Taoist world

Chapter 6653: Luck

Facing Jiang Shan's sudden invitation, Jiang Yun was caught off guard and froze.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know whether Jiang Shan knew that the world he was in was actually in a cycle of reincarnation, Jiang Yun knew this very well.

And the goal pursued by myself, and almost all living beings who know this, even the earthly and human beings, is to get out of this situation.

But now, Jiang Shan invited himself to go to the world where he was and visit his parents.

If I agree, will it be equivalent to getting out of this situation?

I have to say that Jiang Yun was really tempted by Jiang Shan's invitation.

It's not that he yearns for freedom so much that he doesn't plan to care about other people, but because he wants to take a first step to see if there is really himself, a senior brother, and a senior brother outside this bureau. Second Senior Sister, there are all the living creatures that have died.

However, before Jiang Yun could respond, a slightly majestic voice sounded in this space: "Nonsense!"

Although Jiang Yun was slightly shocked when he heard this voice, he was not too surprised.

He already knew that he was in the space inside the mirror.

And this mirror is regarded as a protector by Jiang Shan, so it is completely normal for a mirror spirit or some other kind of life to be born in it.

On the contrary, Jiang Shan said with some surprise: "Senior Haotian, Brother Jiang and I hit it off at first sight and invited him to visit our world..."

Haotian interrupted Jiang Shan unceremoniously and said: "I understand your good intentions, but the rules, space, etc. of each world are different."

"Especially in this world, before a transcendent and powerful person is born, any living being in it, including the so-called three deities, will leave this world unless there is a being like me who will protect them at all times."

"Otherwise, they will simply not be able to withstand the external environment. Even if they can persist for a while, they will soon disappear."

Even Jiang Shan, who was speechless and stunned, had obviously never heard Haotian's words, let alone Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun never expected that outside the territory would be so dangerous.

As powerful as the three gods, he went to the outside world alone, but he couldn't even adapt to the environment.

But Jiang Yun heard something deeper from these words.

He didn't care about being rude and said hastily: "Senior Haotian, I would like to ask, is it true that heaven and earth are also divided into levels?"

"If there is no world where transcendent and powerful people are born, then we have to go down a level?"

After a moment of silence, Haotian's voice sounded: "You can understand it this way."

Jiang Shan also came back to his senses, smiled helplessly at Jiang Yun and said: "Brother Jiang, I'm sorry, I really don't know this, but I was reckless."

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Brother Jiang means well."

"But, is Brother Jiang ready to leave our world?"

"Yes!" Jiang Shan nodded and admitted: "When I bring you into Senior Haotian's body, it is equivalent to disturbing the order of your world."

"Not only is this world not welcoming to me, but there are also some other monks from outside the territory who also have opinions about me."

"In short, I'm not allowed to stay here, so I have to leave."

Although the explanation given by Jiang Shan was vague, Jiang Yun had heard similar words from the mouth of the corpse.

There are not just one or two foreign monks who have entered this world, but they should have reached some kind of agreement with each other and cannot interfere with the affairs of this world.

Jiang Shan took himself into the mirror world and allowed himself to complete the Great Dao Initiation without any interference. It not only helped him, but also had a great impact on the development of this world.

Jiang Yun is very clear about his value to this world, and he also knows that without Jiang Shan's help, even if he can become a false master, what awaits him will definitely be the ambush of the three masters.

Once he is caught and killed, it will affect the entire world.

After understanding all this, Jiang Yun felt not only grateful to Jiang Shan, but also full of guilt.

Therefore, he asked again: "Besides having to leave this world, will you have any other troubles?"

It was still Haotian who answered Jiang Yun: "You kid, your reaction is quite fast."

"You are right, there will definitely be some trouble, but with me here and Jiang Shan's father, it will be just a little trouble."

Jiang Yun didn't know how strong Haotian was, but thinking about Jiang Shan's father who was a transcendent and strong man, Jiang Yun felt relieved.

He really didn't want Jiang Shan to be implicated because of him.

Jiang Shan also smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about me."

"It's you, is there anything else you need my help with?"

"I want to leave anyway. Before I leave, maybe I can help you."

"It's definitely not a big favor, but if it's a small favor, it shouldn't be a problem."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "You have helped me too much. I can handle the rest by myself!"

"That's right!" Jiang Yun remembered what happened: "Our world is said to be hidden in a magic weapon. If you want to leave, you must first leave this magic weapon."

While speaking, Jiang Yun also displayed the shapes of the Guantian Palace and the chains with aura.

Jiang Shan took one look and said with a smile: "I know that not only are we in this magical artifact, but also that like you, I have experienced reincarnation again and again."

Jiang Shan knew about the existence of the bureau, which was not too surprising to Jiang Yun, but it was beyond Jiang Yun's expectation that the other party had to go through constant reincarnations.

Looking at the astonishment on Jiang Yun's face. Jiang Shan naturally knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "I do have a way not to experience reincarnation, but Senior Haotian said that since I want to find a way to transcendence here, it is best to be like you."

"I can't even remember the memory of my last reincarnation."

"Perhaps when I can recall the memory of my last reincarnation on my own, I will be able to find my own path to transcendence."

"So, I was respected as a domain child again and again, my memory was restored again and again, and my life was repeated again and again."

"Only when I met you in this reincarnation, I originally thought I could hope to find my way to transcendence, but in the end..."

At this point, Jiang Shan shrugged his shoulders and did not continue.

While Jiang Yun was completely aware of it, he also wanted to express the "unique" thoughts that he and Jiang Yun had in his last reincarnation, and see how Jiang Shan would explain it.

If Jiang Shan can answer, then maybe he will know why the people who died in this reincarnation will appear in the next reincarnation.

But at this time, Haotian spoke again: "Okay, Jiang Shan, it's time for us to go."

Jiang Yun's mouth, which was almost open, had to be closed again because of Haotian's opening.

Jiang Shan also stood up, with a look of regret on his face and said: "Brother Jiang, then we can only say goodbye."

"When you become a transcendent and powerful person, you can go find me."

"The world where I am is called the Five Elements Space."

Jiang Yun also stood up, nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I remember. If I have the chance, I will definitely go find you."

Jiang Shan raised his hand and said, "Then I'll take you out of here first."

Just when Jiang Shan was about to send Jiang Yun out of the mirror space, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Kindness can also be a great way."

With one sentence, Jiang Shan's whole body suddenly seemed to have turned into a statue, and he froze there.

Although Jiang Shan was stunned, he still had a force that enveloped Jiang Yun, making his eyes blur and he was in the dark gap.

There is a mirror floating in front of you!

Haotian's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "For the sake of your last words to Jiang Shan, I will also give you a reminder."

"The foundation of the rule marks of the three deities is not the rules or power of the three deities, but the destiny of this world..."

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