Taoist world

Chapter 7167: Taking advantage of the situation

"what are you up to!"

Shen Muzi couldn't help but be startled when he heard that Jiang Yun suddenly made an inexplicable request to go to a place to cultivate Taoism at this time.

Jiang Yun looked up at the direction of Song Longteng's self-destruction and said calmly: "I told you to save you from the righteous world!"

At this moment, although Shen Muzi has not seen the evil cultivator yet, he can already imagine what will happen next, so he is a little confused.

Naturally, he had no ability to make judgments and decisions regarding Jiang Yun's request, so he could only seek help from the will of the righteous world.

The will of the righteous world is also entangled.

If Jiang Yun wants to go somewhere else, the Righteous Dao World will not have any objections, but the place where he cultivates Dao is the foundation of the entire Righteous Dao World.

If Jiang Yun has bad intentions, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Yun's voice sounded again: "Fellow Daoist Shen, although I promised to help you, you have also seen that the current situation has completely exceeded our previous expectations."

"Even if I go to the land of cultivation, I am not completely sure. I just try my best to take a gamble."

"Therefore, Taoist friends had better make a decision quickly."

"If it's any later, even if I'm allowed to enter the cultivation place, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

"Then all I can do is leave!"

Just as Jiang Yun finished these words, a strong wind suddenly appeared behind him, like a palm, wrapping around his body and carrying him straight up into the sky.

Obviously, the will of the righteous world finally agreed to Jiang Yun's request.

Logically speaking, the Righteous Dao World would never allow Jiang Yun, especially another Dao Dao, to enter the Dao Cultivation Land.

Even, as long as there is a great road that dares to approach the place where the Dao is raised, the Righteous Dao Realm must activate its own great road to completely crush the other great roads.

Previously, when Jiang Yun wanted to get Guardian Dao recognized by the Righteous World, this was what the Righteous World did.

But now, the world of righteousness is at its wits end and has no way out.

It can only believe that Jiang Yun can really help it fight against the evil Taoist master by entering the land of cultivating the Tao.

Xie Daozi naturally saw Jiang Yun leaving.

Although he was also curious about where Jiang Yun was going, he did not stop him.

He was indeed not completely sure about dealing with Zhengdaojie and Shen Muzi.

Jiang Yun's departure reduced one enemy, which was only good for him.

Anyway, the evil seed in Jiang Yun's body has been broken, and no matter where Jiang Yun goes, he can find Jiang Yun.

Dao Ran's voice rang in Jiang Yun's mind: "What are you doing in the Dao Cultivation Land at this time?"

"Do you think that the true self of Xie Daozi is hiding in the place where he cultivates Dao?"

"But if he is really there, not only should you not go to the place of cultivation, but you should stay away."

Jiang Yun replied: "When I go to the place where I cultivate the Dao, I naturally have only one purpose, which is to compete with the Great Dao of the Righteous Dao Realm."

"You..." Dao Rang was suddenly speechless!

Before, Jiang Yun had always said that everything he did was to break the situation, but Dao Rang didn't believe it.

But now, Dao Yang believed it.

At this moment, it is already difficult for the Righteous Daoists to contend with the massive attack of the Evil Daozi.

If Jiang Yun goes to compete with it at this time, then Jiang Yun's chance of success is really high.

Once Jiang Yun succeeds, Jiang Yun will be one step closer to breaking through his own realm.

It's just that Jiang Yun's behavior is really despicable!

Of course, Dao Rang would not stop Jiang Yun.

For it, the life and death of the righteous world has nothing to do with it.

If Jiang Yun can really take advantage of this opportunity and successfully break through the realm, it will be worthwhile even if he sacrifices all the realms, not to mention sacrificing one righteous realm.

In just an instant, Jiang Yun was already in the land of cultivation.

The place of cultivating the Way is actually a vast space filled with everything related to the Way of Righteousness.

All kinds of Tao patterns, Tao meaning, Tao power, etc. that have a positive atmosphere.

Among them, Dao patterns have the largest number.

Being in the land of cultivating the Dao, Jiang Yun didn't hesitate at all, and the guardian of the Dao immediately appeared.

