Taoist world

Chapter 6928: Sublimation and Qualitative Change

The original Jiang Yun's power was extremely complex and could be said to be all-encompassing.

But when he embarked on the path of Taoism, all his power turned into the power of the Tao.

At this moment, after the power of the avenue poured into the Bagua Tai Chi pattern, it split into two.

Part of it merges into the white semicircle on the left, and part of it pours into the black semicircle on the right.

Jiang Yun could clearly feel that the power of his great avenue was clearly divided by this pattern.

However, instead of being split into the original multiple powers, it was split into two types.

One is Yin attribute and the other is Yang attribute!

Although this process was beyond Jiang Yun's expectations, he could understand it.

Because various forces themselves are divided into yin and yang.

In short, this pattern seems to be that the power in Jiang Yun's body is too messy, so he deliberately took action to rearrange the power.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, a continuous sound of explosions suddenly came from the pattern.

The voice naturally comes from Jiang Yun's power.

And every explosion sound made Jiang Yun feel as if his body was about to explode, full of pain.

However, amidst such pain, Jiang Yun's eyes became brighter and brighter!

The Five Elements Taoist Spirit, who was watching Jiang Yun with concern, saw Jiang Yun's reaction, and the Mu Xing Taoist Spirit let out a long breath and said, "It should be a success."

The water-traveling Taoist spirit nodded and said: "The sound of the explosion should be caused by the sublimation and qualitative change of the power in his body."

Mu Xingdaoling gently touched his beard and said, "Yes, our previous speculation was also correct."

"Although I don't know whether his Yin-Yang Dao realm is equivalent to the original realm, his strength is comparable to the original realm."

"After a monk in the origin realm successfully breaks through, the power in his body will also sublimate, produce a qualitative change, and become the origin power."

"I just don't know which one is stronger or weaker between his yin-yang power and his original power."

Indeed it is!

The power in Jiang Yun's body is not exploding, but breaking through, sublimating, and changing qualitatively.

This process is just like when refining an elixir, removing impurities from the liquid after burning the medicinal materials.

Although Jiang Yun's original power was called a great avenue, it was not really just one great avenue. It still contained multiple attributes.

Sometimes when Jiang Yun casts a specific spell, he needs to specifically use the corresponding power of a certain avenue.

But now, under the fusion and absorption of that pattern, the various attributes in his power are not eliminated, but all converted into yin and yang attributes!

This transformation is a qualitative change caused by mass production and a sublimation of the attributes of power.

Other outsider monks also have to go through the same process when they break through from the Supreme to the Origin Realm.

The difference is what Mu Xing Dao Ling said, one is the original Tao power and the other is the Yin and Yang Tao power.

But no matter what the difference is between these two kinds of Taoist power, the monk's strength will also change qualitatively with the sublimation of power, and it will also produce amazing changes!

This is why, although Jiang Yun is suffering physically, there is light in his eyes.

"Let's sit down and wait!" Mu Xingdaoling said again: "This process will take a certain amount of time."

The Five Elements Taoist Spirits each sat down and looked at Jiang Yun, with envy on their faces.

Although they knew that the improvement in realm Jiang Yun was experiencing was false and could not last for too long.

But as the origins of the Five Elements, they are unable to achieve even this false improvement.

At this time, Tu Xing Dao Ling couldn't help but ask: "Mulao, you said that if we can break through to the origin realm one day, how will our power be sublimated by then?"

Mu Xing Daoling smiled and said: "Naturally, it has also been sublimated to the original Tao power."

"What we are using now is just the ordinary power of the Five Elements."

The Fire Taoist Spirit suddenly smiled coldly and said: "We are the origin, but we are unable to exert the power of the origin."

"If you tell me, it's really a big joke!"

These words immediately caused the other four spirits to fall into silence.

After a long time, Tu Xingdao Ling changed his voice and said: "Everyone, can we ask him to help us again and release us?"

Mu Xingdaoling shook his head and said, "Don't even think about it."

"Why?" Tu Xing Dao Ling said anxiously: "If he is still angry with us, the worst I can do is apologize to him later and ask him to put forward a few conditions."

"Besides, if he helps us, we can also help him. It will be good for him!"

Mu Xingdaoling sighed and said, "You didn't understand what I meant."

"Even if he is willing to help us, even if his realm has truly reached the Yin-Yang Dao realm, he still cannot be the opponent of the Hongmeng leader."

"If he can't defeat the Hongmeng leader, how can he help us?"

"As for the old man who writes, don't even think about it."

"The old man who writes this book will never get involved in any disputes between right and wrong."

Mu Xingdaoling's words made the four spirits fall silent again. They stopped speaking and just stared at Jiang Yun silently.

Meanwhile, the land of lawlessness!

Ji Kongfan, together with Bingyi and a hundred other monks from Shitiangan, had already rushed to the side of the whirlpool.

Around the whirlpool, there were hundreds of outside monks gathered.

Seeing Bingyi's attire, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all consciously moved away.

After all, they are apparently members of the Hongmeng and are hostile to Shi Tianqian.

What's more, the most powerful among them is nothing more than a Supreme.

But Bingyi acted like he was familiar with it, and took the initiative to walk in front of the Supreme Being, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, why are you just gathering here and not going in?"

The Supreme Master smiled bitterly and said: "Several people have gone in before. It has been more than two months. No one has been seen alive, and no corpses have been seen dead."

"We dare not enter!"

Bingyi reached out and patted his chest and said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here. I'll take you in and ensure your safety."

"Come on, come on. Anyone who wants to enter this vortex should stand behind me."

Many monks from outside the territory couldn't help but look at each other, and no one moved at all.

The supreme leader shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, senior. I won't go in."

They are not stupid either. How could the people from Shitiangan be so kind!

Taking myself and others into the whirlpool was not to ensure the safety of myself and others, but to make myself the scapegoat!

Bingyi's voice suddenly turned cold: "Why, are you afraid that I will harm you?"

"Okay, now I'll give you two choices."

"Either you come in with me, or I kill you."

As soon as he said these words, the expressions of many Hongmeng monks changed drastically.

A monk quietly moved back, wanting to stay away from Bingyi.

But as soon as his foot stepped out, before it could land, Bingyi already stretched out his hand and pointed at him and said: "Since you want to leave, then I'll kill you first!"


No one could see clearly how Bingyi took action. Everyone just heard a muffled sound. The monk's head had exploded and his body fell backwards.

It has to be said that Bingyi's character is really cruel.

Bingyi retracted his finger and said coldly: "Hurry up, hurry up, my patience is limited, if you hesitate again, I might as well kill you all!"

Although the Hongmeng monks were angry, they dared not speak out in the face of the huge disparity in strength. Immediately, more than a dozen monks hurriedly ran behind Bingyi.

Among them, the Supreme One was also included!

Entering the vortex may be dangerous, but it is better than dying here now.

Ji Kongfan always looked on expressionlessly, neither speaking nor stopping.

For him, the battle between Shitianqian and Hongmeng is dog eating dog.

He really hoped that there would be some tough ones among the Hongmeng monks who would take action against Bingyi.

It's a pity that under Bingyi's lustful power, all Hongmeng monks eventually stood behind Bingyi obediently.

"Yes, that's great!" Bingyi's voice once again contained a smile. He stretched out his hand and pointed at several Hongmeng monks. Several light spots flew out from his fingertips and landed on them.

"I've added my power to you. You go first to explore the whirlpool."

"Don't worry, you won't die!"

At this moment, Bingyi suddenly turned his head, looked in the direction of the formation diagram and said, "It came so fast!"

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