Taoist world

Chapter 7096: Departing from the True Realm

"Meet the leader!"

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Facing the appearance of the leader of Hongmeng, millions of monks from outside the territory immediately saluted in unison.

Since they still recognized the identity of Hongmeng leader, on the surface, they naturally had to maintain a polite attitude.

After the leader of Hongmeng returned the same polite salute, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, last time we attacked Guantian Palace, I failed to lead the team in person, which resulted in the death of deputy leader Fengcan and tens of thousands of fellow Taoists. In the Heavenly Palace, this is really my fault, and I feel quite guilty."

"Therefore, this time, although we all fight independently, I also decided to go and make sure that monk Daoxing pays the price to comfort the souls of fellow Taoists such as Fengcan and others."

Many of the millions of monks from outside the territory came here to avenge their fellow clansmen, and they had anger in their hearts.

The Hongmeng leader's words were like pouring a bucket of hot oil on their anger, which immediately made their anger even higher.

The anger of millions of monks gathered together. Although it was invisible, it had an astonishing momentum, making the seams of the immortal world tremble slightly, as if they were about to collapse.

Only the Lord of Heavenly Stem, who was hiding among his disciples, instead of being aroused to anger, looked at the leader of Hongmeng indifferently, and said secretly in his heart: "What is his purpose?"

"If he is after the treasure and the secret of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, then he can definitely send stronger people here."

"As far as I know, there are several strong men at the peak of their origin in their Taoist world."

"It doesn't take much. Just two peak origins are enough to sweep through the entire Guantian Palace. There is nothing like it in other Taoist realms."

"But none of the people he called are too strong, and they are almost at the end of their lifespan. Only the man in black and a few others are reasonably strong."

"Moreover, under the current situation, he deliberately provoked the anger of other monks. It may seem to boost morale, but in fact it will lower everyone's vigilance."

"Extraterritorial monks, plus my Shitiangan, how many people have died in Guantian Palace, including strong men like Hong Lang Fengcan, this is enough to show that Daoxing monks are not at all like we imagined. So weak."

"He asked everyone to relax their vigilance, which is obviously to trick some people to death."

"But if he was trying to help Brother Daoxing, then there was no need to let Red Wolf Zhige and the others go to the whirlpool space and sacrifice themselves in vain."

"This time, I want to keep an eye on you and see what your intentions are."

While the Lord of Heavenly Stems was thinking, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance had also turned his eyes towards them.

Although the leader of Hongmeng did not see the Lord of Heavenly Stems, he had already guessed the existence of the twelve earthly branches in advance, so when he saw fourteen people appearing, he naturally understood that the Lord of Heavenly Stems was hidden inside.

However, the leader of the Hongmeng did not try to point it out. Instead, he cupped his hands towards Jiayi and said politely: "Friend Jiayi, I have to trouble you to take us into a lawless place this time."

The passage from the immortal world to the land outside the law, and the passage from the land outside the law to the true realm, are still in the hands of the Lord of the Heavenly Stem.

Therefore, A1 must lead the way.

And Jiayi, who had already been reminded by his master a long time ago, now showed a look of sorrow and anger on his face, nodded vigorously and said: "It is obligatory!"

The leader of Hongmeng once again glanced at the millions of monks, and said with a solemn expression: "Everyone, let's set off!"

"Set off!"

"Set off!"

Amidst the earth-shattering echoes of the crowd, Jia took the lead and rushed towards the entrance of the passage.

Soon, millions of monks disappeared into the cracks in the immortal world.

But at this moment, little stars suddenly appeared in the place where they had gathered before.

Countless stars danced in the darkness like elves, and quickly gathered together, suddenly turning into a young man in black.

The man's eyes were fixed on the direction in which Hongmeng leader and others disappeared, and he frowned slightly and said, "I learned the news a little late."

"Even if we inform Jiang Yun now, it's probably too late. We can only go and have a look!"

