Taoist world

Chapter 7107 I help Jiang Yun


At this moment, Tianzun's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears.

Obviously, Tianzun has also seen four other monks from outside the territory alive.

Especially the Lord of Heavenly Stems was unscathed.

Jiang Yun's face was pale, his body was shaky, his condition was extremely bad, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must be allowed to leave quickly before the remaining power of the Qianjiang Water Moon Technique has completely disappeared.

Upon hearing Tianzun's reminder, Jiang Yun didn't hesitate at all, and immediately used the last remaining strength in his body to rush towards the southeast.

At this time, Jiang Yun could only believe in Tianzun, and also believed that the four strong men who were still alive would definitely pursue him.

As long as they are taken away and Tianzun has a way to deal with the Lord of Heavenly Stems, then at least Jiehai will be out of danger.

Seeing Jiang Yun escape, Shura and other True Realm monks sincerely hoped that he could leave smoothly.

However, the leader of the Hongmeng League and other monks from outside the region had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Jiao Crocodile frowned and said, "Is this Jiang Yun out of control?"

"The entire True Domain is being attacked by monks from outside the domain. Especially for the powerful ones from the origin, they are almost unaffected by space."

"Even if he escapes to the end of the True Domain, or even escapes from Guantian Palace, he still can't escape the pursuit of the Lord of Heavenly Stem and others!"

Sure enough, as soon as Jiao Crocodile finished speaking, he saw that the four strong men who had not died under Qianjiang Shuiyue's technique had also turned around and chased after Jiang Yun.

Everyone also saw clearly the identities of these four people, they were Jia Yi, Zi Yi, Di Zun and Ren Zun!

It was not a surprise to everyone that these four people survived.

Jiayi and Ziyi, one is the head of the ten heavenly stems and the other is the head of the twelve earthly branches. They are both high-level powerful men in origin.

Even if they are all weakened, it is indeed impossible for Jiang Yun to kill them with Qianjiang Shuiyue.

As for Di Zun and Ren Zun, they were able to survive, not because they were strong enough, but because Jiang Yun Qianjiang Shuiyue's goal did not include them at the beginning.

Moreover, they reacted very quickly. When Jiang Yun cut off the branches in the hands of the Heavenly Stem Lord, they had already begun to retreat, trying to put as much distance between themselves and Jiang Yun as possible.

Therefore, the two of them received the smallest impact from the force, and they narrowly escaped.

Now, since the four of them are still alive and already know that the treasure is in Jiang Yun's body, it is natural that they cannot let Jiang Yun leave no matter what.

Looking at the five people who had quickly fled away, the leader of Hongmeng said softly: "Jiang Yun is not running away!"

"If the prediction is correct, Tianzun should have used some trump cards and notified Jiang Yun secretly."

"Now she wants to protect Jiang Yun and kill Jiayi and the others."

"I'm really curious about what kind of trump card Tianzun has prepared so that she can have such confidence."

"Also, how is she going to deal with the Lord of Heavenly Stems!"

The Lord of Heavenly Stem was not attacked by Qianjiang Shuiyue. He did not retreat even a little bit from the beginning to the end. He always stood in place holding his own wrist.

At this moment, although he was also staring at the direction where Jiang Yun, Jiayi and the others disappeared, he still did not move and seemed not to be ready to chase Jiang Yun.

At the same time, Tianzun also closed his eyes, and a strange mark suddenly appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, slowly lighting up.

And when he saw the light on the mark getting brighter and brighter, suddenly, a strange man's voice sounded in Tianzun's ears.

"Tianzun, Jiang Yun and I are friends!"

"You and I really have no grudges. We're not here for the treasure, we're just here to find my junior brother."

"If you can promise to hand over my junior brother and prevent other outside monks from knowing my identity, then I can help Jiang Yun and deal with Jiayi and the others."

The sudden sound and the words spoken by the other party were indeed beyond Tianzun's expectation, and also caused the mark on her eyebrows to stop glowing.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzun's consciousness followed the direction of the sound and found the speaker.

