Taoist world

Chapter 7099: Spread out

After Tianzun's clone successfully returned to the True Domain, her original body naturally immediately learned about the attack of monks from outside the domain.

Since there were too many monks from outside the realm, Tianzun could only cater to the clones while sending his own voice into the ears of all living beings in the true realm.

"The monks from outside the territory are attacking!"

Every word Tianzun said was like thunder, ringing in the ears of every True Realm creature, causing their hearts to beat wildly.

Even though most people heard it clearly, because the news came so suddenly, they didn't react at all for a while.

Only a few monks reacted immediately.

Jiang Yun is naturally one of these few monks.

As soon as Tianzun finished speaking, Jiang Yun stood up suddenly, with a cold light in his eyes. He also said to the Zangfeng space: "Everyone, please don't move rashly."

The next moment, the Dao Realm that Jiang Yundu had not taken back shone brightly, encompassing the entire hidden peak space.

This means that as long as an outsider monk steps into the Zangfeng space, it is equivalent to stepping into Jiang Yun's Taoist world.

Jiang Yun will also take advantage of the geographical location.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzun's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears again: "Jiang Yun, you and I each guard our own areas."

"Even if everyone in the Heaven Realm, including me, dies, you don't have to help me, do you understand?"

Although Jiang Yun didn't understand why Tianzun specifically told him these things, he knew very well that even if he wanted to help Tianyu, it should be impossible.

Because there is a huge possibility that even the boundary sea may not be able to withstand it.

However, Jiang Yun did not ask for the reason, but simply agreed: "Understood!"

"Buzz buzz!"

Just as Jiang Yun's voice fell, the boundless sea suddenly began to boil.

Jiang Yun's consciousness immediately spread towards the Boundary Sea, and he could clearly see that in the depths of the Boundary Sea, a group of light suddenly lit up covering a distance of thousands of miles!

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The light of the teleportation array!

Seeing this light, Jiang Yun immediately understood that this must be the teleportation array that Tianzun quietly set up in the boundary sea.

Because the entrance to the True Realm, a land outside the law, is hidden deep in the Boundary Sea.

If there was no teleportation array, then the entire world sea would face all the outside monks immediately.

Now that the teleportation array is activated, no matter how many outside monks can be teleported away, at least they will be scattered.

Sure enough, before the light of the teleportation array was fully visible, Tianzun's voice sounded again: "I asked An Caiyi to set up several teleportation arrays deep in the boundary sea."

"However, I don't know how many outsider monks can be teleported away."

"But no matter how many, the monks from outside the territory who cannot be sent away will be handed over to you!"

Jiang Yun didn't even have time to respond. His consciousness was fixed on the direction from which the light of the teleportation array came, and he soon saw a large number of densely packed figures.

Obviously, no matter how many teleportation arrays there are, they cannot send all the outside monks out of the boundary sea.

And this also shows that there are a large number of monks from outside the region who came this time.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun also faintly heard the sound of explosions coming from all directions in the sky.

Jiang Yun is now in the Boundary Sea. Even though the three realms have all been merged into the Tianyu, their geographical locations have not changed.

Despite such a long distance, Jiang Yun could still faintly hear the sound of the explosion. One can imagine how loud the real explosion was.

So much so that Jiang Yun couldn't even imagine what kind of explosion could cause such a terrifying sound.

But it is not difficult to guess that such an explosion must be the work of Tianzun.

By now, Jiang Yun had roughly understood the preparations Tianzun had made during this period.

It is nothing more than deploying a large number of teleportation arrays deep in the boundary sea.

Then, in the sky, select a suitable teleportation location and lay ambush with various means.

Therefore, the current situation has emerged.

All monks from outside the territory, no matter how many in number or how powerful they are, were hit head-on the moment they stepped into the True Domain.

Although it may not cause too many casualties to them, at least Zhenyu got off to a good start.

The fact is indeed as Jiang Yun speculated!

After Tianzun determined that the space passage from the lawless land to the true domain could not be completely destroyed, he thought that the existence of the passage had disadvantages and advantages for the true domain.

If Tianzun is strong enough, then she doesn't need to make any preparations. She can guard the entrance alone and kill as many as she comes.

It's a pity that Tianzun does not have such strength, so all she can do is to spread out the outside monks as much as possible and defeat them one by one.

At this time, most of the true realm creatures still had not come to their senses.

However, in the vast seam of the True Domain, in the eyes of every True Domain creature, a picture clearly emerges.

The screen shows a true domain that has been shrunk countless times.

It can be easily seen that three places in the True Domain have completely exploded.

Although the True Domain in the picture is very small, for most creatures who are familiar with the True Domain, they can recognize the three places where the self-destruction is almost at a glance.

These three places are the sky, the earth and the world!

These three places, which were also the original residences of the three deities, were their main areas of power. Each of them had been operating secretly for countless years.

I think at the beginning, the three deities would not let their own deities step into these three places.

One can imagine how many ambushes are hidden in these three places.

Therefore, Tianzun chose these three places as the end points of the teleportation array deep in the boundary sea.

As long as the monks from outside the realm step into the true realm, as long as they are teleported out, these three places will explode directly.

Moreover, Tianzun naturally also considered that although there were many ambushes in these three places, they would only be able to hurt the Pseudo Supreme at most, so during this period, she was not idle and personally added some more ambushes in these three places.

In addition, before setting off, the Hongmeng leader intentionally or unintentionally aroused the anger in the hearts of all the outside monks, causing them to lose some vigilance.

Therefore, when the monks from outside the realm finally stepped into the true realm, before they could figure out what was going on, the teleportation array was already in operation.

The teleportation array was also specially arranged by Tianzun. The teleportation speed was extremely fast, sending them to three places in an instant.

The three places also self-destructed immediately. Added together, the total time was only one or two breaths, leaving most outside monks with no time to react.

Of course, there are also some outside monks who react quickly enough, or who are always vigilant in their hearts, or who are powerful.

In short, the rough result is that nearly 80% of the outside monks were teleported away.

In the self-explosion in three places, nearly 30% of the outside monks were killed.

This resulted in the death of nearly 300,000 monks from outside the realm the moment they stepped into the True Realm!

As for the injured monks from outside the territory, they are countless!

In the sky, the ends of the earth and the rolling thick clouds and waves rising from the self-explosion of the world, bursts of screams and curses can be vaguely heard.

Looking at the scene on the screen and listening to the faint screams and curses, all the creatures in the True Domain finally came to their senses.

The monks from outside the realm have really entered the true realm, and this war has really begun.

At this moment, Tianzun's calm voice sounded again: "There are still a lot of monks from outside the territory, and I will spread them out again."

"All the creatures in the True Domain and the monks from outside the domain are here to destroy our True Domain. Therefore, you all fight on your own and fight to the death!"

"Anyone who escapes or surrenders will be killed without mercy!"

"Buzz buzz!"

Under Tianzun's voice, in the three places where thick clouds and smoke gathered in the picture, the light of the teleportation arrays once again lit up.

The next moment, monks from outside the territory appeared in various places in the True Domain, no, in the Heavenly Domain.

The true domain monk who had come to his senses saw the outside monk appearing beside him and immediately rushed forward without hesitation.

Jiang Yun, who was also ready to take action, heard Tianzun's voice again in his ears.

"Sorry, Jiang Yun, I have to fulfill my promise first!"

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