Taoist world

Chapter 6984 Entering the Black Hole

Ji Kongfan's attention was completely focused on refining the magic weapon.

In less than a moment, he had actually refined dozens of large vats that were one hundred feet in size, so he didn't pay attention to how far Jiang Yun had advanced.

At this moment, when he heard Jiang Yun's voice, he breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head and looked out of the world.

Sure enough, in front of Jiang Yun was the huge black hole that Ji Kongfan had seen in the ninth world.

"Senior Ji, you go first!"

Suddenly, Ji Kongfan felt his body lighten, and a big hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed his body, and threw it towards the black hole in the distance.


At the moment Ji Kongfan was thrown out, there was a loud noise. The world that was already filled with countless runes finally couldn't hold on anymore and was exploded by the runes.

Ji Kongfan was in the air. Although there were still a large number of runes around him, because he was too fast and there was a force guarding him, the runes could not flow into his body.

And he hurriedly turned around and saw that Jiang Yun was about a thousand feet away from him, and his speed had slowed down.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun no longer has any protection outside his body and is directly in the sea of ​​runes.

A large number of runes were pouring into Jiang Yun's body crazily.

Seeing this scene, Ji Kongfan naturally understood.

In fact, Jiang Yun has not really reached the black hole yet, and is still thousands of feet away.

Perhaps, if Jiang Yun is given another breath, he can cross this distance and enter the black hole.

However, the world could no longer hold on and was about to collapse completely, so Jiang Yun threw Ji Kongfan into the black hole first.

Seeing that there were countless bulges on Jiang Yun's body, as if there were countless small insects scurrying left and right in his body, Ji Kongfan did not think of a way to turn around and save Jiang Yun.

Because he knew very well that Jiang Yun had exchanged his life for his own life.

If he went back to save Jiang Yun, not only would Jiang Yun's kindness be wasted, but both of them would be in danger.

Therefore, Ji Kongfan just said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yun, I'll wait for you inside!"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Kongfan's figure had submerged into the black hole, and nothing could be seen.

While Jiang Yun endured the runes in his body that were constantly trying to burst his body, he continued to step forward forcefully and rushed towards the black hole.

At this time, Jiang Yun was finally able to appreciate the feeling of the world that had collapsed before.

My own body is obviously more attractive to those rules and runes than that world.

These rule runes are no longer pouring into his body, but are squeezing in!

Because there are so many!

Jiang Yun's body is actually a huge Dao realm with an area far larger than that of the ordinary world, and can also accommodate a large number of runes.

But in the short period of time he threw Ji Kongfan out, one-tenth of the Taoist world was already filled with runes!

The reason, Jiang Yun can roughly analyze, is that the previous world, without the power of rules, was just a container.

But there are too many rules in my own Taoist world, which are very attractive to these runes.

It doesn’t really matter if there are many runes.

However, the influx of runes was still rapidly consuming Jiang Yun's power, affecting his speed.

Originally, the Yin-Yang Dao realm could last for a quarter of an hour, but now, the origins of the five elements are about to disperse again.

Therefore, all Jiang Yun can do now is to grit his teeth and continue rushing towards the black hole in front of him as much as possible.

In the past, Jiang Yun could cover the distance of thousands of feet in one step.

But under the current situation, Jiang Yun spent more than ten breaths, and when the Dao Realm was filled with nearly 90% of the runes, he finally plunged into the black hole!

The runes that were rushing towards Jiang Yun's body all stopped after seeing Jiang Yun enter the black hole.

It's like there is something in the black hole that makes them extremely afraid, so that they don't dare to enter it at all.

At the same time, Bingyi, who had been sitting cross-legged on the edge of the Sea of ​​Runes, thinking about how to enter it, suddenly sighed, stood up, and said to the soul clone beside him: "Let's go!"

The soul clone seemed to be thinking, but his attention was actually always focused on Bingyi.

Because there is really no way for him to pass through the Sea of ​​Runes unscathed.

Hearing Bingyi's words, he turned to look at him and said, "Do you have any idea?"

Bingyi took out a bloody long knife with a look of distress on his face, gently brushed the blade with his palm, and slowly said: "This is my weapon, and there is a realm inside it, called the realm of killing."

"There is a trace of the souls of all the creatures I have killed in this world since I started practicing."

"Now, I use these souls as shields and let them escort us through this sea of ​​runes."

The soul clone frowned slightly and said, "This sea of ​​runes covers a million miles away. Are the number of souls in the realm you can kill enough?"

Bingyi sneered and said: "It's only a million miles, it should be enough!"

"You follow me, let's go!"

After the words fell, Bingyi flicked his wrist, and dozens of souls flew out of the long sword, forming a circle, surrounding Bingyi and the soul clones, and walked towards the sea of ​​runes.

At this time, the soul clone had no other choice but to step into the sea of ​​runes under the protection of these souls.

Being in the black hole, Jiang Yun had no time to look around. He could only feel that he was falling downwards.

He hurriedly deployed the power of annihilation in his body to destroy these runes as quickly as possible.

Although these runes are ultimately formed by rules, each one is a mixture of multiple rules and can explode at any time. It cannot be absorbed at all and can only be destroyed.

"Buzz buzz!"

Jiang Yun's body trembled slightly, and every tremor represented a large amount of talisman culture for nothing.

Before Jiang Yun could completely destroy the runes in his body, his falling figure suddenly stopped, and his eyes lit up.

Jiang Yun was once again in the world of Yifang.

"Senior Ji, wait for me for a moment."

Jiang Yun still didn't have time to look around, he just said a few words in a hurry and continued to destroy the runes in his body with all his strength.

In this way, a full quarter of an hour passed, and Jiang Yun finally destroyed all the rule runes in his body.

It was only then that he took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked around.

After taking a look, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because he didn't see Ji Kongfan!

Although he entered the black hole later than Ji Kongfan, he was only ten breaths later at most.

Moreover, when Ji Kongfan enters here, he will definitely be waiting for him where he is.

Why is it missing now?

At this time, Liu Ruxia's voice sounded: "Ji Kongfan is not here. When you left, there was no one here."

"I wanted to remind you just now, but I saw you were busy destroying the runes, so I didn't say it."

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his consciousness and gaze finally looked around.

This is a dead world. When you look up, you will see a gray sky. It is clearly visible that there are countless cracks of different lengths on it.

It seems that this sky may collapse at any time.

Jiang Yun lowered his head, and there was a barren land beneath him. It was also dotted with cracks and black blood stains that had dried up everywhere.

In front of Jiang Yun, there were a large number of white bones, whether they were human or demon, scattered everywhere.

In short, in the eyes of Liu Ruxia and the tree demon, this world is a world of death.

However, when Jiang Yun saw all this clearly, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, with a look of surprise on his face. He stood up directly, turned around again, looked around, and murmured: "This is, this is..."

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