Taoist world

Chapter 662: The Mark of the Wild Lord

"Desolate Lord" was a title Jiang Yun had never heard of before.

But since he is so revered by these creatures in the wilderness, he should obviously be the most powerful existence in the wilderness.

Just like the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, like Hai Changsheng of the Boundary Sea.

As for the mark of the Wild Lord, it is not difficult to guess that it must be something similar to a demon or fire.

Once he accepts it, it means that from now on, he will respect this Lord of Desolation and be controlled by him.

Even if it is the worst, his cultivation will definitely be greatly suppressed.

Therefore, Jiang Yun would not agree to accept the Mark of the Wild Lord at all, and as a monk, I believe that no one would be willing to become a vassal of others.

But the consequence of not agreeing is----death!

There were tens of thousands of bloody heads hanging on the city wall by ropes, which made Jiang Yun's eyes flash with a cold light.

These are naturally the same monks who come from the world of mountains and seas and come to this wild world to seek refuge and hope!

Along the way, they experienced nine deaths and finally reached the wilderness with great difficulty, arriving at the place of hope in their hearts. However, unexpectedly, they still died here!

Looking at the pairs of unblinking eyes on those heads, Jiang Yun silently withdrew his gaze and looked again at the dozen or so cultivators from the Great Wilderness Realm in front of him.

And these ten people were also looking at him, with a little bit of teasing in their eyes.

Although he was angry inside, Jiang Yun had the biggest doubt in his heart.

That is, these people in front of them are definitely not mortals, nor demons, but there is no aura in them.

So how did they manage to kill so many mountain and sea monks?

You know, the mountain and sea monks who can reach here, I dare not say how strong they are, but they are definitely not people who can be slaughtered by others.

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What's more, there are two major sects, Yaoshen Sect and Samsara Sect, among them there are strong people in the Earth Protector Realm.

Could it be that they were no match for these people, and finally willingly accepted the brand of the Lord of the Wilderness, and thus entered the Great Wilderness Realm?

"Friend, I may not have said it clearly just now."

The middle-aged man still said with a smile: "These people are unwilling to accept the brand of the Lord of the Wilderness, but they want to use their own force to break into the Wilderness Realm, so we have no choice but to kill them. "

"Actually, we are very reasonable. You can come and go freely in the Wilderness Realm. If you don't want to accept the brand of the Wilderness Lord, you can leave at any time and return to your Mountain and Sea Realm. We will never stop you."


Although the other party said he was allowed to leave freely, Jiang Yun did not see a single mountain and sea monk at the end of the road of no return.

Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he suddenly looked back, turning around to look at the thick white mist behind him.

Are there still a large number of mountain and sea monks hidden in this mist that cannot be penetrated by consciousness or eyes?

Jiang Yun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him again and said: "I will not accept the brand of the Desolate Lord, but my disciples and I must enter this desolate world!"

Jiang Yun's answer kept the smile on the middle-aged man's face unchanged: "It seems that my friend is very confident. In this case, it is useless to talk more. As long as you can defeat us, you can enter this wild world at will!"

As soon as the words fell, the closed Baizhang city gate suddenly opened, and the dozen or so people also took a step forward and stood in front of Jiang Yun.

Through the city gate, you can clearly see that there is an extremely large city inside.

Various buildings exuding ancient atmosphere stand among them, and many figures can even be seen walking through them.

If it weren't for the tens of thousands of heads hanging high on the city wall, the city would really be a scene of harmony and prosperity.

"Then Jiang will show you your strength!"

A cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes. After he finished speaking, he already took action and punched the middle-aged man in front of him unceremoniously.

For these people, Jiang Yun already felt hostile in his heart from the moment he saw those heads.

Even though this is their territory, they should not kill monks from the Mountain and Sea Realm so casually.

As a member of the mountain and sea monks, I dare not say that I will avenge those dead monks, but at least I will fight for a chance to enter the Great Wilderness for the 300,000 disciples of the Taoist Sect.

Facing Jiang Yun's earth-shattering punch, the middle-aged man's expression remained unchanged, his body remained motionless, and he did not even dodge.

And the dozen or so people behind him were all watching with sneers, and no one stepped forward to help.


Jiang Yun's punch hit the opponent's chest hard, making a dull loud noise, and at this moment, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly burst out with a ray of light.

Although he did not use his full strength or spiritual energy in this punch, it was just pure physical power, but his physical power was so powerful that even a master in the Taoist realm would definitely suffer some damage if he punched it.

However, the middle-aged man's figure did not shake at all, but the moment his fist hit him, strange runes appeared on his face in a continuous line.

It looks like veins on leaves.

Although these runes disappeared in the blink of an eye and re-entered his body, Jiang Yun was certain that it was precisely because of these runes that he easily neutralized all the power contained in his punch.

In fact, he vaguely thought of something and raised his hand again.

This time it was no longer the power of the physical body, but a ball of flame flew out of his hand, turned into a fire crow, and flew straight towards the middle-aged man.


There was another muffled sound, and Huowu also hit the opponent's chest. As those weird runes flashed again, the opponent was still unscathed!

At this point, Jiang Yun finally understood!

Why can't these people feel the slightest spiritual energy in their bodies? Why are the mountain and sea monks who came before him either killed or forced to accept the brand of the Lord of Desolation?

It's because the methods of practice practiced by these monks in the wilderness are completely different from those of myself and others!

They don't need aura, they just need those runes!

And those runes can neutralize any power that hits them, whether it is physical power or magic power.

Although Jiang Yun has not used the magic weapon yet, it is not difficult to imagine that those runes should also be able to resolve these powers.

In short, the existence of these runes can dissolve all forces, making them invincible when facing the monks from the mountain and sea world!

Shanhai monks, no matter what ethnic group or sect, spiritual energy is the foundation of cultivation, and the physical body is the carrier of cultivation.

Once the physical power and the magic created by spiritual energy are all useless, they are no better than mortals.

At this time, the middle-aged man spoke again: "Friend, I think you have also seen it. Each of us has the mark of the Lord of Desolation, and with the mark of the Lord of Desolation, we are invincible!"

"Accepting the brand of the Lord of Desolation will only bring benefits to you, but no disadvantages!"

While saying these words, the man's face showed a look of fanatical reverence.

Jiang Yun did not respond, but in a flash, he took the initiative and rushed towards the open city gate.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Facing Jiang Yun's actions, the middle-aged man's expression darkened.

The dozen or so Dahuang monks behind him all raised their hands.

As runes appeared on each of their faces, those runes separated from their bodies and formed a large, continuous network in the air, blocking Jiang Yun's way.


As if Jiang Yun was unprepared, his forward body hit the big net and became motionless immediately.

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