Taoist world

Chapter 7122 The Divine Tree is Angry

The so-called branches sent by the Divine Tree of Stems and Branches into the body of Jia Yi and Quan are not really part of its own body, but are similar to the spiritual consciousness of a monk.

Its consciousness is in Jiayi's body. Not only can it control them, but it can also treat the four of them as an extended part of its own body.

Even, to some extent, it can be seen as its clone.

Even for an ordinary monk, if a clone is killed, the main body will be able to sense it, and the main body will be implicated and suffer a certain amount of damage, not to mention the sacred tree of stems and branches! Therefore, when the bodies of A1 and four people exploded one after another, not only the four spiritual consciousnesses of the Ganzhi Divine Tree were destroyed, but its body was also injured.

Not long ago, it was cracked by Jiang Yun on its body.

Now, under Dao Rang's attack, the four spiritual consciousnesses were destroyed.

This is really a great humiliation for it, which is so high above. It also makes it extremely angry, and it wants to vent it now.

As its body swayed, waves of terrifying pressure began to spread in all directions.

"Buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, Dao Zun's world began to tremble violently.

And in this trembling, everything in the world, the sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers, all collapsed silently at an extremely fast speed and turned into nothing, leaving not even a trace.

Because Tao Zun was inside the sacred tree of stems and branches, no force could affect him, so he was unscathed.

However, when he looked at his own world, he could not resist the pressure released by the trembling sacred tree, which made him feel extremely shocked! After all, this is the world he created with his own hands to prevent the Heavenly Lord and the Master of All Spirits.

Even Hongmeng leader and others may not be able to destroy this world easily.

But I didn't expect that it would be destroyed so easily by a tree.

Although Tao Zun didn't know why the Ganzhi Sacred Tree suddenly became angry, it is not difficult to guess that something happened in the True Domain.

In this regard, he naturally remained silent. He only opened his eyes and looked around, then quickly closed them and stopped paying attention. He looked like it had nothing to do with him.

Apart from Tao Zun, there was another person who also saw the angry scene of the sacred tree.

Leader of Hongmeng! At this moment, the Hongmeng leader has returned to his own world and is still sitting in the pavilion.

However, there was no chessboard in front of him and no chess pieces in his hands. He just sat there with a dull expression.

He was waiting for the news of the death of Jiao Crocodile and others.

Regardless of whether it is the crocodile or other people, when they leave their Taoist realm, they will leave behind their own life stones and have someone to guard them.

As long as their life stones are shattered, the leader of the Hongmeng League believes that some people in his hometown will immediately send him a message, or ask questions, or curse, or reprimand him! As a result, he did not wait for the message, but instead waited for the wrath of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree and the disappearance of the Taoist World.

Although he was not in the mood to care about anything else right now, he also knew that he couldn't just sink in like this.

It is unlikely that Jiao Crocodile and the others will survive, but there are still too many people in their hometown, and they need to find a way to save their lives.

Therefore, he always has spiritual consciousness, staring at the entire immortal world and the sacred tree.

At this moment, the disappearance of Dao Zun's world and the fury of the sacred tree made him slowly raise his head, and his still lackluster eyes looked at Dao Zun's world.


But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in his head.


The roar was like thunder, causing the Hongmeng leader's body to fly directly from the stone bench, and fell heavily to the ground. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, this roar comes from the sacred tree of stems and branches.

With the strength of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, he naturally knew that the consciousness of the Hongmeng leader was always monitoring him.

Originally it didn't care, but now it was angry, so it simply vented its anger on the leader of Hongmeng.

Feeling the sweet and fishy taste in his mouth, the leader of Hongmeng finally cheered up a little.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up from the ground, and said in a low voice: "Senior, the avatar of the Divine Stem Tree is in the body of the Lord of the Heavenly Stems."

"Now that it is suddenly furious, it is most likely that something happened to the clone."

"Should we take action now and kill it?"

As the leader of Hongmeng finished speaking, the voice that could not tell the difference between male and female quickly rang in his ears: "My goal is always just Daoxing Heaven and Earth and that treasure."

"As long as it doesn't affect my goal, I won't stop you from doing anything you want to do, including killing the Ganzhi Sacred Tree."

"However, it is impossible for me to take action, so if you are sure, I don't mind seeing how you plan to deal with the sacred tree of stems and branches."

The leader of Hongmeng shook his head and said: "I can't kill it unless I can cooperate with Qin Bufan."

Just when the leader of Hongmeng mentioned Qin Bufan, Qin Bufan's expression suddenly changed in the star map! He and the Lord of Heavenly Stems have been fighting until now and have firmly gained the upper hand.

It won't take long for him to kill the Lord of the Heavenly Stems and take away the Sacred Tree of Stems and Branches in the opponent's body.

As for Origin, Qin Bufan's understanding is far better than others.

He knew that the sacred tree of stems and branches left something similar to spiritual consciousness in the bodies of the first-class people.

He also knew that what the sacred tree of stems and branches left behind in the main body of the heavenly stems was similar to the divided soul of a living being, which was far more important than spiritual consciousness.

And this was also the reason why his expression changed drastically.

Because, at this moment, in front of him, the body of the Heavenly Stem Lord actually swelled up, which was clearly about to self-destruct! Even if the Lord of Heavenly Stems couldn't defeat Qin Bufan, he would never think so hard and end his life by self-destruction.

Then it can only be that the split soul of the Divine Stem Tree wants to self-destruct, or in other words, it is forcing the Lord of the Heavenly Stems to self-destruct! This sudden change was really beyond Qin Bufan's expectation.

Before coming, he had considered as much as possible the various situations he would encounter.

But I never thought that the Lord of Heavenly Stems would be forced to self-destruct by the Divine Stem Tree.

Of course he didn't know that Dao Ran would personally destroy the four divine consciousnesses of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, thereby angering the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, making the Ganzhi Sacred Tree willing to give the entire True Domain a huge blow by letting the Lord of the Heavenly Stems explode. of blow.

Whether it was the split soul of the sacred tree of stems or the self-destruction of the Lord of Heavenly Stems, Qin Bufan didn't want to feel the power.

Therefore, without saying a word, he immediately reached out and made a move, and the countless stars hovering around him suddenly disappeared into his body.

And he himself quickly retreated towards the rear, widening the distance between him and the Lord of Heavenly Stems.

At the same time, he also shouted loudly: "Tianzun, the Lord of Heavenly Stems is going to blow himself up, hurry up and find a way to stop him."

"If you can't stop it, try to protect this area as much as possible!"

When Tianzun heard Qin Bufan's words, his expression also changed drastically.

Tianzun doesn't know about the split souls of the Divine Stem Tree, but he knows that the Lord of the Heavenly Stems should at least be of high-level original strength.

Tianzun is not sure how much destructive power such a strong man will cause when he explodes, but destroying half of the world sea should be no problem.

Jiehai, that is Jiang Yun's lifeblood! Especially now, almost everyone Jiang Yun wants to protect is in the boundary sea.

Tianzun would rather let his Tianzun domain be destroyed than dare to let anything happen to the boundary sea.

However, at this time, her own strength has been weakened. If she takes action personally, her life will be in danger.

Therefore, Tianzun said to the woman in black: "The Lord of Heavenly Stem is about to self-destruct, do everything you can to block his self-destruction!"

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