Taoist world

Chapter 7178: Pointing the Way

"This sacred tree is really weird!"

After escaping for a few breaths, Xie Daozi suddenly spoke and looked at the ripples that continued to spread around him and Jiang Yun.

Now it was Xie Daozi who was escaping with Jiang Yun.

Although Xie Daozi had used all his strength, the distance he ran out was not that far.

Because every time he took a step, he could feel the huge resistance coming from the gaps in all directions.

Naturally, it is not difficult for Xi Daozi to discover that the resistance comes from the ripples around him that seem to be chasing the two of them.

These ripples seem to have little power, but in the process of spreading, they are able to continuously shrink the space.

This is like shrinking the ground into an inch.

If Xie Daozi could originally take one step ten thousand feet away, under the influence of ripples, he could only take one thousand feet away at most.

In this way, it would be impossible for the two of them to escape.

The distance between A and three people behind them is getting closer and closer.

Dao Rang gave an explanation: "If the sacred tree of stems and branches is regarded as a monk, then it controls the power of time and space!"

"This ripple can affect space, so you basically can't escape from it."

Jiang Yun told Xie Daozi about Dao Rang's explanation, and then continued to ask: "Senior, there is no way to counteract the ripples of the sacred tree of stems and branches?"

"No!" Dao Rang said simply: "Before we originated, it was almost impossible to directly attack each other."

"If we can take action, then why should we ask you monks for help?"

Jiang Yun continued: "The sacred tree of stems and branches can stop us, senior can't stop Xia Jiayi and the others?"

Jiang Yun is not willing to fight with the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others now.

Because although Xie Daozi is helping now, Xie Daozi has not fully recovered his strength, and it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others.

Even if they really had to fight, Jiang Yun hoped that at least until he successfully broke through, he might be able to fight them.

"No way!" Dao Rang sighed and said, "I have already said that half of my power is used to help Xie Daozi repair his Dao heart, and the other half was just used to help you and me cover our auras."

Regarding Dao Rang's answer, Jiang Yun frowned slightly. He always felt that the other party's attitude seemed not to care about the ambush of the Heavenly Stem Sacred Tree against him and others.

You know, when he was just in the righteous world, the gap was as big as the aura of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, and Dao Rang seemed extremely nervous and hurriedly hid himself.

But now, not only is Dao Rang no longer nervous, but he also feels as if he hopes he can fight with the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others.

This naturally puzzled Jiang Yun.

If he was caught by the Lord of Heavenly Stems and others, could Dao Rang be able to escape on his own?

"Jiang Yun, you can't escape this time!"

At this moment, Earth Lord's voice came from behind, interrupting Jiang Yun's thoughts.

Now the distance between the three Earth Masters and Jiang Yun has shortened to a hundred feet away, and is really only one step away!

Hearing Di Zun speak, Xie Daozi's eyes showed a decisive look and said: "Brother, I think it will take some time for the person who is breaking through to truly break through."

"So, instead of wasting our efforts to escape, we should take the opportunity to fight these people first."

"If we can solve one of them, there will be one less threat later. What do you think?"

Jiang Yun also knew that escaping was impossible, so he nodded and said: "Okay, but my strength is limited. I can only entangle one person at most, and the other two will trouble my brother!"

"Hahaha!" Xie Daozi laughed and said, "You didn't need to take action originally, but since you can still entangle one person, it will be easier for me."

"Let's go, you pester one of them. After I deal with the other two, I will come to help you. Let's fight quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, Xie Daozi turned around and faced Jiayi and the others.

Jiang Yun followed closely behind.

Even though Di Zun and Ren Zun were shouting happily, seeing Xie Daozi not escaping and resisting the war, he invariably slowed down.

These two are not stupid.

Although they didn't know Xie Daozi, since the other party could take the initiative to escape with Jiang Yun, it was not difficult for them to guess the other party's strength, which was at least much stronger than Jiang Yun.

