Taoist world

Chapter 6424 The relationship between master and disciple

After having a panoramic view of the general situation within the entire formation, Jiang Yun's figure disappeared directly from the place and appeared in an area.

This area trapped three true-level emperors and twelve extreme-level emperors from the true domain.

And here, there are the most magical powers formed by various powers.

There were powerful winds, condensed into countless sharp wind blades, and the sound of chanting scriptures resounded throughout,

There are also two candles with a height of a hundred feet, one standing on the left and one on the right. The flames on them are burning and swaying, and wisps of green smoke are rising, turning into blurry figures.

Among all the attacks, the most conspicuous one was a huge door suspended above the heads of these fifteen true domain experts.

The door has been completely opened, and from inside, there are golden ripples, surging in circles towards these fifteen true domain experts.

Three golden ripples had passed over the bodies of fifteen strong men. The three true-level emperors stood side by side at the front, using their bodies to withstand the golden ripples and other large attacks as much as possible. part of the force.

Among the extreme emperors hiding behind them, six or seven of them had some clearly visible wounds cut by the ripples, and there was even blood oozing out.

It is not difficult to see that these golden ripples have a certain power.

However, there was no trace of panic on the faces of these fifteen True Domain experts. Their eyes were just staring at the runes that formed the golden ripples.

Because, not only are there a large number of runes, but they are also of various types. Each rune represents a different kind of power.

As True Realm monks, although they are well-informed, they have never seen anyone able to master so much power, so they can't help but be curious.

The Dream Realm experts who preside over this area are also the largest in number. It can even be said that they have gathered the entire Dream Realm plus almost all the half-step true level and extreme level emperors in the Four Realms!

Jiang Yun's ancestor Jiang Gongwang, the great demon Wenfeng, Guwaguzhu, Kuchen, his disciple who suffered from old age, Mo Qinghong who was hidden in the four realms, etc.

The original main formations of the twelve worlds were Nightmare Beast, Gu Bu Lao, Chi Yue Zi, Liu Li, and the seven great emperors of the troubled times, Gu Bu Lao, the ancient demon.

Because in Gu Bu Lao's plan, Chi Yuezi and Liuli needed to fight Wen Qingzi two against one, so the two of them went to a world.

In this way, the world that Liuli was originally responsible for would no longer have a true-level emperor sitting in charge.

In desperation, Gu Bulao could only let the nightmare beast call many half-step true level and extreme level emperors to take charge of this world.

Jiang Gongwang is undoubtedly the strongest among them all, and that door is also his most powerful emperor method, the Nameless Door.

Facing these fifteen true domain experts, Jiang Gongwang did not dare to hold back at all. He showed off the most powerful attack, hoping to gain something.

The same is true for Gu Wa Gu Zhu and others.

But now it seems that their attack is obviously not effective.

This is also normal.

The strength gap between the true level and the extreme level cannot be overcome by accumulation of numbers.

As for Xue Wuchang, Yu Wenji and others, although they only sit in one world and are responsible for one area, because they are all veteran true level emperors, they can still hold on for a while even if they trap the same number of true domain experts. .

Naturally, this area has become the most dangerous among the twelve areas.

If it weren't for the suppression of the power of the formation and the momentary confusion caused by being suddenly pulled into the Dream Realm, the fifteen True Realm experts had already fallen into heavy attacks without even reacting. They can completely ignore these attacks, and it is impossible to get hurt.

Now, they have woken up.

Once all attacks by Jiang Gongwang and the others disappear, it will be time for the fifteen True Domain experts to counterattack.

Therefore, Jiang Yun came to this area!

With the help of the power of the formation, the True Domain experts were not aware of Jiang Yun's arrival, and Jiang Yun did not rush to take action, but just watched silently from the side.

The moment all the attacks disappeared, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and the Cauldron of Sky Tribulation had flown out and appeared at the previous location of the Nameless Gate.

