Taoist world

Chapter 6714: One in, one out

Liu Yingfan continued: "Although Tianzun's aura disappeared in just a moment, I am too familiar with Tianzun."

"Plus, my senses are incredibly sharp, so I'm pretty sure I didn't feel wrong."

"You can imagine how shocked I was at the time."

"However, in that situation, of course I didn't dare to show any abnormality."

"I tried my best to hide the shock in my heart, and even deliberately used Tianzun's name to threaten Taikoo Ling."

"In the end, Tai Gubring was dissatisfied and kicked me out."

After Liu Yingfan finished speaking, he stared at Jiang Yun's face slightly nervously.

Although what she said was indeed true, the fact that Tian Zun and Tai Gu Bu Ling were conspiring against Jiang Yun was purely a result of her forcibly trapping Jiang Yun.

There was no other reason. She had to make Jiang Yun feel a sense of crisis, so that Jiang Yun could share the same hatred with her and join forces to avenge Tianzun.

Unfortunately, there was no expression on Jiang Yun's face at this moment, as if he was listening to someone else's business.

This made Liu Yingfan's eyes flash with disappointment, and he began to wonder, if this failed to convince Jiang Yun, then what kind of reason should he find to bring Jiang Yun to the same front as him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly asked calmly: "When did you go to see Taikoo Divining Spirit for the second time?"

Liu Yingfan didn't know that although Jiang Yun's face was expressionless, there was already a huge wave in his heart!

Tianzun actually has a spiritual consciousness hidden in the ancient divination spirit!

Doesn't that mean that Tianzun knows everything about all the conversations between himself and Ji Kongfan and Taikoo Ling?

And Jiang Yun also believed that Liu Yingfan was telling the truth.

Because Liu Yingfan didn't know that Ji Wang was Jiang Yun.

Even if she had to make up some reasons to win over herself, she couldn't make up the idea that the divine consciousness of the Heavenly Lord was hidden in the ancient divination spirit. This kind of reason would sound unbelievable to anyone.

Therefore, Jiang Yun now needs to know when Tianzun's spiritual consciousness was hidden in Taikoo Divining Spirit's body.

Liu Yingfan opened his mouth and replied without thinking: "A year and a half ago!"

Obviously, Liu Yingfan remembered this time very clearly.

A year and a half ago!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and shock in his heart, and carefully recalled all his experiences a year and a half ago.

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't even need to deliberately recall it.

Because he had just finished sitting in seclusion at the top of Zangfeng Peak for a year.

In the six months before the retreat, although he was busy dealing with Yanji Pavilion most of the time, he also met twice with the original form and clones of Taikoo Bu Ling and others.

The first time, he followed Ji Kongfan's request and persuaded the ancient spirit not to go to the lawless place and stay in the true domain with peace of mind.

The second time, he learned the news that the formation spirit had been killed, went to collect the remains of the formation spirit, and met the clones of Taigu Bu Ling and others.

That side is also the last side.

The two meetings took place within a year and a half.

In other words, the ancient divination spirit he saw twice was actually... Tianzun!

Like Ji Kongfan, after learning this important news, many of Jiang Yun's doubts had reasonable explanations.

Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes, looked at Liu Yingfan and said: "With Tianzun's strength, is it possible that he deliberately made you aware of her aura?"

This is Jiang Yun's only suspicion.

Tianzun is so powerful, and it is a big secret hidden in the body of Taikoo Divining Spirit. It is really impossible for Liu Yingfan to discover it.

If Tianzun did it on purpose, then her purpose would be even more complicated.

Liu Yingfan shook his head and said, "I understand your suspicion, but she definitely didn't let me notice on purpose."

"Because..." Liu Yingfan suddenly showed hesitation and paused for a long time before continuing: "Because, I am not sure whether there was a third aura besides Tianzun and Taikoo Divining Spirit at that time!"

The third breath!

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "What do you mean? Apart from you, was there a fourth person present at that time?"

