Taoist world

Chapter 7016: Thoughts

Jiang Yun's answer made Liu Ruxia smile and say, "You are quite direct. I thought you would have to decline."

"Okay, I will teach you the art of palm edge now."

"To put it simply, the art of palm edge includes two functions: cutting edge and continuing edge."

"I don't need to explain if you cut off the relationship. If you renew the relationship, I will renew the relationship between you and your soul clone."

"The art of Palm Fate, you can say that it is not strong. Its effects can be said to be unbelievable."

"But you call it strong, I was almost beaten to death by Ji Kongfan and the others just now!"

"If it were other monks who were in the same realm as me, even if they didn't resist, they wouldn't be in danger if they took a hard blow."

Jiang Yun nodded, deeply agreeing with Liu Ruxia's statement.

Ji Kongfan, coupled with the combined attack of the three ancient spirits, seemed to be powerful, but if he did not mainly focus on dealing with the Master of All Spirits at that time, then even if he endured it, he would only be slightly injured at most.

After all, the four of them, together, are equivalent to the power of two primary-level powerhouses in the Origin Realm.

And Liu Ruxia, who should be at least at the beginning of the Origin Realm, almost died after taking it.

What is even more helpless is that after Liu Ruxia appeared, she neither used offense to defend, nor used her own strength to defend. Instead, she clearly wanted to use the art of cutting off the fate to cut off the four people. The fate between the attack and her.

No matter how fast she performs the edge-cutting technique, it can't be faster than the four people's attacks.

Therefore, Liu Ruxia's evaluation of herself was not wrong at all.

She, and indeed the entire Palm Clan, are indeed very bad at fighting with others.

Jiang Yun asked with some confusion: "Why doesn't the senior practice another kind of power as an assistant?"

It is extremely common for monks to master two or even multiple powers at the same time.

But Liu Ruxia seemed to have never practiced any other power except the art of palm edge.

As for her so-called talisman technique, in fact, it is also the technique of palm fate.

It was she who had refined the power to cut off or renew fate into the talisman in advance.

In this case, when used, her identity will not be revealed, nor will it be affected by time.

If Liu Ruxia still had enough talismans when facing Ji Kongfan and the others, she should be able to successfully cut off their attacks.

Jiang Yun's question made Liu Ruxia silent for a moment, and then she gave an answer: "Because, the Master of All Spirits said that my road to palm fate is different, and it is best to walk on it without any distractions."

"So, I have never practiced any other power in my life, I just followed the path of palm fate wholeheartedly!"

The explanation given by Liu Ruxia made Jiang Yun's heart move!

See wF (original) version: Chapter d, section s%?0W

Although Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia have not known each other for a long time, it can be seen that the other party has no deep intentions and is straightforward and straightforward.

Even though she has lived for a long time, she still has a pure side, which is incredible.

And to do this, she can only have a relatively simple life experience.

I have never suffered any loss or suffered anything.

And, she herself doesn't have much desire.

If you were a person who had to think about how to survive all day long, or a person who had all kinds of desires, it would be impossible for him to grow into a simple person.

As a monk, even if he is born in a great sect and has a distinguished life, it is impossible for him not to have desires.

If you want to practice cultivation, you must have various cultivation resources.

It is impossible for any family sect to provide unlimited free resources to its disciples and descendants.

Wanting resources for cultivation, this is desire!

And it is almost impossible to never suffer a loss or suffer.

Especially a monk like Liu Ruxia who is not good at fighting with others.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Liu Ruxia always has the protection of a strong person behind her, who can provide her with everything she needs to live a carefree life.

Liu Ruxia had already escaped from Guantian Palace, but she came back again and wanted to find the Master of All Spirits to retrieve what belonged to her.

Furthermore, she had always been speaking for the Master of All Spirits.

At this moment, she even said that because of the words of the Master of All Spirits, she had never practiced any other power in her life.

Putting all these things together, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce that the Master of All Spirits should be the strong man who protected Liu Ruxia.

And Liu Ruxia also obeyed the advice of the Master of All Spirits.

There should be some other relationship between Liu Ruxia and Master of All Spirits besides the status of master and disciple.

Also, the Zhangyuan clan is the descendant of Liu Ruxia.

Could it be that the Zhangyuan clan is actually the descendant of the Master of All Spirits?

Or maybe Liu Ruxia combined with others and the Palm Clan appeared, which caused the Master of All Spirits to turn against her and forcefully take away her things...

At this moment, Jiang Yun's mind was filled with thoughts...

Fortunately, Liu Ruxia's voice sounded at this time, interrupting Jiang Yun's thoughts: "Okay, now I will teach you the art of Yuanfa."

"It's more difficult to renew a relationship, but it's easier to cut it off."

"However, before that, you still need to be able to see the line of fate!"

"In short, the art of Yuanfa can be complicated or simple, depending on how far you want to master it."

During Liu Ruxia's patient explanation, she gave Jiang Yun her insights on practicing Yuanfa without any reservation.

Jiang Yun thanked him repeatedly. Of course he didn't have time to study now, so he just took a few glances.

"Senior, don't worry. As long as this junior doesn't die, he will definitely transfer the Yuanfa technique to the Palm Yuan clan."

Liu Ruxia smiled and said, "Well, I believe you!"

"By the way, remember the promise I made to you before, I will help you get that treasure!"

"Even if the Master of All Spirits and the treasure have been fused, I can still separate him from the treasure with the help of the art of cutting off the edge!"

Jiang Yun nodded, knowing that probably only Liu Ruxia could do this.

Jiang Yun didn't have to have that treasure, but he definitely couldn't let it be occupied by the Master of All Spirits.

"Then I'll thank you, senior!" Jiang Yun suddenly rolled his eyes and said, "Senior, I have a small request..."

Some unknown world!

Jiang Yun's soul clone was sitting cross-legged on the top of a mountain with his eyes closed tightly. Above his head, there was a slightly unfolded scroll, floating quietly.

After Jiang Yun's soul clone stepped into the black hole, he was secretly sent to the Supreme Realm where Meng Zun was by the Master of All Spirits.

Originally, the Master of All Spirits wanted to help Jiang Yun fuse his soul clone in exchange for Jiang Yun's trust.

But for some reasons, he gave up this idea and just sent the soul clone to Meng Zun, so that Meng Zun could trap the other party with dreams.

Obviously, Meng Zun was unable to trap the soul clone at all, and it was not known whether he had been killed or had other consequences.

In short, the soul clone left Meng Zun's supreme world unscathed and came to this world.

After a while, the soul clone opened his eyes, looked in a certain direction, and said to himself: "Strange, why do I seem to sense Jiang Yun's breath?"

Naturally, this is because Liu Ruxia helped Jiang Yun reconnect with the fate between him and his soul clone.

If the fate between other people is reconnected, the connected party will not be able to sense the other party.

But the soul clone and Jiang Yun have an integral relationship, so the soul clone can also faintly sense the original deity.

However, it is impossible for the soul clone to find Jiang Yun with this vague sense.

Therefore, after trying for a while, he gave up and closed his eyes again.

Just like that, when just a quarter of an hour passed, the soul clone suddenly opened his eyes again and said to himself: "Strange, this feeling is getting clearer and clearer."

"It seems like he is near me!"

As his voice fell, a loud "bang" was heard.

The soul clone's consciousness suddenly dispersed, and he looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Jiang Yun stepping into this world from a space crack!

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