Within the cauldron, countless tribulation thunders swarmed out, covering the fifteen true-level powerhouses!

This is not an ordinary tribulation thunder, but a tribulation thunder that incorporates the power of rules.

Jiang Yun could not turn all the tribulation thunders into regular thunders. He just added the power of rules to them and hid three complete thunders of rules inside them.

"Isn't it over?"

Facing these thunders, the three true-level emperors did not know that it was Jiang Yun who had taken action, so they showed no fear. One of them opened his palm and grabbed the thunders while speaking.

Jiang Yun also fulfilled his wish, and a thunder of rules quietly sank into his palm.


The sound of the thunder of rules exploding covered up the screams of the true emperor, and the remaining thunder finally fell on the rest of the people.


"Are you his master?"

Looking at Gu Bu Lao, Dongfang Bo, who already knew the memory of his other half soul, said expressionlessly.

Gu Bulao had already learned from Jiang Yun that Dongfang Bo in front of him was unwilling to accept the memory of his other half and refused to admit his own identity, so he was not surprised at all by his indifference.

Gu Bulao did not answer Dongfang Bo's question, and said calmly: "When he was a child, I told him that even if he was a weapon spirit, from the moment he was born with his own sanity and had his own thoughts, His life no longer belongs to anyone but himself!"

"You are unwilling to accept the memory of your other half of the soul and think that you are an independent life. This is reasonable."

"But, since you have seen his memories, you have also seen what he has done in this life, and you know your true origins even more clearly!"

"You are not some adopted son taken in by the Earth Master, let alone a child that the Earth Master is willing to care for and protect."

"In the eyes of the Earth Master, you are just a tool, a tool that will be ruthlessly abandoned by him if it has no use value!"

"Is this the life you want, the life you yearn for?"

Jiang Yun, who also heard these words clearly, knew very well that the master could not bear to see his senior brother continue to make mistakes like this, so he persuaded him with all his heart.

"Shut up!" Dongfang Bo's face could no longer maintain a calm look, his facial features were slightly distorted, and he suddenly roared, stopping Gu Bulao from talking any more.

Gu Bu Lao ignored Dongfang Bo's fierce reaction and continued: "I'm not trying to awaken your memory, nor am I forcing you to accept your other half's memory and identity."

"You may not recognize Situ Jing, you may not recognize Xuanyuan Xing, you may not recognize Jiang Yun, and you may not recognize me as Gu Bu Lao, but I hope you can truly recognize yourself!"

"I told you to shut up!" Dongfang Bo's facial features had become ferocious. As he roared loudly, he raised his fist and punched Gu Bulao hard.

Facing Dongfang Bo's attack, Gu Bu Lao remained calm. Not to mention that the expression on his face did not change, and his body did not move at all.

However, when Dongfang Bo's fist came in front of Gu Bulao, it was actually frozen there.

Although his fist and his whole body were trembling slightly, his fist could not continue to hit at all.

It was like there was an invisible barrier between him and Gu Bu Lao!

This barrier is the master-disciple relationship between his other half and Gu Bu Lao!

Dongfang Bo, as a disciple, respects his teacher.

He is not Ming Yuyang either.

Attacking his master, such a treasonous act of bullying his master and destroying his ancestors, even if no one accused him, he would not be able to pass the test in his heart.

Not even the soul of the other half!

Gu Bu Lao's gaze did not look at Dongfang Bo's fist at all, but stared into his eyes and said: "Let's go, leave here, leave the real domain, and be the real you!"

The ancient voice, which seemed to contain supreme power, fell into Dongfang Bo's ears, causing his body to tremble more violently.

In fact, his fist really began to fall slowly, obviously having been persuaded by Gu Bu Lao.

But at this moment, a strange roar suddenly came from his mouth, and the look of struggle in his eyes disappeared instantly.

The fist that fell down was raised again, and without any hesitation, it hit Gu Bu Lao hard!

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