After the words fell, the man's figure exploded silently, turning into dots of starlight again, and vaguely outlined a strange pattern, following behind millions of monks.

The clone of Tianzun still walks outside the law.

However, no one knows that what she is looking for is not the Earth and Human Beings, but the realm of Ancient Rules and the Master of All Spirits, or whether Gu Bu Lao has any other secrets hidden here.

Although Tianzun did not know about the ancient realm or the three corpses before, now that she has taken the ancient demon and the demon lord as her own, she naturally knows about it.

However, even the ancient demons and demon lords who left the space guarding the ancient world do not know how to return to that space now.

Tianzun can only rely on the power of space to slowly search for it.

And her main purpose in wanting to find the Realm of Ancient Rules was not the Three Corpses Taoist.

No matter how strong the Three Corpses Taoist is, he is still weaker than Tianzun.

Tianzun will naturally not take an outsider monk who is weaker than him seriously.

What Tianzun really cares about are those ancient rules!

Although she cannot control all the rules like the Master of All Spirits, if the ancient rules are reintroduced into the True Domain, it will be of great help to the creatures in the True Domain.

The simplest benefit is that more ancient emperors can be born.

Tianzun doesn't know that facing monks from outside the domain, Zhenyu has almost no chance of winning.

But this does not mean that she has to give up resistance and just sit back and watch the True Domain being invaded by outside monks and ignore it.

Just as Jiang Yun guessed, Tianzun, who always has a complete memory, has long thought of the day when monks from outside the territory will attack the true domain in a large scale.

Therefore, during the long years of reincarnation, she was like the master of all spirits, quietly arranging various means and making preparations as much as possible.

Now, she also wants to find the world of ancient rules and take out the ancient rules inside.

In addition to the clone of Tian Zun, there are two people hiding near a gap in the array in the land outside the law, namely Earth Zun and Human Zun.

When these two supreme beings were in the whirlpool space and saw that Master of All Spirits was defeated by Jiang Yun and others, they immediately chose to escape and entered the lawless land.

And relying on their understanding of Tianzun, they naturally knew that Tianzun would definitely look for them, so they always huddled in a hidden place and did not dare to show up.

Although their strength is not as good as Tianzun, the lawless land was not opened by Tianzun, and the area is not small.

Therefore, even though they concentrated on hiding, Tianzun really did not discover them.

The state of the human being and the earthly being are both extremely poor.

Their strength was also forcibly raised to the Origin Realm by the Master of All Spirits through the rules mark.

Now that the Master of All Spirits has disappeared, although their strength has not declined, their bodies are faintly unable to withstand it.

They don't dare to go back to the True Domain, so the best way they can think of is to defect to the monks from outside the domain!

Not long ago, Fengcan and Yiyi and other 20,000 extraterrestrial monks entered the formation and were entangled by Jiang Yun, causing such a big commotion. The earth and human beings were also aware of it. It is not difficult to deduce that there must be extraterrestrial monks. appeared, so he quietly came to the vicinity of the formation, wanting to see if he could find the outside monks.

Human Zun sent a message to Earth Zun: "If Tianzun or Jiang Yun are still in the formation, what should we do?"

Di Zun said with a cold look on his face: "What else can we do? Now that things have happened, we can only fight with her!"

As he spoke, Di Zun took the lead and stepped into the formation.

Ren Zun gritted his teeth and followed closely.

It happened to be a coincidence that the position where they stepped into the array was right close to the shadow of the sacred tree of stems and branches.

And the divine consciousness left by Tianzun's clone immediately discovered them.

"You are finally willing to show up!"

Looking at the two people, Tianzun's clone smiled coldly and turned around in an instant.

However, just when she was about to catch the two of them, the shadow of the sacred tree suddenly started to tremble violently.

Tianzun's clone frowned, and then his expression suddenly changed.

Millions of monks from outside the realm have already appeared in front of her!

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