Taoist world

Chapter 6643 The Mirror of Protection

Although Jiang Yun already had a certain degree of understanding of outsider monks and the path to transcendence, it was not until today that he heard about the existence of a strong man who truly stood in a position of transcendence.

Shan Jiang's father is a detached and powerful man above the supreme.

And this also changed his view of Shan Jiang.

As the son of a transcendent and powerful man, Shan Jiang's identity and status were much higher than those of Yu Zi.

For example, if a transcendent and powerful man steps into the True Realm now and wants to accept the three deities as his disciples, Jiang Yun believes that in addition to the Tianzun, the Earth Zun and the Human Zun will definitely agree! Naturally, as the son of a powerful and detached man, Shan Jiang can actually follow his father's path of detachment and walk steadily.

Even if he really couldn't reach his father's height, his father would definitely help him when he couldn't go any further.

However, Shan Jiang gave up such a life and chose to go to the world of Zhenyu, determined to walk a path of transcendence that was different from his father's.

How many people can do this kind of behavior! This is like being a prince, who can obviously become the king of a country smoothly, but he has to change his appearance and run to another country, start a new one, and build his own world with his own hands.

At this time, Shan Jiang spoke again: "Brother Jiang, if you have any questions, can you wait until we finish the discussion?"

"Don't worry, in return, I will tell you everything I know."

Jiang Yun also came back to his senses, and took another deep look at the big blue ball, and then at Shan Jiang, who indeed had a look of longing on his face, and then nodded and followed him. Walking towards the depths of the manor.

Although the area of ​​​​the villa is not large, Jiang Yun was surprised to find that there were no other monks along the way.

Shan Jiang also gave an explanation. For convenience, he was the only one living in the entire village.

This made Jiang Yun's evaluation of Shan Jiang even higher.

Not to mention the domain, any monk with some strength can't have a few servants or slaves to serve his food and daily life.

No wonder Yuwen Lanqing and his wife are willing to work for Shan Jiang and say good things for Shan Jiang.

If everything Shan Jiang showed was not fake, then such a person would indeed be easily recognized by others.

After a while, Shan Jiang brought Jiang Yun to an empty room.

After Jiang Yun habitually scanned the room with his spiritual consciousness, he couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Sparring here?"

This is just an ordinary room, with no formations, no seals, and no hidden space.

Both Jiang Yun and Shan Jiang have the strength of a true emperor. Even if they control their strength subtly, the fight between the two will surely destroy the entire village easily.

Shan Jiang naturally knew Jiang Yun's thoughts, and said with a smile: "I said before, the discussion between you and me is just to let us understand each other's understanding of cultivation, not to distinguish between strong and weak."

"My strength is definitely not as good as yours. If you fight with a real sword or a real gun, I will definitely lose."

"Besides, you and I have no grievances, and there is no need to really use our strength to fight."

Jiang Yun frowned even more tightly. Although he still thought Shan Jiang was being modest, how could they compete if they didn't really fight with strength?

Shan Jiang explained: "Fight with consciousness!"

As he spoke, Shan Jiang suddenly took out a mirror and said, "This mirror can contain our consciousness."

"Our body will still stay in this room, but our consciousness will enter the mirror."

"Moreover, our consciousness does not have any power, but it can perform various attacks just like the soul."

"So, even if we fight hard, no one will be hurt."

Looking at the mirror in Shan Jiang's hand, Jiang Yun's eyes flashed with vigilance.

Although he has a good opinion of Shan Jiang, it does not mean that he completely trusts him.

After all, until now, Shan Jiang is telling everything, and there is no evidence to prove that what he is telling the truth.

In reality, no matter what the opponent's plot is, Jiang Yun still has a chance to counterattack.

But in a mirror, which is a magic weapon, it's hard to say.

What's more, when Jiang Yun was not strong, he encountered the mirror spirit, the spirit master.

If this mirror also had a mirror spirit, and no matter how powerful it was, Jiang Yun might be locked directly in the mirror.

As for the battle of consciousness, Jiang Yun had never heard of or been exposed to it.

Shan Jiang could clearly see the vigilance in Jiang Yun's eyes. Naturally, he understood Jiang Yun's worry. He scratched his head and said, "You should know, right?"

Jiang Yun nodded. He also just learned from Tianzun that monks outside the territory are protected by guardians.

Then, Shan Jiang, the son of a detached and strong man, should also have a protector.

Shan Jiang shook the mirror in his hand and said, "This mirror is my protector."

Jiang Yun was slightly startled. Using a magic weapon as a protector was enough to prove that the power contained in this mirror was absolutely extremely powerful.

Shan Jiang continued: "If I really want to harm you, I don't need to let you enter the mirror at all."

"Brother Jiang, in order to make you believe me, I offended you!"

As he finished speaking, the mirror in Shan Jiang's hand suddenly emitted five rays of light of different colors, shining towards Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun was always on guard, he was unable to avoid the arrival of these five rays of light.

Because, in his eyes, these were not five rays of light at all, but five huge worlds, covering him.

He could even clearly feel that each of these five worlds contained the pure power of the Five Elements! In other words, they are the realm of the five elements! And when Jiang Yun's body was enveloped by these five rays of light, all the power in his body, including the extra-legal divine patterns, suddenly became unable to operate, as if he was bound, and he was unable to move.

The light in Jiang Yun's eyes surged, but he was unwilling to be restrained like this.

In his body, there was an aura of awe slowly rising, vaguely human-like.

That's Jiang Yun's guardian figure! Although the guardian figure is still under the suppression of the five rays of light, it is still fighting tenaciously to break through the suppression.

Fortunately, Shan Jiang shook the mirror, and the five rays of light were retracted, allowing Jiang Yun to regain his freedom, and the power in his body began to operate again.

Jiang Yun's guardian figure also dissipated immediately.

Shan Jiang said apologetically: "Brother Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just want you to feel the power of this mirror. I don't mean any harm."

"Now, you should believe what I say. The discussion of consciousness will not cause any harm to you."

Jiang Yun stared at the mirror.

Although the experience he just experienced was only for a moment, with Jiang Yun's strength, he could naturally clearly realize that any one of the five elements of power contained in the mirror was not powerful enough to kill him instantly, but it was indeed not something he could compete with. of.

Naturally, this can also prove that Shan Jiang does not mean to harm himself.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I believe what you say, but can you let me feel the power of earth again?"

Shan Jiang was slightly startled, not understanding how Jiang Yun could make such a weird request, but he still complied.

A yellow light shot out from the mirror again and fell on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and after feeling it quietly for a moment, he opened his eyes again and said, "This earth power is somewhat different from my earth power. It does come from outside the territory."

"After our discussion, can you give me this earth element power?"

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