Taoist world

Chapter 6330 Finally caught

There are nearly ten thousand sea monsters. Although their races and strengths are different, their most powerful magical powers are all related to the power of water!

And when these truly bizarre attacks fell on Haiyan, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the huge water surface of Haiyan.

The speed of the whirlpool is not very fast, far less than the crazy speed of the sea water when the tide just swallowed it.

However, this vortex enveloped all the magical powers released by the sea monster, making them condense and not disperse, and they all fell into a state of stillness.

Looking down from above, it's like the sea water has turned into a huge ice cube, instantly freezing all the sea monster's magical powers.

But the sea water has not really frozen, and is still slowly rotating.

This spectacular scene changed the expression of even Elder Hai, the true peak emperor!

Wangchuan was actually able to bring together the magical powers of other sea monsters intact.

Other sea monsters, including Qiu Laogui, Han Ruo and other true level emperors were even more stunned and couldn't understand how Wangchuan did it.

Only Elder Hai, after being shocked, immediately understood that the reason why Wangchuan was able to do this was not only because Wangchuan's body was water, but also related to the rules of water that Wangchuan had understood.

Elder Hai murmured to himself: "This is Wangchuan's regular technique, the sea embraces all rivers!"

And all rules have their own functions.

Even the same rule will have different effects.

Especially the rules of water, because of the diversity of water itself, it contains many different functions.

Obviously, the function of Wangchuan's water rules is to accommodate all rivers.

The different magical powers of water power are like tributaries, gathered together under the power of Wangchuan's rules, and become a vast sea.

Moreover, it is the sea before the storm.

It looks calm, but it contains monstrous power, just waiting to explode in an instant, like a storm coming.

It is not difficult to imagine that the power of this move to embrace all rivers is astonishing.

At least, if Elder Zai Hai thinks about it, Jiang Yun will definitely die in the face of this move!

And Jiang Yun was climbing rapidly towards the top of the sea eye.

He noticed earlier than Wangchuan that the tide seemed to have stopped.

Although the sea water under him was still rising, there was no strong suction coming out.

I don’t know if the tide really stopped, or if it was because of the countless giant trees standing in the water that stopped the tide.

However, the breath of life was always hidden in the sea water, so Jiang Yun did not dare to completely relax.

After a few breaths, Jiang Yun finally saw the end of the sea eye, and then he let out a long breath, feeling that he was finally safe.

However, before he could finish exhaling the long breath, a sense of danger suddenly surged in his heart.

This feeling does not come from the sea water below me, but from above!

Jiang Yun had to slow down and looked above, squinting his eyes slightly, and finally saw that the seemingly calm sea water was spinning at a slow speed, forming a huge whirlpool.

He even felt the powerful force contained in the whirlpool, as if a storm was brewing.

Once it breaks out, it is simply not something you can contend with.

This also made him understand immediately and said: "Are those sea monsters still waiting there, waiting to kill me?"

Jiang Yun naturally knew that if he did not die in the eye of the sea, Wangchuan and other sea monsters would definitely not give up.

"This time, could it be that the white-haired old man took action against me personally?"

Jiang Yun would never have thought that Wangchuan also had the art of rules that could bring together nearly ten thousand kinds of magic and magical powers, so the first thing he thought of was that the fake elder took action.

After staring deeply at the whirlpool above for a moment, Jiang Yun said word for word: "Siren, if I don't die, I will definitely make you pay the price for what happened today!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun turned around without hesitation and took the initiative to rush towards the bottom of Haiyan again.

Jiang Yun knew very well that the power contained in the vortex was extremely lethal to him.

If you use all the resources you can rely on, such as self-destructing all the magical weapons in the tomb refined by the ancient weapon spirit, it may be possible to break the vortex and offset the power within it.

But even if he broke through the whirlpool, he still had to face three true masters, one false master, and an unknown number of sea monsters, and he still couldn't escape his certain death.

If he still had formation stones on his body, he might still be able to escape.

But when he fell into the sea eye earlier, he had crushed all the formation stones and the jade slips.

This also means that the only person who can help him survive now is the master of the breath of life who has always followed him and hidden deep in the eyes of the sea.

If the mysterious man analyzes it correctly, swallows it himself, and understands the rules of water in the eyes of the sea that can override the true realm, then there will be a glimmer of hope.

After all, those waiting for him outside the Eye of the Sea are monks who are proficient in the power of water.

Therefore, even though he knew that diving into the depths of the sea eye would put his life in danger, Jiang Yun still decided to take a gamble.

Even if he really died among that unknown creature, it would be much better than dying in the hands of those sea monsters!

Behind Jiang Yun, the sea water kept rising.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly changed direction and retreated instead of advancing. Naturally, he was instantly submerged into the sea water below!

At this moment, Jiang Yun was keenly aware of a ripple flashing rapidly not far in front of him.

Obviously, this ripple is the owner of the breath of life.

And it never thought that Jiang Yun, who was clearly fleeing upwards, would suddenly rush in front of it.

Caught off guard, it was too late to escape.

And Jiang Yun didn't hesitate at all. He suddenly opened his mouth, used his devouring power again, and sucked in hard.

Jiang Yun clearly saw that all the seawater within a thousand feet did not enter his mouth, but the ripples rushed out in the opposite direction of the seawater at an extremely fast speed, and seemed to disappear again.

The other party can get rid of his own devouring power!


"Ding Canghai!"

Jiang Yun's combat experience was so rich that when he saw the opponent trying to escape, he immediately stopped time instinctively.

At the same time, he was also worried that time would not be able to stop the opponent, so the center of his eyebrows had already cracked, and a turbid yellow spring shot out.

Turn back time!

The two Taoist techniques of the power of time were performed by Jiang Yun at the same time.

Visible to the naked eye, an almost transparent force of time and a turbid yellow spring appeared in the clear sea water, chasing the ripples like cutting through the wind and waves.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun raised his hand again and slapped it hard in front of him.


Along with the huge roaring sound, the space with a radius of two thousand feet suddenly solidified!


Another huge protective palm emerged from behind Jiang Yun and grabbed the ripple from a distance.

In order to catch the opponent, Jiang Yun used the power of time, space and guardianship all at once!

And he himself also swayed and chased after him.

By this time, Jiang Yun was no longer afraid of the other party, only curious.

No matter what kind of existence the other party is, if he runs away when he sees him, then he has nothing to be afraid of.

Within two thousand feet, space solidified, time stood still, and big hands flew across the sky!

Jiang Yun also saw the ripples in his eyes again. He no longer wandered around, but stayed in place for a rare moment.

I don't know whether it was fixed by the power of time, or whether it had never encountered such a battle before and was so shocked that it forgot to move.

Jiang Yun didn't care about this. He grabbed his palm and his protective palm at the same time.

As his palms closed, Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a look of surprise on his face: "Caught it!"

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