Taoist world

Chapter 6633: Fighting the Heaven and the Earth

The space where the ancient divination spirit lives is not in the divination family, but is opened up separately.

The entire space is surrounded by formation defenses laid out by the ancient formation spirits themselves.

However, it is obvious that Tianzun cannot be stopped.

Looking at Tianzun standing in front of him, Taikoo Divining just glanced at him and then closed his eyes again, as if he had no intention of paying attention to him.

Tianzun didn't mind Taikoo Ling's attitude, and said expressionlessly: "That Ji Wang, since he is an outsider monk, no matter what he wants to do when he comes to us, he will definitely interfere with this situation."

"He has no protectors behind him, and his own strength is not strong."

"What's more, when entering our world, all monks from outside the territory are not free of life and death. They cannot retaliate against each other."

"I could have killed him, why did you let me let him go?"

If Jiang Yun could be here, see this scene, and hear Tianzun's words, then he would understand that when Tianzun wanted to kill him before, he heard the ancient divination spirit's message, so he suddenly let him go.

And according to Jiang Yun's guess, Taikoo Divining is the one who made the layout.

Tianzun is just a subordinate supported by Taikoo Divining who is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of this bureau.

However, the tone in which Tianzun and Taikoo Bu Ling spoke at this moment did not sound like they were subordinates at all.

When she came here, it was clear that she was questioning the Taikoo divination spirit, and even had the intention of launching an attack.

In response to Tianzun's question, Taikoo Divining remained silent for a long time before he said calmly: "A long time ago, there was a war outside the territory."

"I don't know the cause and process of the war."

"Although the war did not affect us, a few monks sneaked into our place secretly after being injured."

"Over the years, I have been looking for the whereabouts of these people. I have already figured out the others, but I have never seen this Ji Wang."

"This time, your eldest disciple has made a great contribution."

"If she hadn't come to Divination Ling to divine Ji Wang's whereabouts, I wouldn't have known that Ji Wang was also an outsider."

"And his condition at that time should be the same as several others, injured. So I can find other people, why can't I find him alone?"

"Now, why did he suddenly show up again, and what is his purpose?"

"Moreover, his strength has become so weak!"

"I think what he appears now is probably just a clone."

"If it's a clone, where is his true form hiding?"

"You can kill his clone, but can you kill his true self?"

"In short, he cannot die before these problems are clarified!"

After listening to Taikou Ling's explanation, Tianzun fell into deep thought.

She didn't expect that Ji Wang's origin would be so complicated.

After a moment, Tianzun spoke again: "However, now we are facing more and more variables. We can still control other variables."

"This Ji Wang, if it is true as you said, then if we don't kill him, it will be even harder for us to control the situation."

This time, Bu Ling remained silent for a longer period of time. When Tianzun thought that the other party was not going to speak again, he suddenly switched to sound transmission and said something to Tianzun.

After hearing these words, Tianzun's expression suddenly changed.

It was as if she had been hit by a heavy hammer. She was even unsteady on her feet. She staggered back a few steps before barely regaining her balance.

Her eyes were fixed on Taikoo Bu Ling, and she squeezed out two words from between her teeth: "Really?"

Taikoo Buling nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

"Except for Ji Wang, there are actually more and more variables nowadays."

"For example, the alliance between the Ancient Spirit, Human Zun, Ji Kongfan, and the Siren King is also a big change!"

Tianzun took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his chest continued to rise and fall.

It is not difficult to see that she is quite excited at this moment.

Whether it was the words that Taikoo Bu Ling had just transmitted or the words he was saying now, they were both beyond her expectations and something she had never thought of.

However, Taikoo Ling did not give Tianzun any time to relax, and continued: "If Ji Wang hadn't appeared today, I wouldn't have known about their cooperation and alliance."

"As the Lord of the Outlaws, Ji Kongfan can open the entrance in the sea eye of the True Domain, allowing monks from the Outlaw Land to enter the True Domain."

"And the one in the eyes of the sea turned a blind eye to this matter. This is also worthy of our consideration."

Tianzun slowly opened his closed eyes and said, "Perhaps, they already know what you just said, so they will choose to take action at this time."

"It's possible!" Taikoo Bu Ling nodded and said, "However, all these changes started from Jiang Yun's escape in the last reincarnation!"

"They don't need to worry too much for the time being. As long as I'm here, they won't be able to make any big waves. Only Ji Wang, keep an eye on him!"

Tianzun also nodded, looked at Taigu Divination and said: "Where are Mengyu and Jiang Yun?"

"Why is there no news at all? Are you really planning to hide outside the law and never show up again?"

"I don't know either!" Taikoo Bu Ling sighed and said, "Gu Bu Lao, I don't want to push too hard, so I have never set foot in a place outside the law in these years."

"But..." Taikoo Buling's eyes gradually showed a cold light and said: "After a while, if there is still no progress, I will forcefully open the lawless land!"



If they had not come to the Human Realm, no one would have thought that that huge statue that truly stood tall in the sky and could be seen clearly even from tens of thousands of miles away would be called the human world!

This statue is naturally carved from a human figure.

The Renzun put his hands behind his back, took a slight step forward with one foot, held his head high, and his eyes, which were clearly made of true essence stones, actually bloomed with infinite fighting spirit, looking up!

Among the three, although Renzun appeared last, he is the most ambitious.

Just by seeing this statue, many people can understand almost at a glance the purpose of why the statue maintains this form.

Fight the sky and step on the ground!

This is clearly a challenge to Heavenly Lord and Earthly Lord!

It seems that one day, Humanity will defeat these two supreme beings and become the only one in this world!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is staring at this statue!

He had recovered from his injuries and rushed here immediately.

So far, although Jiang Yun has been in the True Realm for a long time, this is his first time entering the Human Realm, and it is also the first time he has seen the statue of the Human Realm.

Putting aside Renzun's other aspects, Renzun's domineering and fighting spirit alone made Jiang Yun nod secretly. It was definitely not something that ordinary people could possess.

While quietly staring at the statue, Jiang Yun's mind was spinning with thoughts.

Beside Jiang Yun, there were a large number of monks.

Some, like Jiang Yun, were looking at the statue, while others knelt down directly towards the statue and murmured something.

Some had a look of fanaticism on their faces, wishing they could step directly into the statue.

Unfortunately, they simply can't do it.

The human statue has been classified as a restricted area within a radius of thousands of miles. No one can approach it without the permission of the human statue.

Of course, even if you want to get close, you must first consider whether you can withstand the powerful pressure released by this statue!

Although the statue is dead, the pressure it releases is the real supreme pressure. Under the true level emperor, it is impossible to move even an inch!

Therefore, the first big question before Jiang Yun now is how to get close to the human statue!

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