Taoist world

Chapter 6937: Stepping into the Grave

All the tombstones emitted a bright but not dazzling light.

In the light, there are bursts of various auras emanating from it.

For an instant, Jiang Yun felt as if he was not in a cemetery, but in a garden.

All the tombs have also turned into all kinds of strange flowers, blooming one after another, competing with each other, and colorful.

Moreover, he tried his best to release the fragrance to attract himself as a tourist.

And their fragrance is the smell of various rules! Jiang Yun's previous speculation was verified again.

Buried in these tombs, or rather, contain various rules.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what the cemetery looked like when Master Xiao Yu and the others saw it before, he believed that it must be somewhat different from what he saw now.

Because Master Xiaoyu and the others were lost in their minds, and they almost touched the grave uncontrollably.

Even though he saw the true face of the cemetery, he still remained awake. He was not lost in consciousness, nor was he impatient to enter any tomb.

Jiang Yun understood the reason why he felt different from others.

"It should be because I have too much power, and what I really cultivate is the way of protection."

"Here, there are no rules corresponding to my way of guardianship."

"As for Zhenren Xiaoyu and Zunren, although they also control a variety of powers, they must have a dominant force that corresponds to certain rules here."

"For example, Master Xiao Yu cultivates the Way of Wind."

Having said this, Jiang Yun looked at the tomb in front of him.

The nature that emanates from it is the purest breath of wind rules.

This means that the rules of wind are buried in this tomb.

"So, I won't be lost in my mind like others, and I won't be so eager to enter a tomb."

Jiang Yun looked at the two tombs where the human and earth gods were absorbed.

The tomb that absorbs human dignity exudes the rules of the flesh.

The practice of Ren Zun is people-oriented, bringing all functions of the body into full play. In the final analysis, it is the physical body that is cultivated.

What surprised Jiang Yun was the tomb where the Earth Lord was absorbed.

As we all know, the most powerful power of the Earth Lord is the power of assimilation, but the aura of rules exuded by absorbing his tomb turns out to be the rules of earth! "Earth Master's major is actually the power of earth."

"However, it makes sense to use soil to assimilate all things."

"Back then, there were legends in the Dao realm that even us creatures were made of clay."

Jiang Yun only glanced at the two tombs and then withdrew his gaze.

Jiang Yun now has no interest at all in what kind of power Di Zun Ren Zun cultivates and what rules he masters.

Looking at the cemetery of rules that had revealed its true colors in front of him, Jiang Yun carefully felt the atmosphere of the rules.

Soon, Jiang Yun discovered that there were several tombs inside. Although they also released light, they did not emit any regular aura.

Jiang Yun didn't pay too much attention.

Regarding this cemetery, he believed that even if his guesses were all correct, what he had guessed was just the tip of the iceberg.

In addition, the situation inside the tomb was still difficult for Jiang Yun's consciousness to see through.

Obviously, only by actually stepping into the tomb can we know what is inside.

Jiang Yun raised his hand and reached towards the grave in front of him again.

Although he could clearly see the true contents of these tombs, Jiang Yun still didn't know what was inside them.

For him, all the rules have little appeal, and it makes no difference which tomb he enters.

It was natural to choose the cemetery where the real person Xiao Yu was sucked in.

After all, Xiao Yu is his own person, and Jiang Yun doesn't want anything to happen to him here.

However, just when Jiang Yun's palm was about to touch this tomb, he suddenly raised his head and looked at another tomb.

Because, just now, there was an aura that was somewhat familiar to Jiang Yun coming from that tomb.

It seemed that there was an acquaintance of Jiang Yun in that tomb.

That feeling just passed by in a flash, and now when Jiang Yun looked at it again, there was nothing familiar about it anymore.

But Jiang Yun was sure that it was not his illusion just now.

As for the aura of rules exuding from that tomb, with the strong smell of blood, it is obviously the rules of blood.

Jiang Yun didn't know who had entered the vortex.

Except for Master Xiao Yu and the others, he could be sure that there were some people who were his acquaintances, who were soul clones.

Or, you can add another Ji Kongfan.

The soul clone and Ji Kongfan should also be able to recognize that this place is exactly the same as the Tao Ruins in the Tao Domain.

As for whether they would be affected by some kind of rules and lose their minds, Jiang Yun didn't know.

But now, Jiang Yun felt a familiar feeling from that tomb exuding the rules of blood.

Regardless of whether this feeling comes from Ji Kongfan or his soul clone, it is attractive to Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun retracted his finger after hesitating for a moment.

Compared with finding Xiao Yu's real person, it is naturally more important to find the soul clone or Ji Kongfan first.

Moreover, although the guardian seal has lost its function, it can at least let Jiang Yun know clearly that Master Xiao Yu and the others are still alive.

Jiang Yun decided not to look for Xiao Yu for the time being.

After all, the other party is also a supreme being. As long as he does not encounter the origin state, there should be no problem in self-protection.

Jiang Yun turned around and walked towards the tomb that gave him a familiar feeling.

Without any further hesitation, Jiang Yun finally reached out and gently touched the tombstone of the tomb.

Without the protection of the ancient mark, this time, a suction force immediately came out from above the tomb, like a palm, grabbing Jiang Yun's body and taking him into the tomb.

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and he was suddenly in a world.

The first time he saw this world clearly, Jiang Yun felt as if he had returned to the realm of Dao and the realm of destruction.

This is a world of blood, somewhat like the blood world in the past, and also like the place where vampires lived.

The sky, the earth, mountains, rivers, and even various plants are all red.

The smell of blood is even more intense to the extreme! Although this world seemed daunting, Jiang Yun, who also mastered the power of blood and had already demonstrated the Dao of Blood, not only did not feel any discomfort here, but even felt comfortable here.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath of the air mixed with blood, and said to himself: "This world should be a world derived from the rules of blood."

"With such rich and abundant blood power, for monks who practice the Way of Blood, this is simply a holy place for practice!"

Although Jiang Yun had thought in advance that there was a cave inside the tomb, he really didn't expect that it would be like this.

"No wonder, Di Zun Renzun's face looked excited just now."

"They may not have completely lost their minds, but before entering the tomb, they have sensed that there is a lot of power in the tomb of a certain rule they major in, so they are eager to enter."

"But in this case, there is no danger at all in this tomb, but there is great opportunity hidden in it."

"Why does the Ancient Seal prevent me from entering here?"

Jiang Yun circulated the power in his body, moved his body again, and emitted his spiritual consciousness without any hindrance.

There are no restrictions on the monks who enter.

Jiang Yun's consciousness spread in all directions, carefully examining everything in this world.

The world is very large, at least not smaller than the former mountains and seas.

The terrain is also diverse, but all the terrain Jiang Yun has seen can be found here.

However, there are no living creatures here.

"Is there no one?"

"Where did that familiar feeling come from?"


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came. Jiang Yun followed the sound and finally saw a mountain exploded halfway up, and two figures rushed out from it.

The speed of the two figures is extremely fast, one is in front and the other is behind, as if the person behind is chasing the person in front.

The person in front is a middle-aged woman.

He is in his thirties or forties, looks ordinary, and at most has the cultivation level of a hypocrite!

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