Taoist world

Chapter 6789 Five Elements Tao Patterns

In the void in front of Jiang Yun, what should have been an invisible barrier has now turned into a wall visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the scope of this wall is still expanding.

Because there are runes one after another, like wildly growing vines, quickly covering the pieces of nothingness.

Looking at it, it seems that the entire edge of the first level of the Chaotic Sky Domain will be covered by these runes.

Although Jiang Yun looked a little unfamiliar with these runes, due to their large number, he was able to clearly distinguish them. These runes corresponded to the most basic ones that all monks in the world would be exposed to - Five elements!

If there is Guantian Palace behind the barrier, then what makes up this invisible barrier is actually the power of the Five Elements.

After recognizing these five-element runes, the first image that came to Jiang Yun's mind was the space with high mountains and mountains that he was taken to when he was transformed into the Three Corpses Taoist.

There is also an invisible barrier in that space, and it cannot be broken by the combined power of the three gods.

Although Jiang Yun also failed to break the barrier, he felt the powerful aura of earth power in that space.

Moreover, the Earth Master also made it very clear that only outside monks could break that barrier.

Jiang Yun didn't think much about it at the time, but this trip to the Immortal Realm made him know that the situation in Guantian Palace was jointly arranged by Hongmeng and Dao Zun.

Could it be that the space in the high mountains was opened by a monk from outside the territory sent by the Hongmeng to serve as a barrier to prevent the monks in Guantian Palace from leaving.

Therefore, only outside monks can break it.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun thought of the mirror Haotian gave him.

In the mirror, apart from the power of the five elements, there is nothing else.

And Haotian's strength should exceed that of the Supreme.

As a protector of Jiang Shan, he probably also joined the Hongmeng, so he knows the truth about the situation in Guantian Palace.

Moreover, Jiang Shan said that they came from the Five Elements Heaven and Earth, and his father practiced the Five Elements.

So, could Haotian's purpose of giving himself this mirror containing the power of the five elements was to remind himself that he needed to use the power of the five elements to break this situation.

Is it even possible that that mirror is the key to helping him break through the barriers set up by Hongmeng?

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Most of the doubts about the location of Guantian Palace were answered almost immediately after he saw these runes representing the five elements with his own eyes.

At this moment, Gui Yi's voice also sounded: "These seem to be the Five Elements Taoist Patterns!"

Five elements pattern!

With these four words spoken by Gui Yi, Jiang Yun was finally sure that the answers to the questions he had thought of should be correct.

One of the keys to breaking the situation is the five elements!

Hongmeng most likely used the power of the Five Elements to lay out five spaces as barriers to seal off the entire Guantian Palace.

The reason why the Five Elements is only one of the keys is naturally because not all of this game was set up by monks from outside the region, but also by Tao Zun.

As the strongest person in Daoxing Heaven and Earth, Dao Zun cannot safely leave this situation that concerns all sentient beings in his world to the outside monks to arrange and control.

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know what specific role Dao Zun played in the game and what methods he deployed.

However, Jiang Yun also thought of the reminder given to him by Jiang Yun in his last reincarnation, and found all the people with the wisdom of cause and effect.

Having the wisdom of cause and effect is the flaw in this game.

If you find all such people, find all the loopholes, and activate them at the same time, it is possible to break this game.

A smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and the fire in his eyes turned into the light of hope.

He never thought that today he just wanted to see how strong the barrier that blocked all sentient beings was, and that he would get so many unexpected gains.

Although it is still not easy to break this situation, just like his own cultivation path, at least he has found the direction and key to breaking the situation.

Especially the barrier set up by Hongmeng, he already knows how to break it!

If his Five Elements Way could be stronger, if he could figure out the secret in the mirror Haotian gave him.

By that time, the barrier should be broken!

Gui Yi naturally felt Jiang Yun's excitement, and asked with some confusion: "Do you have a way to break this barrier?"

"Yes, I believe I will be able to break these barriers soon."

Jiang Yun was now in a good mood and continued: "I would also like to thank you for your glazed blood and bone technique. This technique has helped me a lot."

Jiang Yun really wanted to thank Guiyi.

If Guiyi hadn't provided Jiang Yun with the glazed blood and bone technique at this time, it would have been impossible for Jiang Yun to shake the barrier.

And after he returns to Guantian Palace, whether he will have the chance to come to this chaotic sky again depends on his position.

Even if this time was delayed, he might never know the secret of this barrier or figure out the key to breaking it.

After all, this last reincarnation could end at any time.

Those five-element runes appeared as quickly as they disappeared.

All the effort that he had gained has disappeared without a trace, and the void has returned to normal.

Jiang Yun naturally did not need to make the runes appear, and said softly: "Okay, we are now ready to enter Guantian Palace."

"Sir, we found it!" Yun Gui's voice came from afar at this time: "There are always five space cracks, all of which can lead to other places."

"But I'm not sure which one leads to Guantian Palace."

Five space cracks!

Jiang Yun once again glanced at the calm nothingness in front of him, turned around, looked in the direction of Yun Gui and said: "Perhaps, these five space cracks can all lead to Guantian Palace!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun strode to Yun Gui's side.

Yun Gui also pointed out the specific locations of the five space cracks he found and asked in confusion: "Why do you think, sir, that all five space cracks can lead to Guantian Palace?"

Jiang Yun did not hide anything and told Yun Guidao some of his thoughts: "So, I think these five space cracks correspond to the five elements space."

Jiang Yun continued: "However, we only need to return to Guantian Palace now, and we don't have to worry about where we go back from."

"For the sake of safety, I will send you into my realm first, and I will choose a space crack to enter at will."

Although Jiang Yun felt that the five space cracks had the same destination, this was just his guess after all.

If you make a wrong choice and encounter any danger, Yun Gui's strength is slightly weaker, so it is safest to keep him in the Taoist world.

Of course Yun Gui has no objection.

In order to prevent Yun Gui and Gui Yi from meeting each other, Jiang Yun specially opened up another space in the Taoist world and sent Yun Gui inside.

Jiang Yun took a look around and said to himself: "If all my speculations are correct, then one day, if I can go to the space in the mountains and break it, I should still come here. .”

Finally, Jiang Yun no longer hesitated and stepped into one of the space cracks.

What appeared in front of Jiang Yun's eyes was darkness, and his spiritual consciousness had lost its function. However, with his keen sense, Jiang Yun could still detect that the power of space existed here.

Jiang Yun took steps and walked towards the depths of darkness.

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