Taoist world

Chapter 7111 The Origin of Power

The Hongmeng leader's words made Jiao Crocodile stunned, and he turned to look at him with a little dissatisfaction: "Since you have discovered it a long time ago, why didn't you tell me!"

"I've been thinking about it here for a long time!"

The Hongmeng leader smiled slightly and said: "Jiang Yun's attack has only one type from beginning to end, which is physical power."

"If your right hand is disabled, use your left hand. If your left hand is disabled, use your right leg. Don't even care about the injury."

"Moreover, every time he attacks, he uses all his physical strength. This almost crazy method is clearly enlightenment. Do you still need me to tell you?"

The crocodile scratched his head and said: "He is not a pure physical practitioner. Why did he suddenly realize the Tao at this time? The Tao of strength?"

The leader of Hongmeng shrugged his shoulders and said: "Enlightenment is a mysterious and mysterious thing. No one can tell when it will appear."

"However, Jiang Yun's situation is somewhat special."

"He not only has a treasure in his body, but he has also absorbed a large amount of star power just now."

"Perhaps it was the help given to him by the treasure, or something contained in the power of the stars, that made him begin to understand the Tao."

The crocodile nodded and said, "Then when will we take action?"

"Based on the current situation, if the Lord of Heavenly Stems and we continue to watch, the outside monks will basically have lost."

"And Tianzun's trump card is still not exposed."

"However, if we take action, we can turn the tide of the battle in an instant."

"But it's difficult to deal with the Lord of Heavenly Stems..." "He seems to be controlled by that tree!"

It has to be said that although the crocodile doesn't use his brain very much, he is not stupid.

His analysis is still very correct.

Of the millions of outside monks who attacked the True Domain this time, only over 300,000 are left! There are still about 200,000 monks from outside the realm in the heavenly realm.

If Jiayi, Ziyi and others had not gone after Jiang Yun, the outside monks would have had the upper hand on the battlefield in that domain.

They can even force out Tianzun's other trump cards.

But since Jiayi and the others went to Jiehai, the pressure on the True Domain monks in the Heaven Domain was immediately relieved greatly.

Not to mention that Tianzun did not need to use his trump card, even the casualties of the True Domain monks were not large.

And as more and more outside monks die, the suppression released by the statues of Tianzun becomes more powerful, and the suppression of the strength of outside monks is naturally stronger.

In short, on the battlefield of the heavenly realm, the monks from outside the realm will be defeated quickly.

As for the Dao Domain battlefield, let alone that.

Shura and others have already started finishing work.

Therefore, the most important battlefield now is focused on the star map thrown by Jiang Yun! Jiang Yun, Taoist Qingxin, and Qin Bufan, who had not shown up yet but secretly maintained the star map with the power of the stars, also had the upper hand.

If it weren't for the Lord of Heavenly Stems standing by, Qin Bufan could have killed Jiayi, Ziyi and four others with his own strength! However, as Jiao Crocodile analyzed, the attitude of the Lord of the Heavenly Stems and their group of people will be the key to victory in the war.

Jiao Crocodile himself is a high-level source. Among the people he brought, there are three others in the source realm, and the weakest ones are all supreme.

Their strength and condition are all at their peak.

If they can not be suppressed by those thunders and the power of Tianzun's faith, then they can turn the tide of the war.

Moreover, the leaders of Hongmeng are also proficient in formations, which can increase their strength again.

More importantly, the drop of blood they were exposed to was a real killer weapon.

The words of the Crocodile made the Hongmeng leader's eyes flash with a hint of gloom, but immediately his eyes became firm. He suddenly turned around, faced the Crocodile, looked directly into the eyes of the Crocodile and said : "Crocodile, do you believe me?"

Jiao Crocodile frowned slightly and looked at each other with the Hongmeng leader: "Are you okay?"

"Between you and me, do you still need to ask this question?"

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

The leader of Hongmeng said solemnly: "I won't take action for the time being, and I can't show up, so you can only take them to the war."

