Taoist world

Chapter 7160 One Hundred Thousand Righteous Paths

If all Taoist circles are treated as monks, then the monk of Daoxing Tiandi will have no friends, only enemies!

Anyone in the Taoist world who knows about Daoxing Heaven and Earth will covet Daoxing Heaven and Earth, want to find out its secrets, and want to annex and occupy it.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yun believed that Shen Muzi was telling the truth, the relationship between him and Shen Muzi was still hostile.

What happened to the righteous world had nothing to do with Jiang Yun.

Even if Jiang Yun is ruthless enough, he should destroy the Zhengdao world and reduce one enemy to the Daoxing world.

Jiang Yun's question made Shen Muzi smile bitterly and said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, maybe you don't believe it, but I still want to say that joining the Hongmeng and sending people to Daoxing Tiandi were not my decisions, but Song Longteng's. for."

"Although I have also been to Daoxing Heaven and Earth, I only stayed in the Immortal Realm for a period of time and did not harm any living beings in Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"Of course, I won't let fellow Taoists help me for free."

"As long as fellow Taoists are willing to help me in the Righteous Dao Realm, I will naturally not be ungrateful. I will withdraw from Hongmeng with the Righteous Dao Realm."

"It's just that fellow Taoists also know that the strength of my righteous Taoist realm cannot compete with that of the entire Hongmeng, so on the surface, I can't give any help to fellow Taoists."

"But if you need anything secretly, fellow Taoist, just ask."

"Even if I, Shen Muzi, need my personal head, I won't hesitate at all."

What Shen Muzi said was very consistent with the awe-inspiring aura he exuded.

Especially, what he said was true.

If Shen Muzi beats his chest and promises that as long as Jiang Yun helps him, he will bring the righteous world to stand with Jiang Yun without hesitation to fight against the Hongmeng and all the outside monks, that is absolutely a lie.

Shen Muzi continued: "Furthermore, when fellow Taoists help me, they are actually helping Taoism prosper the world."

"Not only does Xie Daozi become a transcendent strong man, as long as he recovers from his injuries, it is also possible for him to go to Daoxing Heaven and Earth!"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Even if I agree to help you, do you think that with the strength of the two of us, we can be the opponent of the evil Taoist?"

Xie Daozi is at the peak of his origin. Even though he was obsessed with evil, was injured, and his strength has declined, after so many years, his injuries and strength must have recovered a lot.

Jiang Yun was only at the elementary level of Origin. Although Shen Muzi's strength was unclear, he was at the middle level at most.

Not to mention the two of them, if there are ten more of them, it is unlikely that they will be Xie Daozi's opponents.

Shen Muzi did not answer Jiang Yun's question, but smiled and pointed at the more than ten stars around him and said, "Fellow Taoist, would you like to come with me to see our last pure land?"

Jiang Yun nodded happily and said, "Of course I do!"

This place was opened up by the Righteous Dao Realm himself, and it was all covered by the powerful power of the Righteous Dao, so Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness could not see the scene in each star.

But it is not difficult to guess that among the stars, it must be Shen Muzi who dares to invite him to help and rely on Xie Daozi.

"Fellow Taoist, please stand beside me."

Jiang Yun walked to Shen Muzi's side, and the awe-inspiring aura from Shen Muzi's body immediately covered Jiang Yun.

Being covered by the aura of awe-inspiring force, Jiang Yun felt that his spirit was inexplicably lifted up.

It's like I have the confidence to face all the difficulties in the world.

Facing any enemy, I have the confidence to defeat it.

Jiang Yun understood that this was the impact that the power of righteousness had on him.

The power of righteousness represents a positive meaning.

And Shen Muzi covered himself with the aura of awe-inspiring power in order to protect himself from the influence of the righteous power outside the stars.

Then, the two of them walked together towards the star closest to them.

Arriving next to the stars, Shen Muzi didn't even slow down and led Jiang Yun in unimpeded.