Liu Yingfan thought about it again and said, "How should I put it? It's like the Taikoo divination spirit has the consciousness of another person in its body."

"And the sudden arrival of Tianzun's spiritual consciousness makes it necessary for another person's spiritual consciousness to leave."

"The consciousness of the two people came in and out, and that's when I felt the breath of Tianzun."

"But I sensed that person's aura very vaguely, so I can't be sure. I didn't say it just now!"

Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly condensed.

According to Liu Yingfan, the Taikoo Divining Spirit already had the consciousness of another powerful person hidden in his soul.

As a result, the divine consciousness of Tianzun arrived, and the spiritual consciousness of the strong man left.

When two spiritual consciousnesses exchange, that is, one spiritual consciousness leaves Taigu Divining Ling's body, and the other divine consciousness enters Taigu Divining Ling's body, and both spiritual consciousnesses leak out their auras.

Liu Yingfan happened to appear at this time, so he sensed Tianzun's consciousness.

As for the other spiritual consciousness, she actually sensed it, but it was too vague, so she couldn't be sure!

Although Jiang Yun believed Liu Yingfan's explanation, the shock in his heart was even greater.

Although the ancient divination spirit is not very strong, he is also a powerful person, and he is the oldest among the ancient spirits.

However, his body was alternately occupied by the consciousness of Tianzun and another strong man, and outsiders could not see the slightest clue.

Not to mention himself, the other five ancient spirits and the ancient divination spirits have known each other for many years, and they obviously did not realize this.

It makes people shudder just thinking about it!

The most terrifying thing is, whose spiritual consciousness belongs to it?

Liu Yingfan had a vague sense of the aura of that divine consciousness. Was it because she was too familiar with Tianzun's aura, or because the owner of that divine consciousness was stronger than Tianzun!

There are only two types of people who are stronger than Tianzun, one is the outsider monks, and the other is the layout person!

No matter who it is, why do they want to hide their spiritual consciousness in the body of Taikoo Divining Spirit?

Moreover, from this point of view, the one and a half years mentioned by Liu Yingfan before was meaningless.

No one knows when another spiritual consciousness entered Taikoo Divining Spirit's body.

Also, what is their purpose?

In addition to the Taikoo Divining Spirit, are there any other people who also have the divine consciousness of Tianzun or other powerful people in their bodies?

At this moment, Jiang Yun's mind was already a little confused.

Too many questions came flooding out of his head, and he had to shake his head vigorously to put aside all these doubts for the time being.

There is no point in thinking about these questions now.

Jiang Yun looked at Liu Yingfan, and then asked: "Tianzun, are you proficient in the power of time?"

Liu Yingfan was slightly startled.

Although she didn't know how Jiang Yun asked this question properly, she still nodded and said: "More than just proficiency, it is said that the source of the ancient rules of time is in the hands of Tianzun!"

After receiving Liu Yingfan's affirmative answer, Jiang Yun closed his eyes again.

It wasn't that he was pretending to be profound, but that he didn't want Liu Yingfan to see the anger and murderous intent that could no longer be concealed in his eyes.

"The formation spirit was killed by the ancient divination spirit!"

"Or it could be said that Tianzun controlled the ancient divination spirit to kill!"

"In the scene where time goes back, the person who attacks me and prevents me from continuing to pursue is the ancient divination spirit controlled by Tianzun!"

Regarding the murderer who killed the formation spirit, Jiang Yun analyzed four conditions.

The man's strength is no less than that of the False Lord, he is very familiar with the ancient formation spirits, and he is proficient in the power of time.

Later, Ji Kongfan added another one. The murderer might have taken someone else's body and killed the formation spirit.

Now, the ancient divination spirit with the divine consciousness or split soul of the Heavenly Lord fully meets all the conditions speculated by Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan.

"From the beginning to the end, Taikoo Ling never had any ominous premonitions."

"He killed the formation spirit..."

"No!" Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes and said to Liu Yingfan, "I agree to the cooperation between you and me."

"However, I have something urgent right now. I will go find you later!"

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