Taoist world

Chapter 690 Water Spirit

This blue little man has a majestic appearance and sits cross-legged on top of Jiang Yun's head.

The reason is that the translucent body has become completely solid.

Although it is only the size of a palm, the aura emanating from that small body is extremely powerful.

This is Jiang Yun’s water spirit!

Immediately afterwards, the little blue man suddenly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura suddenly spread down, covering Jiang Yun below, and Jiang Yun's aura also surged in an instant.

Jiang Yun successfully defeated his inner demons while adhering to his true nature, gave birth to his own Taoist spirit, and brought his cultivation level into the Taoist realm.

From then on, I finally truly stepped into the door of monasticism.

Moreover, because his previous foundation was much more solid than that of other monks, the aura erupting from his body at this moment was also far greater than that of those monks who had just entered the Taoist realm.

At least it is comparable to the middle stage of Daoling!

Jiang Yun also let out a long breath, feeling his current level of cultivation, and suddenly lost consciousness for a moment.

From being unable to practice at the beginning, to failing all three tests in the Taoist Sect, to being told by the blood robe that I could not realize the Tao in the clear and turbid world.

After twenty years, I finally officially entered the door of monasticism!

Looking back at everything in the past, it was really like a dream, and he couldn't help but murmur: "Grandpa, Master, I have entered the Taoist realm!"

Looking at the aura emanating from Jiang Yun and the little blue man, Yue Qing said with a sudden look on his face: "So you are attacking the Taoist realm, no wonder they want to stop me."

"But, even if you are in the Taoist realm, even if all the monks in this world are helping you, how can you be my opponent!"

Shaking his head, Yue Qing suddenly said loudly: "The human monk below is Jiang Yun!"

Hearing Yue Qing's voice, Jiang Yun suddenly woke up.

Although he didn't know everything that happened before he woke up, and he didn't know about Yue Qing's early arrival.

But when he felt Hai Changsheng's natal blood remaining on his body, and Yue Qing's cultivation was so powerful that he couldn't even see through it, he naturally understood it immediately.

"I didn't expect that he would arrive so much earlier than the time Wang Lin told me. Fortunately, I have made all the preparations and now I have entered the Dao Spirit Realm."

"However, thanks to Hai Changsheng covering me with his life blood and delaying it for a while, I was finally able to complete the conception of the Taoist spirit."

"Hai Changsheng helped me refine the sea talent last time, and this time he helped me delay time. Why did he do this?"

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, the water spirit on Jiang Yun's head suddenly turned into a blue light and fell into his Dantian.

The successful birth of the Taoist Spirit of Water, for Jiang Yun, not only allowed him to enter the Taoist Realm.

But it made him realize that his bold idea of ​​nurturing nine Taoist spirits was feasible!

What's more important is that the path to practice that I will follow will be smooth for a long time, and there will be no more surprises.

Once all nine Tao spirits are conceived, he can rely on the power of the earth that has long existed in the physical Tao body to enter the earth protection realm.

As for the Heavenly Blessing Realm, although it is difficult, Xue Mucheng's divine will has already told him the method, and he can do it by subduing the Heavenly Dao!

Although all this is still far away from Jiang Yun today, after realizing this, Jiang Yun's confidence and fighting spirit have reached an all-time high.

As long as he defeats the patrol envoy of this temple, then what awaits him is a brighter future!

Jiang Yun finally stood up, looked up at Yue Qing who was in the air, deliberately frowned, and asked with confusion on his face: "Who are you?"

"The patrol envoy under the Void Hall of the Taoist Temple, Yue Qing!"

"Tao Temple, patrol envoy?"

Jiang Yun's pupils shrank slightly and said: "I have never heard of any Taoist temple, but I am Jiang Yun, what do you want from me?"

"I was ordered to capture you and send you to prison!"

"Capture me? Then you don't know what crime I have committed?"

"You will naturally know when you get to Dao Prison!"

Yue Qing put his hands behind his back and said condescendingly: "Okay, I've made my purpose clear. If you take the initiative and surrender, I won't make it too difficult for you. But if you want to resist, don't blame me." You're welcome!"


Faced with Yue Qing's arrogant tone, Jiang Yun's face turned cold and he said, "You can't even tell me what crime I committed, so you have to catch me!"

"I'm sorry, Jiang is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to catch me without mercy. If you want to catch me, just take action!"

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Jiang Yun's attitude was expected by Yue Qing, and he had encountered many such situations.

Because few people in the wilderness know the existence of the Dao Temple, and even less can imagine the power of the Dao Temple, so almost all of the people he once wanted to arrest would resist.

But the results are the same!

Yue Qing stopped talking nonsense, raised his hand, and transformed into a big hand about ten feet wide, dropped from the sky and grabbed Jiang Yun.

In Yue Qing's view, Jiang Yun only had the strength to have just entered the Dao Spirit Realm.

Not to mention comparing with myself, even the two big demons before were much stronger than Jiang Yun, so I could catch them easily without any effort at all.

Looking at the palms falling above his head, Jiang Yun could clearly feel a powerful pressure instantly enveloped his body.

However, it was obvious that the other party despised him very much and did not use all his strength, which gave him a chance.

"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of bursting sounds suddenly came from Jiang Yun's body, and all the powerful physical power burst out instantly.

At the same time as he broke away from this pressure, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly sank rapidly, falling onto the square where he had originally been in the Taoist Sect.

Seeing Jiang Yun escape from his control, Yue Qing was a little surprised: "It is indeed much stronger than ordinary Taoist spirits, but do you think you can escape!"

As soon as the words fell, the transformed palm suddenly expanded and expanded into a hundred-foot radius, and finally submerged into the sea water. It stirred up huge waves and continued to grab Jiang Yun.

The power of this palm was much greater than before, making it impossible for Jiang Yun to dodge at this moment. With gritted teeth, he completed three sacrifices to the sky in an instant.

Raising his hand, Jiang Yun grabbed it hard and saw that the surrounding seawater had condensed into a hundred-foot-sized palm, facing Yue Qing's palm.

Now, with Jiang Yundao's cultivation in the spiritual realm, he has performed three sacrifices to the heavens, and with the blessing of the borrowed power of heaven, his true strength is enough to reach the late stage of the Earth Protector Realm.

Although this kind of strength is still extremely far away from Yue Qing, it allows Jiang Yun to resist Yue Qing's palm.


When the two palms collided, they collapsed suddenly, and the seawater that submerged Taoist Sect instantly swept up huge waves and rose into the sky.

Yue Qing's brows couldn't help but frown slightly. He naturally felt the surge in Jiang Yun's cultivation. He didn't expect that Jiang Yun, a mere Taoist spirit, was actually a bit difficult to deal with.

After pondering for a moment, Yue Qing's figure swayed. He no longer stood in the air, but also submerged into the sea water. He stood on the square of Taoist Sect, appeared in front of Jiang Yun and said, "It's time to end. !”

Looking at Yue Qing who was so close, Jiang Yun's eyes were filled with light and he said: "You are finally here!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand and slapped the ground with his palm.

The whole earth suddenly buzzed, and rays of brilliance shot up into the sky!

In an instant, countless rays of light converged in the sky, and the thirty-six formations arranged by Jiang Yun in advance began to operate.

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