Because the guardian avenue had been eroded by the power of evil before, Jiang Yun did not have time to clean it up, so the smaller half of its body was still black.

With the appearance of the Guardian Dao, everything in the Dao Cultivation Land suddenly became alert and began to consciously circle around Jiang Yun.

Obviously, the will of the righteous world also sensed something was wrong.

Jiang Yun, however, did not go to be polite and explain to the Righteous Dao Realm. He did not even say a word. The Guardian Dao suddenly swelled up and turned into a size of ten thousand feet. Together with me, he opened his mouth and sucked hard!

The large amount of Dao patterns and Dao power hovering around Jiang Yun immediately rushed towards Jiang Yun and the mouth of Guardian Dao!


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering thunder in the Dao Cultivation Ground, which shook the place violently, as if it was about to collapse.

This represents the anger of the will of the righteous world!

At this time, how can the righteous world still not know what Jiang Yun is going to do!

It believed in Jiang Yun and brought Jiang Yun to the Dao Cultivation Place, waiting for Jiang Yun to help fight against the evil Daozi.

But Jiang Yun wanted to take the opportunity to have a big fight with it and replace it. How could it not be angry?

The next moment, everything here condensed together, forming a huge blurry figure, exuding a monstrous aura, and pressed directly towards Jiang Yun and Guardian Dao.


As the pressure approached, Jiang Yun and the body guarding Dao trembled heavily at the same time.

Several cracks immediately appeared on Guardian Dao's body, and a stream of blood spurted out of Jiang Yun's mouth.

Although Jiang Yun had taken the initiative and had already devoured a large number of Dao patterns and Dao meanings, this was the place where Dao was cultivated and the heart of the righteous Dao world.

Even if the Righteous Dao Realm surrenders to the Evil Daozi, it is still a Dao Realm.

The power it possessed was not something Jiang Yun could easily contend with.

Jiang Yun didn't even have time to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was calm, and he was still absorbing everything from the righteous figure.

Jiang Yun absorbed the Dao Qi that entered his body as he did last time. Whatever he was familiar with was directly sent into the body of Guardian Dao to repair the cracks on Guardian Dao's body and increase its strength.

If they are unfamiliar, Jiang Yun will take them apart and return them to their original state.

And this is the way Jiang Yun and the Zhengdao world compete for the avenues. On the one hand, they snatch the avenues from the other party for their own use, and on the other hand, they use their own avenues to compete with the other party's avenues to decide the outcome.

If the Righteous Dao World could notice this at this time, and also distinguish the various avenues in the Dao Cultivation Land, and just select the avenues that Jiang Yun cannot absorb to attack Jiang Yun, then Jiang Yun will definitely lose.

However, the hatred of Jiang Yun in the righteous world even exceeds the hatred of the evil ones.

In addition, there was the threat of evil spirits there, so it was not aware of it at all, and it just continued to increase the release of its own pressure. If you really treat it as a person, then every time it releases the pressure, it is equivalent to using all its strength to hit Jiang Yun fiercely, without any reservation, wanting to kill Jiang Yun as soon as possible , then go and respond

To evildoers.

In short, as Dao Rang once told Jiang Yun, in the land of cultivation, Jiang Yun and the Zhengdaojie Dao competed. Although the probability of success was higher, the danger he faced was also several times higher.

Jiang Yun, however, was in no rush and just followed his own pace to compete with Zhengzhi Dao.

When only a moment passed, Jiang Yun saw the righteous figure in front of him suddenly stagnated for a moment. With a flash of light in his eyes, he immediately realized that a large number of evil cultivators should have entered the star map.

Or the evil Taoist disciples launched an attack, which made the will of the righteous world a little overwhelmed by the multitasking.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's eyebrows split open, and three original Tao bodies stepped out.

After they appeared, they did not absorb the Dao like me, but they all launched a powerful attack towards the figure of the Righteous Dao.

Water, fire, and thunder, the three powers of the Dao, rushed towards the figure of the Righteous Dao. Looking at the scene in front of him, Dao Rang couldn't help but sighed: "Jiang Yun, you are really taking advantage of the situation!"

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