Taoist world

Chapter 6345: By any means necessary

Ji Kongfan's plan was concise, simple and clear, but when the five ancient spirits and the Siren King heard it, they all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

The eight great families, the slaves of the top three, plus Wu Chenzi, together, on the surface, can at least be equal to the entire Zhenyu, excluding the three, almost one-third of the strongest combat power.

If they only attacked one of the forces, everyone would be able to accept it, but Ji Kongfan actually wanted to attack all these forces at the same time, which really made everyone feel crazy.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Ji Kongfan naturally understood their thoughts and said expressionlessly: "This plan may sound a little crazy, but it is the most effective."

"In addition, the attack I am talking about does not really mean completely uprooting them and killing them all. It just needs to kill the emperors above the extreme level and true level among them."

"This goal is not difficult!"

"Isn't it difficult?" The ancient medicine spirit smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Kongfan, I'm afraid your understanding of their true strength is not detailed enough!"

"Although apart from Wu Chenzi, there are no false lords or ancient emperors among the eight great aristocratic families and the top three slaves, the heads of the eight great aristocratic families and the heads of the top three top slaves definitely have the ability to increase their strength to The Forbidden Technique or Magical Weapon of the False Lord."

"Especially their respective tribes, or their souls, are even protected by the power given by human beings."

"To put it simply, the heads of the eight aristocratic families, Wu Chenzi and Sanjia Nushou, can actually be regarded as fake powerful men."

"These are the twelve false lords!"

"There are five of us, including Brother Hai, and counting the corpses, there are only seven."

"In a place outside the law, at least five or six pseudo-lords must be sent to equal their numbers in order to have some chance of winning."

"Furthermore, we ancient spirits can take action, but with the forces we have created respectively, it may be difficult for them to take action."

"After all, even if the Human Zun is successfully destroyed, there will still be the Earth Zun and Tian Zun."

"If they find out that someone from the ancient forces participated in this war, then we will be ready to die."

"Therefore, this also means that a certain number of true-level and extreme-level emperors must be sent to the lawless place."

"Brother Kongfan, let me ask you, can a land outside the law produce so many strong men?"

Taikoo Yaoling's words are not scaremongering, but facts.

In the True Domain, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Even ordinary sect families know how to hide their own strength, let alone those under Ren Zun.

Their true strength is definitely not what they see on the surface.

As for auxiliary foreign objects such as forbidden spells and magic weapons that can temporarily enhance their strength, they will not be short of them.

"Yes!" Tai Gu Bu Ling also said: "And the most important point, Brother Kong Fan doesn't seem to have considered it."

"Even if everything goes well and we can have an advantage when attacking them, once a true emperor dies, I'm afraid Renzun will know about it immediately."

"With Renzun's speed, he can instantly appear in the clans of these forces under his command."

"Once the human dignity arrives, we will still have to wait for death."

After Yao Ling and Bu Ling finished talking, Ji Kongfan smiled slightly and said: "I have already considered all the issues you two mentioned."

"And this is exactly why I asked you to cooperate."

Everyone looked at Ji Kongfan in confusion, wondering what method he had to deal with these problems.

Ji Kongfan's eyes swept over the five ancient spirits and said word by word: "With all due respect, in fact, except for weapon spirits and talisman spirits, none of you are good at fighting people head-on."

"However, looking at the entire True Domain, no one dares to look down on you."

"Because what makes you stronger is not your ability to fight against others head-on, but the abilities you each possess."

"As far as I know, 70% of the elixirs, magic tools, talismans, formation stones, etc. that are needed for the cultivation of the eight great families, the slaves of the top three, and even Renzun all come from you."

"As for the eight aristocratic families, the location selection of their respective tribes and the formations they have set up to protect their tribes are basically guided by the formation spirits and divination spirits."

"You can definitely start in these aspects."

"If the heads of the eight great families are poisoned, and when fighting with us, the forbidden arts or magic weapons suddenly become unable to be used, and the clan territory is temporarily blocked, and no breath will be leaked out, then what you are saying will Problems are no longer problems, right?"

Ji Kongfan's words were much more obscure than his previous plan.

But everyone present was an old guy who had become a spirit, so they naturally understood what he meant.

This also made them all take a breath!

Tampering with the elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, and formations supplied to Renzun's men, although this approach is somewhat unsightly, it does have miraculous effects!

What's more, these five ancient spirits had just reached a cooperation agreement with Renzun not long ago.

At this time, Renzun had no doubts about them.

Renzun's subordinates will naturally not doubt that there will be any problems with the cultivation resources they sent.

Even if they had doubts and even carefully checked these cultivation resources, with the Ancient Spirit's attainments in refining medicine and weapons, they could not find any problems at all.

Unless the person inspects it personally.

But how much time does a dignified person have to check for his many subordinates to see if the elixirs they are taking are poisonous, and whether the magical instruments they purchased are defective!

Therefore, this method is absolutely feasible!

After being silent for a long time, the Ancient Artifact Spirit looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "How did you come up with these methods?"

Ji Kongfan smiled faintly and did not explain, but only Jiang Yun, who was sitting beside him, could understand.

The ancient spirits are aloof beings in the True Realm. With their identity and status, even if they were beaten to death, they would not think of such a shady method.

But Ji Kongfan is different!

Ji Kongfan, like Jiang Yun, can be regarded as climbing up from the lowest level of the world.

The pain and hardship they experienced was beyond the imagination of the ancient spirits.

Jiang Yun also has some rules of his own when it comes to his actions, such as trying not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just like just now, in order to repay Feng Beiling, he would rather let Wang Chuan go.

As for Ji Kongfan, if he has any rules, there is only one - for his own goals, do whatever it takes!

In addition, the Ancient Spirit and the Siren King are true realm creatures. They live under the pressure of the three gods all year round, which makes them have an instinct for the three gods in their hearts that even they themselves are not willing to admit. of fear.

Therefore, they could not think of these methods, but Ji Kongfan could think of them.

After another moment passed, the Siren King said, "Where is Ren Zun? How are you going to deal with Ren Zun?"

"If a man is immortal, even if we kill him and make him a lonely man, he will still be able to make a comeback."

"And if you want to kill Zun, these methods of yours will have no effect."

Human respect is what everyone has to deal with.

Ji Kongfan nodded and said: "Hunzun's strength is too strong, especially in the True Domain. He is almost an immortal existence."

"Therefore, after dealing with Ren Zun's forces, I need to find a way to introduce Ren Zun into a place outside the law."

"A place outside the law, not affected by his rules, so that he is no longer an immortal existence."

"But to be honest, I haven't thought of any good way to get Ren Zun out of the law."

It's not that Ji Kongfan didn't think of a way to get Renzun out of the law, but he didn't have time to think about it yet.

Even the plans he just mentioned were all thought up after he knew that Earth Lord was going to attack the Dream Realm.

And he still didn't say a word.

If his plan succeeds, even if the human being cannot be eliminated for the time being, it should at least have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, making the earth vigilant and give up the attack on the Dream Realm.

In the final analysis, all these plans stem from Ji Kongfan's selfish desire to protect Mengyu.

The five ancient spirits and the Siren King became the tools he used!

He is not afraid that these strong men will see through his true intentions.

Anyway, now everyone is in the same boat, and his status as the lawless master is enough to make these people dare not abandon the ship.

As Ji Kongfan's narration came to an end, everyone fell into deep thought.

Jiang Yun looked at everyone and suddenly said: "Maybe I have a way to deal with Renzun!"

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