Taoist world

Chapter 6802: Master’s Identity

Seeing Qin Bufan's reaction, Jiang Yun knew that he must have recognized the runes on the tablet. He shook his head and said, "I don't know whose tablet this is."

"However, I think it might be my master's tablet."

"Your master?"

Qin Bufan looked Jiang Yun up and down and said, "I didn't expect you to be really well-known and prominent."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Brother Qin, stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly what words are written on this tablet!"

Qin Bufan did not speak, but stretched out a finger, and light flowed on his fingertips. He suddenly used this light as ink to write four big characters in the air.

It is not difficult to see that Qin Bufan has extremely high attainments in calligraphy.

These four characters are written with iron paintings and silver hooks, flying dragons and phoenixes, majestic and majestic.

Coupled with the shining light, these four characters alone look awe-inspiring.

However, Jiang Yun was not in the mood to appreciate Qin Bufan's calligraphy. Instead, he stared at the four characters and read them out softly.

Teacher of all spirits! When anyone sees these four words, the first reaction that comes to mind must be a big tone! The spirit here obviously does not refer to the spirit race alone, but to living beings.

Ten thousand is also not a specific number, but is used to describe a large number.

Therefore, these four words mean the master of all living beings! Looking at the True Realm, who can afford these four words and dare to say that he is the master of all living things?

Qin Bufan also put his hands behind his back, looked at the four words he wrote and said: "Master of all spirits!"

"If this tablet really belongs to your master, then your master's identity and status are terrifyingly high!"

Jiang Yun also recovered from the shock and said with some hesitation: "I'm not sure whether this is my master's tablet."

If Jiang Yun was 70 to 80% sure before that this was the ancient tablet of his master, then after reading these four words, this certainty was only 30 to 40%.

Master of All Spirits, the meaning of this title is so high that Jiang Yun couldn't believe that this was his master.

Qin Bufan glanced at Jiang Yun and saw what Jiang Yun was thinking. He smiled slightly and said, "Is there anything I'm not sure about?"

"In fact, in any world, there will be such a master of all spirits!"

Jiang Yun asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple!"

Qin Bufan pointed at Jiang Yun and said: "The first monk to embark on the path of cultivation, the first to teach the method of cultivation to others, and to guide others in their cultivation, is the Master of All Spirits!"

"Even if the person enshrined in this tablet is not your master, there is nothing wrong with you calling him master."

"Even, let alone you, even the three of you here, all strong and weak, when they see this master of all spirits, they need to be polite and respectfully call him master!"

"The Master of All Spirits is no longer just an identity, but also a symbol!"

"A symbol that represents your world's transformation from ignorance and backwardness to strength."

Listening to Qin Bufan's words, Jiang Yun was deeply touched and suddenly remembered something.

Jiang Yun remembered that when Di Zun attacked Meng Realm, he saw that his master seemed to have recovered part of the memory that had been erased by Feng Beiling, which made Di Zun look at his master with complicated meanings. .

And in that complexity, there is reverence! Isn't reverence the emotion that a disciple should have when looking at his master?

Also, my master respects the ancient among the ancients.

And doesn’t the ancient spirit, ancient cultivator, ancient demon and ancient demon included in the four veins include all living things?

Especially now that we are still in the realm of transcendence.

The ancient cultivators and ancient spirits who suppressed the three corpse Taoists should be the earliest cultivators in the True Domain.

And although they call their master Zungu, the kind of heartfelt respect they show when they mention their master is equivalent to their status as disciples.

In addition, his master can gather all the sources of ancient rules into the world of ancient rules, and can join forces with Tian Zun to deal with Earth Zun.

Especially Qiu Long and Meng Zun, these two supreme beings from different reincarnations, would be willing to stay in that endless place that is close to death because of the invitation of the master, waiting to break this situation.

If it's just because Master is also the Supreme, I'm afraid they won't be able to agree.

But if the master, as the master of all spirits, made this request to them, it would be difficult for them to refuse.

Finally, this tablet was erected by Feng Beiling.

As the founder of Yanji Pavilion, Feng Beiling has the power to make even the Supreme forget part of his memory.

He put down everything he had created, joined forces with his master, took action against the Earth Master, and went to the Four Realms with his master.

He also gave the token representing the identity of Yanji Pavilion Master to the master for safekeeping.

If Feng Beiling and Master were just friends, there would be no need to enshrine his friend's tablet.

Only when he regarded his master as his master in his mind would he set up a memorial tablet in his hometown and worship him at all times.

In short, the scenes in the past were related to the master, and the memories that once made Jiang Yun feel confused or puzzled have reasonable explanations under the title of Master of All Spirits.

Naturally, aside from the thought of not daring to do so, Jiang Yun was almost certain that this tablet should be dedicated to his master.

My master is ancient, he is the true domain, no, he is the master of all spirits in the entire Daoxing world! "call!"

Jiang Yun let out a long breath.

At this moment, his mood was filled with mixed feelings and extremely complicated.

He was always curious about the true origin of his master.

But he never took the initiative to ask even if the master didn't say it himself.

But he didn't expect that he would finally learn the identity of his master through a tablet enshrined by Feng Beiling and from Qin Bufan, an outsider monk.

Master of all spirits! Looking at everything the master has done, including his strength, he actually deserves this title.

And as a true disciple of the Master of All Spirits, according to Qin Bufan, his status is indeed prominent.

At this time, Qin Bufan said with a smile: "How about this, is this Master of All Spirits your master?"

Jiang Yun nodded heavily and said, "It should be!"

“However, you must be sure of the pattern on this tablet.

Are these four words? "

Qin Bufan patted his chest and said, "I have a deep understanding of the history of your Daoxing world."

"Because Feng Nianhua is not the first person I have supported here."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Qin Bufan obviously didn't want to say too much, so he waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, I'm going to turn into a star pattern."

"The star power contained in the star pattern this time is relatively strong. If the time is delayed longer, I am worried that the people from Hongmeng will notice it and come to cause trouble for me."

Jiang Yun looked cold and said, "I hope they can appear in front of me now."

"I don't want to!"

Qin Bufan said seriously: "The star pattern I gave you is different from the one I gave to Feng Nianhua."

"This star pattern can be transformed into countless star patterns, and then form a star mark array."

After the words fell, Qin Bufan suddenly raised his head and said: "What a good thing but a bad spirit, the people from Hongmeng are here!"

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed coldly and said, "That's great!"

Qin Bufan shook his head and said, "You deal with it yourself, I'll dodge first!"

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