Taoist world

Chapter 6515: Write it down together

In this area behind the lawless door, there seems to be nothing but darkness.

However, as the Nightmare Beast and even all the creatures in the Dream Realm fell into drowsiness, a skinny, pale hand with sharp nails suddenly appeared in the darkness and grabbed the Dream Realm! In order to escape the pursuit of Tianzun and enter the lawless door, the nightmare beast has infinitely shrunk the entire dream realm to the size of a palm today.

Therefore, this palm easily grasped the entire Dream Realm in its hand.

Moreover, the owner of the palm actually regarded Mengyu as a toy. After grabbing it, he threw it up and down several times.

This simple act is nothing less than a huge disaster for the creatures in the Dream Realm.

Many worlds were thrown away due to the rotation of the entire Dream Realm, and the mountains, rivers, seas and rivers in them were turned upside down and almost collapsed.

The creatures in the world are also affected.

But fortunately, all the creatures are in deep sleep and have no sense of what is happening in the outside world.

Otherwise, just seeing a palm falling from the sky and grabbing the entire Dream Realm in its hand would scare many people to death.

The palm of his hand tossed Meng Yu twice, and after catching it, he did not continue to toss Meng Yu, but held Meng Yu.

Looking up from the palm of his hand, he could only see a tall and thin figure.

However, this figure's whole body, including his head, seemed to be integrated with the darkness, and his appearance could not be seen at all.

The figure held Mengyu in his hand and walked slowly in the darkness without making the slightest sound, arriving next to the unconscious Jiang Yun.

The figure stretched out his hand again, picked up the broken palm in Jiang Yun's arms, and seemed to put it to his nose to smell it.

Then, the figure casually threw the palm away into the darkness! Then, the figure's palm slowly touched Jiang Yun's face.

And at this moment, the mark of a four-petaled flower suddenly appeared above Jiang Yun's eyebrows! The mark suddenly lit up, and the four-petaled flower bloomed instantly. A burst of five-element power followed, causing the figure to let out a strange cry.

Obviously, he was startled by this mark, and he quickly retracted his palm, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.

However, there was an old but old voice, which slowly sounded: "The Mark of the Ancients, is this... a disciple of Zun Gu?"

Not only was the voice hoarse, but the speaking speed was also extremely slow. He said this sentence word by word, which sounded very strange.

The voice continued: "However, Zun Gu said that the person who arranged the plan is too powerful and extremely cunning, so we should take a look first before talking!"

The sound fell and stopped ringing, and the darkness returned to calm.

Here, time seems to not exist.

Not knowing how much time passed, Jiang Yun's eyelids began to beat slowly, and finally he slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

Although Jiang Yun was already awake, he did not sit up in a hurry. He just looked at the darkness in front of him and still lay there motionless until a mist gradually rose in his eyes.

The mist turned into tears again, rolling down from his eyes.

Although his body has long been occupied by Jiang Yun in his previous reincarnation, and his soul fell into a deep sleep, Jiang Yun in his previous reincarnation sent everything that happened later to him. Entering his soul, he could clearly understand all his experiences after falling asleep.

For Jiang Yun, these experiences were like a dream.

And these experiences were so heavy and sad that Jiang Yun couldn't accept or believe them for a while.

How he hoped that he really just had a dream.

But he knew that everything was not a dream! Brother Feng Beiling is dead, the second senior sister is dead, the Demon Lord is dead, Hun Kunwu is dead, and even himself in the previous reincarnation is also dead... In this battle, there are too many people Jiang Yun cares about. Dead, never to be seen again.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not dare to stand up at all, did not dare to see where he was, and did not dare to look for other people.

Because he was worried that after Jiang Yun self-destructed in his previous reincarnation, Tianzun would kill more people he cared about.

The huge pain, like insects, swallowed up Jiang Yun's heart bit by bit. At this moment, he couldn't help but have the urge to end his life quickly, end this reincarnation, and let everything go. Zero, start a new reincarnation.

However, he also already knew that the mysterious person who had always been hidden in his soul was Jiang Yun who was reincarnated in his previous life.

He also knew that, in fact, although the creatures born in each reincarnation have the same appearance, similar experiences and fate, it does not mean that they are the same person from beginning to end.

Every creature is unique! If he ends his life at this time and ends this reincarnation, then the people he meets again in the next reincarnation will have completely new lives.

They are no longer them! "Now, I finally understand what it means to live worse than death, what it means to be unable to live, to die!"

Amid Jiang Yun's murmur, he closed his eyes again.

Although he just wanted to lie there like this and let time pass by and let his body gradually decay until dust returned to dust and dust returned to dust, he couldn't do this.

As Jiang Yun closed his eyes, an illusory version of himself appeared in his soul.

Looking at the other party, Jiang Yun seemed to be looking into a mirror.

But he knew that the person in the mirror was not him, but Jiang Yun from his previous reincarnation! This is just the memory left by the other person in his soul.

Jiang Yun looked at Jiang Yun in the mirror, expressionless, and said calmly: "Since you have seen me, it means that I am dead."

"And now you probably want to die too!"

Jiang Yun remained silent, listening to the other party's words silently.

Jiang Yun in the mirror continued: "Although we are both Jiang Yun, and although I can understand your feelings, in my opinion, you and I are still different."

"My original experience should have been more miserable than yours, but in the end I still survived under the stimulation of hatred."

"I don't know if you will really want to die regardless of everything, so after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to leave the most painful memory of mine for you to know."

"After you read it, it may make you more painful, or even deepen your determination to die."

"But maybe it can make you change your mind and continue to live a difficult life!"

"After all, you are definitely luckier than me."

"Of course, you can also choose not to see this memory!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun stood there calmly in the mirror and stopped talking.

Looking at the other person, even though it was just a memory, he could still feel the sadness and hatred emanating from the other person. After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yun said softly: "Although I know that this period of your life is the most painful." What a painful memory should be, but I still want to see it.”

"However, I read your memory not to change my attitude towards death, but because I want to record your pain and your hatred together as motivation for me to continue living."

After the words fell, Jiang Yun slowly took a step towards the other party, and finally completely integrated with the other party's body.

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