"If I am negligent, you will also be in danger of your life, or even die here."

The crocodile laughed, stretched out his hand, patted the Hongmeng leader heavily on the shoulder and said, "I thought this was such a big deal!"

"Don't worry, I know that everything you do is for us, to get him back."

"Since I decided to come here, of course I have considered the worst consequences."

"Death is not a terrible thing for us."

"Okay, Lao Pan, no matter what you want to do, just go ahead and do it. All of us are willing to support you with our lives. We believe in you!"


A smile appeared on Hongmeng leader's face: "In that moment, you will wait for my order!"

After saying that, the Hongmeng leader immediately turned around and looked back at the star map, looking at Jiang Yun and the Lord of Heavenly Stems.

It seemed that he was paying attention to the battle and did not want to miss a single detail, but in fact, he was just trying to prevent the crocodile from seeing the slight mist rising in his eyes.

Suddenly, at this moment, a thunderous roar came from the star map.

The voice comes from Jiang Yun! At this moment, Jiang Yun's glazed right foot was also broken. He could no longer attack with his left foot. Instead, without stopping, he simply used his head to slam into the Earth Master.

The Earth Lord's condition was also extremely bad, with bleeding from all his orifices, his clothes were torn, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes were a little blurry.

He was beaten and seriously injured by Jiang Yun.

Faced with Jiang Yun hitting his head, Di Zun knew that it was impossible for him to dodge, so he simply didn't dodge, but raised his chest vigorously and faced him.


Along with a dull impact sound, Jiang Yun's head did not hit the Earth Lord, but hit a palm! The Lord of Heavenly Stem, this mysterious strong man, unexpectedly appeared in front of Earth Lord at this moment and pressed his palm against Jiang Yun's head! Although Jiang Yun's power was strong, he was knocked upside down by the palm of the Heavenly Stem Master.

But in the air, golden light suddenly lit up on Jiang Yun's mutilated body, and a large number of runes emerged.

These runes, like ants, climbed quickly on Jiang Yun's body, divided into three waves, and converged on Jiang Yun's missing hands and right leg.

The runes spread extremely fast, and under everyone's gaze, Jiang Yun's hands and right leg were re-condensed in an instant.

Jiang Yun's body recovered as before! Not only that, Jiang Yun's body also stopped flying upside down and stood in the air, with a golden light on his body.

From a distance, it looks like a golden body of the Great Dao! The next moment, Jiang Yun's body swayed and he came to the Lord of Heavenly Stems again. He raised his newly condensed right hand, clenched it into a fist, and smashed his memory towards the Lord of Heavenly Stems.

At the same time, Jiang Yun let out a loud shout: "Power!"

This punch really changed the color of the world. Even Jiayi, Ziyi and others who were far away from Jiang Yun could clearly feel a terrible pressure, which came in an instant, shaking themselves and others. Stumbling back.

And the entire star map was shaking violently, and the stars one after another were shaking rapidly.

Qin Bufan, who has always been transformed into a star point, secretly said: "This is not Jiang Yun's true form, but Jiang Yun's Taoist body, the source of power!"

Facing this punch, the Lord of Heavenly Stem's eyes suddenly widened, the light in his eyes skyrocketed, and he also raised his hand to meet Jiang Yun's fist.

And many people can vaguely see that a branch is revealed once again under the palm of the Lord of Heavenly Stems! At the same time, the leader of Hongmeng suddenly gritted his teeth and said to Jiao Crocodile: "Led by Jiao Crocodile, everyone enters the star map and attacks Jiang Yun, no matter life or death!"

The crocodile is already ready to go! As the Hongmeng leader's voice sounded, he swayed and walked away from the blood drop.

And when he was about to walk out of the blood drop, his voice suddenly came: "Old Pan, let me tell you another secret."

"Actually, many people want to come this time, but I feel that it is better for me to die than for them to die, so I am here!"

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