The speaker is not far from Tianzun's location, just within Tianzun's domain.

The other party was an ordinary-looking old man who was in the supreme realm and was being besieged by two disciples of Tianzun.

Tianzun didn't know this old man at all, so he asked: "Who are you, and who is your junior brother?"

The old man replied: "My name is Taoist Qingxin, and my junior brother is Taoist Sanzhi!"

Naturally, this is Taoist Qingxin who hid his strength among the large army and entered the true realm.

Although Taoist Qingxin is also interested in the treasure, he is more concerned about the safety of Taoist Three Corpses.

Originally, he had never made up his mind whether he should attack the True Domain like other monks outside the domain, or help Jiang Yun.

Therefore, he always kept some spare energy to deal with Tianzun's disciples while paying attention to the progress of this war.

When he saw the situation of the battle, especially when he saw Jiang Yun possessing a golden body in one arm, and when he saw Jiang Yun perform the Thousand Rivers of Water and Moon technique, he finally made a decision to help Jiang Yun!

The reason was simple. He saw that the True Domain was not as weak as the monks outside the domain imagined, and he also realized that Jiang Yun had a greater chance of becoming a transcendent and powerful person.

He also recognized the art of Qian Jiang Shui Yue, and even knew that the old man who wrote the pen would not take the initiative to intervene in any disputes. Then, just like what the Five Elements Spirit thought when he saw Qianjiang Shuiyue, Qingxin Taoist thought, since the old man who wrote the book taught Jiang Yun the forbidden technique, then even if Jiang Yun cannot become a transcendent power in the future, who, to

Young people can become pen writers!

The writer is an extremely special existence, no worse than becoming a transcendent and powerful person.

If you can build a good relationship with a writer, the benefits you can get are unimaginable!

All these reasons combined were enough for Taoist Qingxin to take the risk to help Jiang Yun.

Of course, if he could still know the existence of Origin, then he might not make such a decision.

It's a pity that he doesn't know!

Even though Taoist Qingxin reported his identity, Tianzun still didn't know who he was.

In fact, Tianzun has never heard of the title of Taoist Three Corpses.

However, if Taoist Qingxin is telling the truth and really wants to help Jiang Yun, Tianzun will naturally welcome him extremely.

Because in that case, maybe Tianzun wouldn't need to expose that place at this time and expose more of his trump cards.

Tianzun directly asked Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, there is a Qingxin Taoist who wants to help you, is it trustworthy?"

Jiang Yun, who was running at full speed towards the southeast of the True Domain, was really stunned when he heard Tianzun's sudden and unclear question!

He also had no way of judging whether Taoist Qingxin could believe it.

However, after taking a look at the four people in Class A who were getting closer and closer to him behind him, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said: "Let's just believe him once!" After receiving Jiang Yun's answer, Tianzun no longer hesitated, and Daxiu With a wave of his hand, the light of faith that had entered Taoist Qingxin's body immediately surged. While Taoist Qingxin's true strength was restored, a layer of light was formed, covering him completely.

The individual shrouded himself.

In this way, in the eyes of others, they can only see the mask formed by the light of faith, and they cannot see through the Qingxin Taoist inside the mask.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzun directly used his own power to send Taoist Qingxin to Jiang Yun's side.

Everyone who was paying attention to Jiang Yun with their spiritual consciousness naturally saw the sudden appearance of Taoist Qingxin.

This also made everyone stunned, not knowing who this person was, but it was not difficult to judge that the other party was also a strong person in the Origin Realm.

Jiao Crocodile said with emotion: "The trump cards in this true domain are really endless, and there is actually a strong source!"

However, the leader of the Hongmeng did not speak. He just stared at Taoist Qingxin's figure with his brows furrowed.

At this time, the Lord of Heavenly Stem finally reacted.

He put down the wrist he had been supporting and walked towards Jiang Yun expressionlessly.

Tianzun sneered, and the mark between his eyebrows lit up again. However, to Tianzun's surprise, the figure of the Lord of Heavenly Stems had just disappeared, and countless stars of light suddenly appeared where he was standing.

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