Taoist world

Chapter 6689: Spreading beans and forming an army

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head, looked at the fat old man, and spoke directly, interrupting him: "In that room, are there two tablets enshrined?"

"What is written on the tablet?"

Jiang Yun's sudden and violent reaction surprised the fat old man. He was stunned and said: "There are two tablets. On one tablet, the word Master is written on it, without even writing his name."

"On the other tablet, there are no words, but some runes."

"I can't understand it, and I don't know what it means. I think it's like decoration, it should be blank!"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said, "The blank tablet, who is enshrined there?"

"Does your senior sister know?

Does her soul have any memory of that tablet? "

"Or, does Brother Feng have a Taoist companion?"

The fat old man shook his head and said: "Master has no Taoist companion, so he is always alone."

Jiang Yun thought for a while and then said: "Is it possible that that tablet is enshrined by the monk from outside the territory before?"

The fat old man shook his head again and said: "That blank tablet is not dedicated to an outsider monk."

"Because my senior sister has no memory of that tablet in her soul, so naturally she doesn't know who the tablet is enshrined in."

Jiang Yun's thoughts were racing through his mind.

If it wasn't Feng Beiling's Taoist companion, or the man from outside the territory, then he suspected that the other tablet enshrined might very well be his master! As for the fat old man and the two of them, they didn't know that it was probably Feng Beiling who had also erased the memory of their master in their souls.

After all, the origin of the master is more important than the origin of Feng Beiling, so Feng Beiling can risk letting his disciples remember him, but he dare not risk letting anyone remember his master.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun then asked: "Since you don't know who the tablet is, why do you still worship it?"

The fat old man replied: "That blank tablet was not erected by my senior sister, but it existed before. It should have been erected by my master."

"Senior sister did not dare to remove it at will, so she enshrined Master's tablet next to the blank tablet."

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed! The tablet set by Feng Beiling! With Feng Beiling's identity and his powerful ability to erase the memories of almost all living souls in the True Realm, he would set up a memorial tablet to worship and show his inner admiration and piety. The person was either his benefactor or someone else. His elders.

From this point of view, it seems that the person enshrined on the tablet is not his master.

Jiang Yun glanced at the unconscious Pavilion Master Yanji and said, "Can you take me there to have a look!"

The fat old man was stunned again and said, "Are you going now?"

Of course Jiang Yun wanted to go now to see if he could figure out who the tablet was enshrined in.

At the same time, it was also a good time for Brother Feng to be laid to rest as soon as possible.

But just when Jiang Yung was about to nod, a series of loud "rumbling" sounds suddenly came.

The sound comes from the ground not far away! On the ground, there was a landslide with a radius of ten thousand feet.

This world is a space created by Pavilion Master Yanji alone. Compared with the real world, it is not too solid in itself.

Previously, Jiang Yun transformed into the heart of heaven and earth and borrowed the protection of the power of heaven and earth. The man from outside the territory also attracted the power of the world where he was.

The destructive power caused by the two people's repeated battles has made the world overwhelmed and on the verge of destruction.

At this moment, An Caiyi and Wangchuan, along with the ten thousand emperors, followed Jiang Yun's orders and were still struggling to treat the unconscious monks.

Although they are powerful, there are as many as 700,000 to 800,000 unconscious monks, and it is impossible to revive them all in a short period of time.

At this time, Jiang Yun was indeed not suitable to leave here and go to Feng Beiling's hometown.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only sigh helplessly and said: "Take all the people away first, and then talk about it after settling them!"

"Is there anything else you need to take away here?"

"If there is any, go and clean it up quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun ignored the fat old man and walked towards the two guardians of heaven and man.

The fat old man wiped away the tears that were still wet on his face, reached out and picked up Pavilion Master Yanji, and took the same steps to leave the mountain.

The two guardians of heaven and man had been waiting for Jiang Yun for a long time. When they saw Jiang Yun appear, they got up immediately.

Jiang Yun waved his hands to the two of them, and he also sat down opposite them and said, "I've kept you two waiting for a long time."

Jiang Yun's polite opening remarks were somewhat unexpected by the two of them.

After the two looked at each other, they both smiled and said: "Soon, soon."

Jiang Yun looked at the Heavenly Protector and said, "Just now, our bet..." Before Jiang Yun could finish his words, the Heavenly Protector hastily interrupted: "Don't worry, I am willing to admit defeat."

"As long as you are willing to accept me, I will follow you from now on."

Jiang Yun actually didn't care about this so-called bet.

However, he also knew that since the rules controlled by the Heavenly Protector were related to gambling.

Moreover, the bet between the two was recognized by heaven and earth.

Even if Jiang Yun has the ability to erase this recognition, I hope that the consequences of not admitting defeat will definitely have an impact on the path of cultivation of the Heavenly Protector.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said to the two of them at the same time: "You two already know my identity, and you must be able to guess some things."

Jiang Yun's reputation in the True Domain is not very great.

After all, most of the time, he changes his appearance and borrows other people's identities.

However, these two people in front of them are both strong men standing at the top of the True Domain.

Jiang Yun believed that they should know a little bit about their own affairs.

Seeing the two men nodding, Jiang Yun continued: "Yanji Pavilion will not disappear or be disbanded, so if you two are willing, I hope that you two can continue to stay and serve as guardians."

"My purpose is somewhat similar to Feng Nianhua. It is also to fight against the three deities."

Feng Nianhua was the name of the previous head of Yanji Pavilion, following Feng Beiling's surname.

"If I can fulfill the benefits Feng Nianhua promised you before, I won't be stingy."

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you."

"I just need to erase your memories of Yanjige and me, and you can leave."

After saying these words, Jiang Yun stopped talking, looked at the two of them, and gave them the choice.

Jiang Yun naturally hopes that the two of them will stay and fight against the three masters. The more strong men on his side, the better.

But Jiang Yun was not used to forcing others, so he let them decide.

The Heavenly Protector smiled tenderly and said: "I have already said that I am willing to admit defeat. From today on, I, Du Ruoxian, will leave my life to you."

Du Ruoxian is the name of the Heavenly Protector.

Even in Feng Nianhua's memory, Jiang Yun didn't see much about this woman.

This woman's strength is still far behind the fake one, but she is the strongest among the three guardians.

As Du Ruoxian's words fell, the protector who had never spoken a word from beginning to end finally spoke: "Wenren Tianyi, I am willing!"

It must be said that this protector's name is quite domineering, and he is obviously a man of few words.

Likewise, his origins are somewhat unpredictable. Anyway, Jiang Yun didn't see much in Feng Nianhua's memory.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "It's very interesting how you spread the beans and become soldiers. If there is a chance, we can talk more."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his palm, and countless small black beans appeared in his palm, and handed it to Wenren Tianyi.

Previously, Wen Ren Tianyi had thrown countless black dots at Jiang Yun, which were actually beans one after another.

But the strange thing is that Wenren Tianyi can turn these beans into humans! Wenren Tianyi reached out and took the black beans without saying anything.

So far, the two guardians of heaven and man have all chosen to stay in Yanji Pavilion.

Of course, even if the two agreed verbally, Jiang Yun could not trust them easily.

However, now is not the time to talk about such things.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around and said: "This world is about to collapse. I will take all of you to another dimension!"

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