan City.

Along the way, Jiang Yun rode a rhinoceros alone. Except for Liu Peng who occasionally came to chat with him, no one bothered him.

However, Jiang Yun knew very well that whether he could enter the Liu family along the way was a matter of two opinions!

Because the distant uncle always looked at him with suspicion and vigilance.

And today, Jiang Yun knew that no matter what Uncle Yuan wanted to do to him, he would soon be unable to hold himself back.

Sure enough, a group of twenty or thirty people had appeared in front, and among them were three Taoist monks!

Everyone in this group has not arrived yet, but a voice came first: "Uncle Yuan, young master!"

Obviously, those who came were from the Liu family!

Hearing the sound, Uncle Yuan's face suddenly showed a look of relief.

Even though the whole journey seemed uneventful, in fact he was always on tenterhooks.

After all, this is a prison, and there is no way to peace at all. Now that he sees his tribe finally arriving, he finally breathes a sigh of relief.

The two groups of people soon came together, and Liu Peng was surrounded by everyone in the center, talking to each other.

But just when Liu Peng wanted to greet Jiang Yun, Uncle Yuan suddenly said: "Young Master, the master of the house is waiting for you to return, so you go first, I will accompany the ancient Taoist friend."

Hearing these words, Liu Peng couldn't help being slightly startled and looked at Jiang Yun. Jiang Yun nodded to him expressionlessly, indicating that he could leave first.

After receiving Jiang Yun's approval, Liu Peng said loudly: "Okay, Senior Gu, then I'll wait for you at Liu's house!"

So, except for Uncle Yuan and the three Taoist monks who came after him, who accompanied Jiang Yun, the others escorted Liu Peng to leave first.

After watching their figures disappear, Uncle Yuan who stayed behind walked up to Jiang Yun with three other Taoist realm monks.

At this moment, Uncle Yuan no longer had the previous smile on his face, but said coldly with a straight face: "Fellow Taoist Ancient, do you have something you should tell me?"

Jiang Yun still said with a serious expression: "I wonder what Uncle Yuan wants to hear?"


Uncle Yuan snorted coldly and said: "My young master is young, kind-hearted, and has little experience, so he will regard fellow Taoists as good people."

"But in my opinion, everything that my young master has experienced should probably be done by fellow Taoists. The purpose is to win the favor of my young master and enter my Liu family!"

"Then, use the name of my Liu family to enter Taoyuan City!"

"Tell me, did the guards of my Liu family die at your hands?"

Listening to Uncle Yuan's evaluation of himself, Jiang Yun was not angry.

Because Uncle Yuan was at least half right, and his doubts about himself were actually reasonable!

When he rescued Liu Peng in the Reincarnation Cave, Liu Peng could tell at a glance that he had just entered the Dao Prison.

So in the eyes of someone like Uncle Yuan who is obviously very loyal to the family, he will naturally think that he is up to no good.

Although I didn't think much about it when I rescued Liu Peng, I have to admit that after hearing everything Liu Peng said about Taoyuan City, I really wanted to enter Taoyuan City through the Liu family.

However, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to admit Uncle Yuan's last words under any circumstances.

Jiang Yun shook his head, looked at Uncle Yuan and said, "I want to know why you doubt me?"

"The reason is that in the rain of fireballs, even the strong ones in the God's Blessing Realm can only protect themselves. And you, even if you are in the Dao Spirit Realm, you can't even protect yourself, so how can you save my young master?"

Obviously, in addition to not believing Jiang Yun's motives, Uncle Yuan also had doubts about his cultivation in the Dao Spirit Realm.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Since you don't believe it, it's useless no matter how many explanations I give. I can only tell you that what your young master said is the truth, and I didn't kill his group of guards!"

After saying that, Jiang Yun jumped off the rhinoceros and turned to leave.

How could Uncle Yuan let him leave so easily? With a cold snort, four people immediately surrounded Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun actually didn't really want to leave. Instead, he glanced at the four of them and sighed: "It seems that no matter what I tell you is the truth or a lie, the four of you are ready to take action against me." Just kill him right away?"

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