Taoist world

Chapter 7104 Higher Level

"Don't!" Jiang Yun rejected Dao Rang's proposal. With a sway, he appeared directly in front of the powerful demon clan and smashed the opponent's head with a fierce palm.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his sleeves and took the opponent's true form and original Tao body into his body.

"Senior, let me meet them first!"

Jiang Yun believed that Dao Rang was absolutely capable of opening any Taoist door and sending himself to other Taoist realms, completely far away from the true realm and the Daoxing world.

If Dao Rang can also leave with the six members of the first class, Jiang Yun will be very happy to do so.

However, because the six people in the first class have the same power as Dao Rang in their bodies, they are unable to enter the Dao Sect and will continue to stay in the True Realm. This is naturally unacceptable to Jiang Yun.

If they stay, all the monks in that boundary sea will definitely die.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must find a way to hold back these six people as much as possible.

As Jiang Yun dealt with the strong demon clan man in front of him, before he could help his other two original Tao bodies, the six people in Class A had already entered the depths of the boundary sea.

Seeing the appearance of the six people, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand and pointed, and the Dao realm around him was immediately withdrawn into his body like a backward waterfall.

Naturally, everyone else who was originally in the Dao world, including the original strong man whom Jiang Yun's two original clones dealt with, was stunned. They had all left Jiang Yun's Dao world and were in the Tao world again. In the boundary sea.

At this moment, they also saw the six extra first-class people, and their expressions changed.

Although they didn't know the origins of Jiayi and Liu, they could feel the powerful aura emanating from each other, and naturally understood that they were six strong men.

Jiang Yun used the Dao realm to trap everyone in order to use the thunder of the Dao to suppress the realm of monks outside the realm.

Now that the thunder of the Dao has no effect, sending Jiayi and the others into the Dao world is purely to cause trouble for Jiang Yun himself.

After all, no matter how strong he is, the Dao world cannot withstand the power of so many powerful people in the Origin Realm.

Anyway, other monks from outside the realm have the thunder of the Tao in their bodies. Even if they leave the Tao world, their cultivation realm is still suppressed, so Jiang Yun simply sends everyone out of the Tao world.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also put away his original Taoist body and said to Shura: "Senior Shura, you find a way to entangle the primary source, don't worry about me."

Jiang Yun had to keep himself in peak condition as much as possible, so he could only hand over the extra extraterritorial origin to Shura and the others.

Fortunately, this extraterritorial origin has almost exhausted its power and hardly poses any threat.

Shura naturally agreed: "Be careful, we will help you as soon as possible."

As Jiang Yun put away the Dao Realm, he had also arrived at the Realm Sea long ago. The leader of the Hongmeng League and others who were hiding in the blood drops finally saw the situation here clearly.

After the leader of Hongmeng glanced at the outside monks, he immediately said: "Their situation is similar to the outside monks in the Three Lords Domain."

"Everyone's realm has dropped a level. This should not be Jiang Yun's fault, but the fault of that treasure."

Jiao Crocodile nodded and said: "Yes, Tianzun's ability to use the faith statue to weaken the monks is uneven."

"But the treasure can make everyone's realm fall uniformly. It is indeed a treasure, what a good thing!"

The leader of Hongmeng narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "I'm afraid this is not all the abilities of the treasure, it should only be part of it."

The crocodile stuck out his tongue again, licked his face and said, "If the people of the Twelve Earthly Branches snatch the treasure, and I snatch it from them, can you stop the Lord of the Heavenly Stems with the help of the power of the Blood Hell?"

"Difficult!" The leader of Hongmeng shook his head and said: "The strength of the Lord of Heavenly Stems is as mysterious as his identity!"

"I suspect that his strength should be related to the sacred tree of stems and branches, and it can change."

"Then what should we do?" Jiao Crocodile frowned and said, "The Blood Prison can't stop it. Doesn't that mean that today's treasure will definitely belong to the Lord of the Heavenly Stem."

"Not necessarily!" The leader of Hongmeng said softly: "If the Lord of Heavenly Stem is really so sure, why do he have to wait until today to step into the True Realm."

"I guess that even if he can draw on the power of the Ganzhi Sacred Tree, he must be subject to some restrictions."

Having said this, the leader of Hongmeng suddenly turned to look at Jiao Crocodile and said: "Jiao Crocodile, you have to remember that it may no longer be a war between the Dao Realm and the Dao Realm, but a war at a higher level. "

Jiao Crocodile vaguely felt that the Hongmeng leader's words seemed to mean something else, but his brain was a little weak, so he couldn't figure out what the other party was referring to.

"Jiang Yun!"

At this moment, Jiayi had already seen Jiang Yun and immediately called out his name.

He was reminding his five companions that the treasure was hidden in Jiang Yun's body.

Before entering the True Realm, the Twelve Earthly Branches naturally learned something about Jiang Yun.

Therefore, after Jiayi reminded them, everyone swayed and ignored the others at all. They scattered around Jiang Yun and surrounded Jiang Yun.

Although the strength of the six people was weakened, the strength of the aura emanating from them still made Jiang Yun feel great pressure.

As for Shura and others, even if they wanted to help Jiang Yun, they were blocked by the auras of these six people and could not get close at all.

At this time, Jiang Yun was extremely calm. With a wave of his hand, the map of Daoxingtian appeared.

Unable to deal with these six people in the Dao world, Jiang Yun prepared to use the Dao Xingtian map as a battlefield.

However, just as Jiang Yung wanted to step into the picture, Tianzun's voice sounded again: "You can't go in."

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,""In the True Domain, I can also weaken their strength. Once they enter the map, their strength will be restored."

Jiang Yun's expression suddenly froze!

If the strength of these six people is restored, there will be three high-level originals and two mid-level originals.

Even if he holds the real Daoxingtian map, he will definitely die in their hands.

"Then it can only be the water of a thousand rivers and the moon of a thousand rivers!"

Jiang Yun made a decision immediately, and he didn't even have time to take back the Dao Xingtian map. He had already spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His hands also began to form seals very quickly.

As Jiang Yun formed the Seal Art, he continued to send a steady stream of his own blood, and a powerful aura that could compete with Jiayi and Liu was emitted from the blood.

This strange scene was seen by Jia Yi and Zi Yi, including Hongmeng leader and Jiao Crocodile, and they all felt that they had seen each other before.

The leader of Hongmeng reacted the fastest and said in a deep voice: "This seems to be the old man's technique of thousands of rivers and water and moon!"

Jiao Crocodile was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, it is the art of thousands of rivers and water and moon."

"Good fellow, isn't it true that the old man who writes the pen cannot interfere with anything in the Taoist world?"

"How could he pass this technique on to Jiang Yun?"

"Do you not want to do it?"

The leader of Hongmeng shook his head and said: "It is true that he cannot interfere, but if he owes Jiang Yun a favor, then he can pass this technique on to Jiang Yun in return, and it is not considered a violation."

The old man holding the pen is a strange existence to most monks, but the leaders of Hongmeng and others have heard about it, so they can recognize his Thousand Rivers of Water and Moon Technique.

Naturally, A1 and others recognized them one after another.

This made them feel a little afraid.

However, when I thought that Jiang Yun was not an old man writing, how could the five origins on his side not be able to master this magical power?

Therefore, the six people still maintained the momentum of encirclement, and a large number of runes began to appear on their bodies, preparing to fight hard.

Seeing that the blood spurted by Jiang Yun had turned into sixty-four rivers and was still splitting into one hundred and twenty-eight rivers, three figures appeared next to Jiang Yun again.

Lord of Heavenly Stems, Lord of Earth, and Lord of Humans!

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