Taoist world

Chapter 6630 Rules of Four Seasons

Ever since he had the extrajudicial divine mark, although Jiang Yun could not be affected by negative auras due to the appearance of the corpse, Jiang Yun also suppressed his negative emotions all the time on weekdays.

But at this moment, when he could finally be sure that all his experiences and everything were caused by Tianzun, the initiator, he could no longer control his negative emotions.

As the negative emotions on Jiang Yun's body exploded, those extra-legal divine marks were like plants that had experienced nectar after a long drought. They all became excited and moved around crazily on Jiang Yun's body.

It even spread to Jiang Yun's face, making him look extremely weird and ferocious at this moment!

Naturally, under the influence of the lawless divine pattern, Jiang Yun's negative emotions also intensified and vaguely took on physical form, forming a storm that spread toward the surrounding willow branches and willow shadows.

If the ancient spirits and ancient cultivators in the Transcendence Land were to see Jiang Yun at this moment, they would probably think that the corpse had escaped!

Liu Yingfan's complexion also changed slightly!

Although Liu Yingfan initially despised Jiang Yun, it was more of a dislike.

The reason is for no other reason than Jiang Yun's innate aura of keeping away from strangers!

Now, this kind of aura has been magnified by more than ten times and a hundred times by the lawless divine pattern and Jiang Yun, making Liu Yingfan no longer disgusted, but fearful!

What she couldn't understand even more was why Jiang Yun suddenly became so violent after knowing that she was going to kill him.

However, she didn't have time to think about it!

Under the storm of condensed negative emotions, the fear that originally emerged in her heart was like a spark poured with oil, and suddenly turned into a raging flame.

Liu Yingfan's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

In Jiang Yun's eyes, Liu Yingfan had become a deity.

In Liu Yingfan's eyes, Jiang Yun has also become a deity.

Because the person Liu Yingfan fears the most in his life is Tianzun!

Fortunately, at this moment, the green dress she was wearing swelled up again, and hundreds of wicker branches grew out, forming a shield to protect her.

It is not difficult to see that the long dress Liu Yingfan is wearing is a unique magic weapon!

On the wicker, a rich power of wood was emitted, which resisted the storm of negative emotions and finally dissipated a lot of the fear in Liu Yingfan's heart.

After waking up, Liu Yingfan, as Tianzun's first disciple, immediately understood that she was affected by Jiang Yun's negative emotions, which made her grit her teeth and take a deep breath!

As she inhaled, she saw that her young and beautiful face was quickly covered with wrinkles.

Smooth skin also becomes shriveled and yellow.

Especially the head full of black hair was instantly covered with hoarfrost.

A beautiful woman suddenly turned into an old woman with chicken skin and black hair.

Naturally, this is Liu Yingfan’s true appearance.

And when she became an old woman, the fear in her slightly cloudy eyes had completely disappeared and turned into a pool of stagnant water!

Liu Yingfan made all his emotions disappear at the cost of restoring his true appearance.

But at this time, Jiang Yun, who was staring at Liu Yingfan expressionlessly, slowly raised his hand, and all the extrajudicial divine marks covering his body suddenly left his body.

Like pieces of black snowflakes, flying all over the sky, drifting towards Liu Yingfan.

Liu Yingfan's old face was also expressionless. He stretched out his hands and executed several seals very quickly, releasing four different powers and facing the black snowflakes coming towards him.

First there was a drizzle, then there was extremely hot light, then there was the bleak and ruthless wind, and finally there were white snowflakes with the same biting coldness!

Spring rain, summer sun, autumn wind, winter snow!

Liu Yingfan actually used the power of the four seasons, no, it was the rules of the four seasons!

Although the four rules are not different, they are related to each other, and more importantly, they are repeated and endless!

The lawless divine pattern is so powerful, but under the attack of Liu Yingfan's Four Seasons Rules, it is difficult to make any further progress!

It is not difficult to see that no matter how many shortcomings Liu Yingfan has, as the first disciple of Tianzun, her strength is well deserved!

This is the real reason why she doesn't even pay attention to the ancient divination spirit.

If she really takes action, Taikou Ling may not be her opponent.

Facing the powerful Liu Yingfan, Jiang Yun still had no expression on his face, but the anger and rage in his heart surged again!

Because Jiang Yun knew that he and these extra-legal divine patterns complemented each other!

The stronger your negative emotions are, the greater the power of the lawless divine pattern.

As long as he can provide enough negative emotions for the Extra-Law Divine Mark, the Extra-Law Divine Mark will become more courageous as he fights.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also reached out and pointed at the lawless divine pattern again.

"Buzz buzz!"

Those extra-legal divine patterns that were blocked by the rules of the seasons and unable to move forward began to tremble crazily after sensing Jiang Yun's negative emotions.

They no longer moved forward, but gathered together under Jiang Yun's fingers and turned into human shapes.

The divine pattern clone raised his hand and touched it casually in front of his face, and the power of the rules of the four seasons suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the palm of the divine pattern clone that had not been retracted clenched into a fist and smashed it towards Liu Yingfan.

Liu Yingfan knew that these runes could condense the clone, and he also knew that this clone was extremely powerful.

Therefore, she did not dare to neglect, her aura surged all over her body, all her strength was concentrated on her fists, and she also punched to meet him.

But it is a pity that the Earth Lord did not tell the Heavenly Lord and the Human Lord at the beginning that Jiang Yun's divine pattern clone did not have the power of a false Lord, but a power close to the Supreme!

He even injured the Siren King with one punch!

No matter how strong Liu Yingfan is, he is still inferior to the Siren King.

Therefore, before the two fists actually collided, Liu Yingfan had already felt the near-supreme power contained in the fist of the divine pattern clone.

This made her face turn pale again, and she knew very clearly that the opponent's punch was not something she could take.

Although he won't die, he will definitely be injured.

And once injured, Jiang Yun would be even less likely to let him go.

But now, it was too late for her to escape, so she had no choice but to fight.


The fists of Liu Yingfan and the divine pattern clone finally collided together.

However, just when Liu Yingfan was prepared that she would be blown away, or even injured or knocked unconscious, a more powerful force suddenly appeared in her body.

This sudden appearance of power made Liu Yingfan feel happy and blurted out: "Master!"

The three deities will give at least one life-saving power to some of their important subordinates.

But as a disciple of Tianzun, you cannot enjoy this treatment.

Because once they have the power to save their lives, they will have something to look forward to and rely on, which is detrimental to their practice.

But Liu Yingfan never expected that his master would secretly give him the power to save his life!

With the addition of Tianzun's power, the divine pattern clone that was originally able to knock Liu Yingfan away couldn't withstand it.

With a loud "boom", the divine pattern clone exploded, transformed into countless extra-legal divine patterns, and flew back to Jiang Yun's body.

There were even many divine patterns that disappeared into thin air and turned into nothing.

Jiang Yun himself was also struck by this force. He staggered back, blood spurted from his mouth, and fell down.

Lying there, Jiang Yun couldn't stand up at all, and could only look at Liu Yingfan appearing in his eyes.

Liu Yingfan looked at Jiang Yun expressionlessly, raised his foot, and stepped on Jiang Yun's face.


Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun's head, and in his ears, he also heard Liu Yingfan's voice: "Your protector hasn't appeared yet!"

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