If the power of righteousness in the gap between the boundaries is like lake water, then the power of righteousness in the stars is equivalent to the ocean!

Standing in the sky, the rich power of righteousness made Jiang Yun feel a little difficult to breathe for a moment.

In addition, the evil seed in Jiang Yun's body shrank sharply, from the size of a fist to the size of a melon seed.

Fortunately, after only three breaths, Jiang Yun returned to normal and let out a deep breath.

And Shen Muzi, who was always watching Jiang Yun, smiled slightly and said, "I knew I didn't find the wrong person."

Jiang Yun's heart moved and he asked, "What do you mean by fellow Taoist's words?"

Shen Muzi smiled and said: "The environment here is like a fairyland for people with righteous thoughts, but for those with evil thoughts, it is like a prison."

"No matter what kind of Taoist path you practice, you can adapt to the environment here in such a short period of time, which is enough to prove that your Taoist path also has the meaning of the right path!"

"Of course, whether it is the right path or the evil path, it cannot simply be used as a standard to judge a monk's character and character."

"It's just that for us monks in the righteous world, we prefer to be close to monks like fellow Taoists."

Jiang Yun nodded, expressing understanding.

Not to mention monks, even ordinary people cannot simply distinguish good guys from bad guys.

Jiang Yun looked at the world.

The area of ​​​​this world is not large. Apart from various mountains and rivers, there are basically no buildings visible in it.

However, there are some monks who are among them.

There are not many in number, but every monk has the same awe-inspiring aura as Shen Muzi.

Naturally, these monks are the ones that the Zhengdao world and Shen Muzi have found over so many years who can stick to the Taoist heart.

Shen Muzi also spoke again: "Fellow Daoist just said something wrong. If we want to deal with Xie Daozi, it won't be just the two of us, but many people."

"There are one hundred thousand righteous monks like me in this entire area."

"They can form a star map and use their own righteous path to suppress the evil path in a short time!"

"And Xie Daozi's current injuries are still not healed. There will be some cracks in Dao's heart. If he is suppressed by the star map again, his strength will probably still drop."

"What's more, the Righteous Realm will also take action when necessary."

Jiang Yun stared at the monks below.

They were all meditating with their eyes closed. Everyone had a calm expression on their faces, and they had no idea that they and Shen Muzi were coming.

One hundred thousand cultivators of the righteous path may sound like a lot, but compared to the monks in the entire righteous path world, it is just a drop in the ocean.

In such a large Taoist world, only one hundred thousand monks can still keep their Taoist hearts, which is indeed a bit small.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun continued: "Everything about Xie Daozi is just your speculation!"

"Although your place seems to be hidden, it is impossible for the evil disciples not to notice it at all."

"What if Xie Daozi's injury has actually healed a long time ago, but he is just pretending to be unhealed to lure you to appear and expose this place?"

Shen Muzi nodded and said, "Fellow Taoist is very thoughtful."

"I've naturally thought about this issue."

"But if I really have a very reliable way, why wait until today."

"It is impossible to deal with a strong man at the peak of his origin without taking any risks."

"I'll tell the truth, even if fellow Taoist fellows don't come, I'm still ready to take action."

"The longer this goes on, the worse it will be for us."

"And the arrival of fellow Taoists gives us a better chance of winning."

"However, regardless of whether fellow Taoists are willing to help or not, I will not have any resentment towards fellow Taoists."

"If we are lucky enough to defeat Xie Daozi, then the promises I made to fellow Taoists before will still be valid."

Jiang Yun fell into deep thought, weighing whether he should help Shen Muzi and the righteous world.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally said: "If it succeeds, I want you to gain enlightenment from the righteous world. If Xie Daozi can be captured alive, I also want his soul." "If Xie Daozi dies, then I will I want all the monks in your Taoist world who practice the evil way to gain enlightenment on the great way!"

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