Taoist world

Chapter 7072 Separation of Soul and Body

Jiang Yun never thought that one day, he would find Tianzun's voice so beautiful.

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Looking at Fengcan and Yiyi who were almost in front of him, Jiang Yun quickly closed his open palms and firmly grasped the treasure again.

The treasure is also spiritual, automatically turning into light, following Jiang Yun's palm, and sinking into Jiang Yun's body.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also used his last bit of strength to put away the Dao Realm.

In an instant, the Dao Realm turned into countless lights and shadows again, and rolled back into Jiang Yun's body faster than Fengcan and Yiyi.

Although Fengcan and Yiyi both had ferocious faces, they wished they could just slap Jiang Yun to death with one palm each.

However, when Jiang Yun's Dao Realm disappeared, Jiang Yun's figure was instantly lost in front of them, and there was another figure standing in front of them.

Looking at Tianzun who was protecting him with his body, Jiang Yun let out a long breath and said softly: "Master Tianzun, this is the best I can do."

Tianzun turned his back to Jiang Yun and did not speak. He uttered three words coldly: "Call Senior Sister!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and did not shout out the title.

After all, in his heart, there is only one senior sister.

The next moment, Jiang Yun's body swayed and fell directly backward.

Before Jiang Yun's body fell completely, Tianzun waved his sleeves, and a gentle force had already rolled up Jiang Yun, leading him to retreat quickly to the rear.

Although Tianzun didn't know how many monks came from outside the territory, he didn't know how Jiang Yun fought with the monks from outside the territory just now.

However, when she came, she happened to see the damaged sky in the Taoist world, saw Jiang Yun's seven orifices bleeding, and saw that Jiang Yun could no longer stand.

Therefore, she could naturally imagine what kind of fierce and difficult battle it would take to bring Jiang Yun to this level of virtue.

Jiang Yun has not only achieved the ultimate, what he has done has greatly exceeded his ultimate!

After sending Jiang Yun out, Tianzun said to Fengcan and Yi expressionlessly: "You two, no one can leave today!"

The aura emanating from Tianzun's not-so-tall body made the entire formation tremble slightly.

At this moment, Tianzun was really extremely angry.

Neither he nor Jiang Yun, nor all the monks in the entire True Domain, have any ambition to dominate outside the domain, but just because of the uniqueness of Daoxing World, it has attracted the covetousness of these outside monks.

Today, if Jiang Yun had not single-handedly held back these outside monks in front of him, Tianzun could not even imagine what kind of consequences the True Domain would have suffered.

Therefore, Tianzun must make the outside monks pay the price.

As Tianzun finished speaking, she suddenly raised her hand and waved it casually, hearing bursts of screams and explosions.

The voice came from the more than two thousand outsider monks who had escaped from the Taoist world.

Their bodies exploded continuously, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

In just a blink of an eye, these living outsider monks had all died!

Looking at this scene, Fengchan Yiyi's expression couldn't help but become solemn.

Tianzun's reputation among monks outside the region is much greater than that of Jiang Yun.

Everyone knows that apart from Dao Zun, Tianzun is the strongest person in the entire Daoxing world.

However, the outside monks did not know the true strength of Tianzun before.

Until now, Yiyi and Fengcan had some understanding.

They also understood why the first batch of outside monks died here.

If it had been before, Fengcan or Yiyi might not have fought Tianzun at this time, but would have chosen to leave.

Because they defeated Tianzun, they could not continue to attack the True Domain. Instead, they were paving the way for other monks from outside the domain, which would not be of any benefit to themselves.

And if they were defeated by Tianzun, it would be more than worth the loss.

However, they now know that the treasure is in Jiang Yun's body.

And Jiang Yun was lying there, already equivalent to a useless person.

As long as Tianzun is defeated, Jiang Yun can be captured, and the treasure can be obtained!

In addition, with the disappearance of Jiang Yun's Taoist world, although the thunder in their bodies was still there, they could feel that the power of thunder was obviously declining and weakened a lot, and it should disappear soon.

And Jiang Yun's annoying heart beating sound disappeared without a trace.

This also means that they will soon be able to return to their near peak state, and the two of them will join forces to deal with one Heavenly Lord.

No matter how powerful Tianzun is, he cannot be their joint enemy.

Even though there will be some risks, compared with the benefits that can be obtained after defeating Tianzun, this risk is not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, the two of them had already made a decision in their hearts without any discussion.

Fengcan's face, which had returned to normal, showed a sneer: "We never thought about leaving."

As he finished speaking, endless golden light bloomed from his body again, forming a waterfall of light that swept towards Tianzun.

Jiang Yun couldn't see what was special about these golden lights, but in Tao Zun's eyes, these golden lights were all-encompassing and contained all kinds of extremely powerful magical powers.

Yiyi also unceremoniously threw the karma fire burning in his body directly towards Tianzun.

Both of them launched their strongest attacks.

At this moment, Jiang Yun tried his best to keep his eyes wide open, trying to stay awake and watch this battle, but his body had reached its limit and he was unable to hold on. He finally closed his eyes and fell into a coma. among.

However, just after he closed his eyes, he could clearly feel that his body suddenly became light and airy.

There was even a force that didn't know where it came from, pulling his body and floating in an unknown direction.

It feels a bit like the soul has left the body!

No, not like that!

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw himself, lying there quietly, surrounded by Tianzun's powerful power.

Even Jiang Yun could see in his own body, in the half-white and half-black circle that represented his Yin-Yang Dao realm, the power of wood was continuously flowing out, healing his injuries and recovering. own vitality.

In the distance, there is a light that covers the sky and the sun. It is Tianzun fighting with Fengcan and Yiyi.

This situation naturally made Jiang Yun understand that his soul had really left his body!

But this also made Jiang Yun even more unbelievable!

He has long since cultivated to the point where his soul enters his body, and his body and soul are completely integrated.

However, now there is an unknown power that can easily separate one's soul from the body.

His body was still lying there quietly healing, but his soul was about to be taken to an unknown place.

A series of questions naturally popped up in Jiang Yun's mind.

"What is this power and where does it come from?"

"Where is it going to take me now?"

Just when Jiang Yun was thinking about these questions, a voice that could not distinguish between male and female suddenly sounded in his ears: "This is my power."

"I didn't want to take you anywhere, I just brought you into my body to facilitate communication between you and me."

Hearing this sudden sound, Jiang Yun's instinctive reaction was shock.

But before he could fully react, his eyes blurred again.

His own body, as well as the figures of Tianzun and Fengcan Yiyi in the distance, all disappeared without a trace.

I am already in another space.

Looking around, within this space, there is a land made up of colorful lights.

The top of the earth is filled with various apertures of different sizes and colors.

These circles of light seem to grow out of the earth.

Jiang Yun's eyes were instantly attracted by these circles of light, and he involuntarily walked towards the one closest to him.

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