When A saw Di Zun Ren Zun retreating, he didn't care. He just snorted coldly and stepped forward to meet him.

Xie Daozi's attack method is still the Zhu Xie Bu Invasion move. He condenses countless heads with Xie Dao Dao patterns and swarms towards Jiayi and Renzun.

Jiang Yun's eyebrows cracked, and Huang Quan appeared with the immortal tree, surrounding the Earth Lord.

The Earth Master stood still and did not move, but the seam beneath him turned into a vast quagmire. Under the surge of countless mud, it easily completely filled the underworld.

The countless dead bones inside were instantly crushed into nothingness, and even the immortal tree was submerged by the soil after holding on for a few breaths.

The Earth Master said with a proud look on his face: "Jiang Yun, your strength has improved very quickly, hasn't it?"

"We haven't seen each other for so long, why haven't we made any progress?"

Although Jiang Yun absorbed the great enlightenment of the righteous world, his strength did not improve and was still equivalent to the initial level of the original.

If he were in the righteous world, Jiang Yun could still borrow the power of the righteous world and monks such as Shen Muzi, but within the cracks outside this realm, he could not borrow any power.

The Earth Lord's strength is already close to the middle level of Origin, so it is not surprising that Jiang Yun's attack was broken by the opponent.

However, Jiang Yun must not be the opponent of Di Zun, but Jiang Yun does not think so.

He saw a waterfall of light quickly gushing out of Jiang Yun's body, swelling up, and directly pulled the Earth Master into his Tao Realm.

"Buzz buzz!"

Jiang Yun's eyebrows cracked, and the three original Tao bodies had already stepped out, and the power of the three great ways was released without hesitation.

Although Di Zun's strength is close to the middle level of the origin, he is not a Taoist cultivator. Without the Tao that he insists on, he cannot have the origin of the Tao body.

Jiang Yun relied on his three original Tao bodies, not to mention that he could defeat Earth Lord, but if he just wanted to entangle him and delay it for a while, there would be no problem.

In fact, as the three original Tao bodies took action, Jiang Yun himself did not even join the battle. Instead, he hid far away and took out the dial needle and face of the Great Desolate Time Dial from his arms!

Just now, Daorang said that the sacred tree of stems and branches has the power of time and space, reminding Jiang Yun that this great wilderness time dial can also allow people to travel through time and space!

If he could figure out the specific method of using the Great Wilderness Time Dial, then no matter what happened, Jiang Yun could at least take Xie Daozi to escape into other time and space first.

This process will definitely be a bit dangerous, but Jiang Yun believes that since he was able to do it in the last reincarnation, he should be able to do it too.

What's more, my current strength is much stronger than that of my last reincarnation.

Seeing Jiang Yun take out the Great Wasteland Time Dial, Dao Rang couldn't help but said: "What are you doing!"

Jiang Yun did not hide his purpose and told the truth. Dao Ran hurriedly stopped him: "You are crazy. Traveling through time and space is not that simple. If you die in time and space, it is a trivial matter. But once the power of time and space spreads, it may affect any time and space, even the world." let any

Time and space collapsed directly, and all living things disappeared. "

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Of course I have considered the consequences, and I also know the severity."

"Unless I am certain, I will not use this time dial easily."

"That won't work!" Dao Rang stopped him again: "Even if there is a one-hundred-millionth chance of failure, you can't use this great wasteland time dial. Hurry up and put it away."

Dao Rang's opposition to his use of the Great Wilderness Dial was so violent, which was somewhat beyond Jiang Yun's expectation.

Dao Ran continued: "Aren't you just worried that the two of you are no match for the Lord of Heavenly Stems and they might be caught by the Divine Stem Tree?"

"Don't worry, I will show you a clear path and I will ensure that you can escape smoothly."

Jiang Yun asked: "What clear path?" Dao Rang said word for word: "That chaotic land that you used the Dao Realm to devour!"

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