Taoist world

Chapter 6956: Rules of Death

"Have I met your descendants?"

Liu Ruxia's words really shocked Jiang Yun.

I actually met the other person's descendants.

However, I have met too many people, and I don't know Liu Ruxia's true identity. Naturally, I have no way of knowing which person is the other person's descendant.

Liu Ruxia's face showed a rare trace of reminiscence and said: "Yes, my descendant!"

"Although their number is not large anymore, they can still be regarded as a group!"

"I noticed something belonging to them in you..." At this point, Liu Ruxia paused for a moment before continuing: "At the time of the breath, I was just as surprised as you are now."

"Although, I am indeed planning to look for my descendants this time to see if I can give them some help, but I haven't had time to find them yet."

"I never thought that I would find their aura on your body."

"Besides, I can also feel that they trust you very much, so I took the initiative to lead you to me."

"And when you showed up, I realized that you were actually Gu's disciple."

"In fact, he should be his most trusted and favored disciple."

Liu Ruxia's words were an understatement, but they gave Jiang Yun greater shock and more doubts.

The descendants of the other party are not one person, but a group of people!

The number of ethnic groups she has encountered is also very large, and it is still impossible to determine which ethnic group her descendants are.

More importantly, just by seeing herself, the other party can know that her descendants trust her and know her identity.

What ability is this?

The power of divination, or the power of insight?

Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't help but look at Liu Ruxia's eyes.

Perhaps there is something special about the other person's eyes.

Facing Jiang Yun's gaze, Liu Ruxia couldn't help but smile and said, "No need to look, my eyes are normal, no different from yours."

"Again, because of your master, I can't tell you some detailed things about me yet."

"But you believe that even for the sake of my descendants trusting you, I will not have any ill intentions towards you."

"After I successfully get what belongs to me, I will tell you everything."

"Now, let's discuss how to go next!"

Jiang Yun also knew that since Liu Ruxia said she would not tell him now, it would be useless for him to continue to ask.

Therefore, Jiang Yun no longer struggled with the identity of the other party, but said: "I don't know what grudges there are between you and my master, and I don't know why my master took your things away."

"But as a disciple, I must be on my master's side, so..."

Jiang Yun did not finish his words, but Liu Ruxia naturally understood what he meant. She shook her head with a smile and said, "What Bingyi said just now is correct. You are indeed a little cunning."

"Don't worry, there is no grudge between me and your master."

"Although he took my things, I don't blame him."

"Furthermore, strictly speaking, he here is not your master. He is just the memory of your master's past."

"Anyway, if everything goes well, I won't let him notice my arrival."

"Get my things back and I'll leave immediately. I won't fight with him, let alone use you to deal with your master."

"Of course, I know you definitely don't believe me now."

"But without my help, your next journey will be very difficult."

"Not only can I guide you, but I can also help you find anyone you want here."

Among Liu Ruxia's explanations, only the sentence that the master here cannot be regarded as his master really moved Jiang Yun.

Indeed, Jiang Yun himself had such thoughts and perceptions.

His master is not old, and at most he has the status of respecting the ancients.

What exists here is the past memory that belongs to the Master of All Spirits.

They are two different existences!

After weighing it in his mind for a long time, Jiang Yun finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll cooperate with you."

Liu Ruxia smiled and said, "That's right. As long as we cooperate, it will be a win-win result."

Jiang Yun changed the subject noncommittally and said, "Then what is this whirlpool space like?"

"Circular!" Liu Ruxia immediately replied without thinking: "Rounds and circles of circles!"


Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise.

Liu Ruxia continued: "You should have seen those graves before you came in."

"Every tomb here is buried with one or several rules."

"These tombs are arranged in a circle, from the outside to the inside, layer by layer. There are ten layers in total. The outermost layer has the largest area and the largest number of tombs."

"I don't know exactly how many tombs there are on each circular layer. I only know that there is only one tomb on the tenth layer."

"And every time we advance to a world here, we are actually passing through a circle."

"Now, this is the sixth tomb you have entered, which means you are on the sixth level."

"As long as you can cross three more tombs, you can reach the tenth floor in the center, which is where your master's memory once was, and it is also my destination."

While Liu Ruxia was explaining, Jiang Yun was also comparing the map in his mind.

Although there is still a lot of darkness on the map, if it is determined that the shape here is a circle, then the maps of the worlds that have been presented can indeed be seen as being arranged in circles.

After Liu Ruxia finished speaking, Jiang Yun also said: "Sixteen runes are needed to enter the seventh level, thirty-two runes are needed to enter the eighth level, sixty-four runes are needed to enter the ninth level, and sixty-four runes are needed to enter the tenth level. Is it one hundred and twenty-eight?"

"So, my runes are still a bit behind!"

Including the one hundred and two runes obtained from Bingyi, the total number of runes on Jiang Yun's body was one hundred and eighteen, still ten short of it.

For Jiang Yun, these ten are no problem at all.

Even if he no longer kills people, the number of runes he has comprehended by simply absorbing the power of rules in the last three worlds is enough to exceed ten.

"Besides the runes, what other dangers are there here?"

Liu Ruxia just said that without her help, Jiang Yun would have a very difficult road ahead.

Jiang Yun believed that the difficulty mentioned by the other party was definitely not referring to the number of runes.

Liu Ruxia stretched out her hand and pointed at the darkness at the edge of this world and said, "Before, you felt a fleeting breath in the darkness, right?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded.

Liu Ruxia said solemnly: "You are not wrong. From this level on, as long as someone steps out of the sixth level, the rules here will change accordingly."

"In the darkness, not only can you see other monks, but you can also see some things that I call regular undead!"

Rules are dead!

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and asked: "A kind of existence formed after the death of rules?"

"That's right!" Liu Ruxia nodded and said, "They have no consciousness, but they will attack anyone on their own initiative."

"Their strength is not that strong, but there are many of them. They are born with the power of rules, and they can even influence the rules."

"Naturally, they are also specially prepared for those monks who do not have enough runes."

"As long as you kill them, you can absorb them."

"When you kill a certain number of undead souls with the same rules, you will be able to comprehend the corresponding rule runes."

Jiang Yun nodded clearly.

Although he doesn't lack many runes anymore, that's because he killed Bingyi and obtained a large number of runes from his body.

Others, however, are not as lucky as me.

Especially those who did not collect runes at the beginning. Without the appearance of these rules and the undead, it would be impossible for them to collect enough runes to go to the tenth floor.

Liu Ruxia continued: "In addition to the threat of the undead, if you want to enter the tenth level, to be honest, your strength is probably not enough."

"If my guess is correct, when the time comes, you should all face strong men from the Origin Realm." At this point, Liu Ruxia suddenly turned her head and looked towards the edge of this world. He frowned and said: "The rule-dead spirit has appeared!"

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